American actor Alexis Denisof is best known for his roles in The Avengers, How I Met Your Mother, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Born on February 25, 1966, in Salisbury, Maryland, the Pisces was first cast in a minor role in the 1992 movie Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He went on to appear in How I Met Your Mother, Finding Carter, and The Avengers, which he reprised in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
What is Alexis Denisof’s Personality Type?
There is a fundamental contradiction or opposition at the core of your personality, but it does not shatter your integrity. However, it causes your inner world to be complex, divided, or even torn, without ever being totally dissociated, because every thought and action is a source of unification. As a result, intellectually you are a talented syncretist. You are able to see the link between heterogeneous and diverse elements which do not appear to be related in the least. You can bring about surprising reconciliation, create unexpected bonds, combine beliefs which seem mutually incompatible. Your imaginative powers also flow from the division in your psyche and are evidenced by inspirations, visions, and abilities which exceed the context of logic and reasoning. You allow yourself to be guided by irrational phenomena like foreshadowing or premonitions, which well up from the depths of your being. You are more of a medium than an intuitive, because intuition requires a clear consciousness of reality. You are borne along by currents and tides of knowledge and live in symbiosis with forces which overwhelm you. In fact, it is because of this relative passivity that you are more or less a medium, because you wish merely to perceive what surrounds you; you have no wish to impose your will. Although this attitude endows you with great potential for productivity, it may also become dangerous, if you find yourself overpowered by forces you can never totally control. You tend to perceive things as undifferentiated; you do not always see the world as an organized, structured, hierarchical entity. Instead, you are sensitive to energy flows, to invisible forces which you perceive and try to interpret. Your consciousness knows no bounds, and you do not feel confined by either space or time. But the image of the infinite imprinted on your imagination has a tendency to manifest itself with a lack of definition, in most of your thoughts and acts. In relation to other people, you usually demonstrate warmth and humanism. You are a fairly pleasant companion, although your sensitivity can be annoying at times. You tend to identify with your friends to a great degree, instead of remaining apart and empathetic. In fact, you are capable of losing yourself in another person at times. You should take time to reflect upon the quality of what you bestow on others and on whom you bestow it. You would doubtless come to the conclusion that your devotion is motivated by guilt feelings; your giving is a way of escaping from yourself, and your broad tolerance sometimes merely hides a weak character. Your basic aptitude for compassion could inspire
Due to the influence of Gemini rising, you are an essentially intellectual person, with a pliant and flexible personality. You have an avid and curious mind, which automatically collects and codifies knowledge. Although by nature you are dynamic and communicative, insecurities might inhibit this drive, and confine you to a somewhat remote approach to others. You are disciplined and serious. You feel most comfortable working by yourself on a project which demands analysis, persistence, and self-control. Time and maturity should bring you restored self-confidence, enabling you to feel healthier and more secure. You will be open to learning to relax and let go, to revive your submerged wit, whimsicality, and spontaneity. You are best matched with Sagittarius partners; their native optimism, good humor, and sense of perspective would be likely to teach you a great deal.
Alexis Denisof is sensitive and vulnerable to influences from the outer world.
Alexis Denisof needs others to fulfill himself and accomplish his ambitions.
At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Gemini (the Twins), while the sun was passing through the sign of Pisces (the Fish). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:
Need for contact – Hypersensitivity – Mental agitation – Pliancy – Frivolity – Humility and reserve – Dilettantism – Idealism – Communication – Intuition – Inner duality – Premonition.
The amount of inner opposition you are dealing with, involving emotional inclinations and intellectual ones, may make your behavior somewhat erratic and confusing. By working to overcome your hypersensitivity to outer influences, you will bolster your assertiveness and identity. As you reach maturity, however, you are certain to find an opportunity to derive some reward from your mental and social qualities. The faculties of adaptation and assimilation you possess will become increasingly rare among your peers – a great benefit to you.
Born three and a half to seven days after the rising of the new moon, Alexis Denisof is said to be a “soli-lunar” lunar type, indicating that she may need to make an effort to free herself from the past. Something related to her childhood, parents, or ancestors is holding her back, impairing her effectiveness and could stand to be overcome. Due to her past, Alexis Denisof refuses tried-and-true models, is always fighting to justify her innovative viewpoints, and tends to break away from tradition. She is hardly ever aware that she is making career and lifestyle choices which are based on an urge to modify her relationship to society, and the rigid standards and models from the past.
Who is Alexis Denisof’s perfect match?
Alexis Denisof is attracted to you.
Alexis Denisof’s moon is located at 4° TAURUS. His ideal match is a partner with the sun at 0/10° TAURUS or SCORPIO.
Alexis Denisof would be particularly well-matched to someone who mirrors his underlying psychic and unconscious aspirations. The secret ideal you cherish of the perfect partner would be aroused; it would harmonize beautifully with his ideal imaginary lover. This great psychic compatibility is the result of a harmonious relationship between the Moon of the masculine chart and the sun of the feminine one. It is propitious to a rich flow of energies between the most hidden and secret parts of both people. They are linked by an unconscious emotional bond.
Alexis Denisof’s Venus is located at 0° AQUARIUS. His ideal match is a partner with Mars at 0/10° AQUARIUS or LEO.
Alexis Denisof reads a love poem to his partner.
Alexis Denisof has a tendency to idealize love and his loved ones. He is enchanted more by his fantasy of love than by his actual partner. He seems quite free, even detached, and displays an open, unconventional attitude toward the meaning of love. In reality, he is fairly angelic and virtuous, and his rhetoric masks a certain fear of love and sexuality. This type of partner would be a perfect match. This person is original, if not eccentric, and approaches the question of love as an intellectual matter. They enjoy playing with fantasies and are endowed with a prolific imagination. While unpredictable, this person is still deeply loyal to the idea of a relationship founded on mutual friendship and respect.
Alexis Denisof’s Planet Mars is located at 20° PISCES. His ideal match is a partner with Venus at 14/26° PISCES or VIRGO.
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