Alan Pulido is living proof that the stars are in alignment for Pisces. The Mexican professional football striker made his debut with UANL in 2010 and has since had a storied career, going on to play for Levadiakos and Olympiacos before joining Guadalajara in 2016. Pulido’s international senior club debut came in 2014 with Mexico. Born on March 8, 1991 in Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, Pulido’s success is a testament to the hardworking nature of the Pisces sign.
What is Alan Pulido’s Personality Type?
Alan Pulido is a talented syncretist, able to see the link between heterogeneous and diverse elements which do not appear to be related in the least. He is also a fairly pleasant companion, although his sensitivity can be annoying at times. He usually demonstrates warmth and humanism, but can also lose himself in another person at times. He should take time to reflect upon the quality of what he bestows on others and on whom he bestows it.
Due to the influence of Gemini rising, Alan Pulido has an essentially intellectual personality. He has a curious mind which automatically collects, codifies, and analyzes knowledge. Lively and energetic, Alan is a talented speaker, but he tends to be rather opinionated and obtuse. This facet of his personality is liable to get him into trouble, and he would do well to weigh his words more carefully before he utter them. He is also dynamic, but somewhat capricious, so he rarely finishes a project. Likewise, he can find emotional involvement challenging. As time passes, Alan will be less scattered and learn to prioritize his values and motivations. He is best matched with Sagittarius partners; they are likely to help him channel his wide-ranging curiosity into more people-oriented values and pursuits.
Alan Pulido tended to place his emotions in the forefront. He was sensitive and sometimes vulnerable to influences from the outer world.
Alan Pulido needs others to fulfill himself and accomplish his ambitions.
Alan Pulido was born under the sign of Gemini (the Twins), in the sign of Pisces (the Fish), during the time the sun was passing through that sign. His personality profile was based on the clues mentioned above, including his need for contact and hypersensitivity, as well as his mental agitation and pliancy. He also has contradictions in his character, such as his idealism and dilettantism, and his communication and intuition. However, he will eventually find an opportunity to derive some reward from his faculties of adaptation and assimilation.
Born in the seven to ten days after the full moon rose, Alan Pulido is of the “last quarter” lunar type. As a result, his personality is fairly independent and self-sufficient. His ideas are original and often bold, but, to his dismay, do not often garner a majority of followers. His sense of humor is his best communications tool, but he often switches to a more severe tone which breaks his charm over his audience, and his methods do not always please the masses. His lack of flexibility hinders his strategies and projects, and he would gain by developing his sense of diplomacy and tact. Although he is not unduly attached to success, because he is so used to being ahead of his time, his failures take a psychological toll on him. Because each setback wears him down a little more, he should try to avoid further disappointments by conforming to contemporary reality a little more closely.
Who is Alan Pulido’s perfect match?
Alan Pulido feels this relationship could yield a high degree of psychological compatibility and powerful mutual attraction. The physical and psychological reality of your personality will exert a magnetic pull over the sensitivity, receptivity, tenderness, and other key qualities of your partner.
Alan Pulido’s moon is located at 21° SAGITTARIUS. His ideal match is a partner with the sun at 15/27° SAGITTARIUS or GEMINI.
Alan Pulido would be particularly well-matched to someone who mirrors his underlying psychic and unconscious aspirations. The secret ideal you cherish of the perfect partner would be aroused; it would harmonize beautifully with his ideal imaginary lover. This great psychic compatibility is the result of a harmonious relationship between the Moon of the masculine chart and the sun of the feminine one. It is propitious to a rich flow of energies between the most hidden and secret parts of both people. They are linked by an unconscious emotional bond.
Alan Pulido’s Venus is located at 17° Aries. His ideal match is a partner with Mars at 11/23° Aries or LIBRA.
Alan Pulido thinks this type of partner would be perfect for him emotionally and sentimentally. This person would reflect his ideal of sensuality to the greatest degree and would resonate lastingly with his psychic projections of his ideal. This positive relationship between the unconscious sexual yearnings of both partners would be likely to yield sensual relations of a tantalizingly mysterious and secret nature.
Alan Pulido is fiery, impetuous, and sometimes direct in the expression of his feelings. He is prone to love at first sight as well as great passion. He would be especially attracted by the same qualities of frankness and boldness in another. This type of partner would respect his independence while being devoted and affectionate.
Alan Pulido’s planet Mars is located at 17° GEMINI. His ideal match is a partner with Venus at 11/23° GEMINI or SAGITTARIUS.
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