Andrew Cheshire is an iconic blues guitarist and one of the most innovative of his generation. Born on June 21, 1962 in New York City, NY, Cheshire is a Gemini whose creativity and love of music is part of his astrological makeup. His 1998 album Relax, Keep The Tension is celebrated as one of the best blues records of the 1990s. Cheshire is known for his unique approach to the blues and continues to be an inspiration to the next generation of guitarists.
What is Andrew Cheshire’s Personality Type?
Andrew Cheshire is a person who is very focused on their thoughts and their mental imagery. They enjoy learning new things and getting to know different aspects of human nature. They are naturally gregarious and sociable, making friends quickly and easily. They are also sensitive, but their emotions and feelings are sometimes subject to the scrutiny and censorship of their intellect. They have a talent for improvisation and adaptation, but they can be unstable and wishy-washy when it comes to making decisions. They also have a lack of determination and coherence in their thoughts.
Due to the influence of Virgo rising, your personality is ruled by reason. Your intellectual functions tend to predominate over your emotional or sentimental impulses. Your mind is analytical and critical, naturally questioning and skeptical; you have great faith in rational positivism and strive to be pragmatic. You have a considerable potential for accomplishment. Although others generally appreciate your conscientious, scrupulous conduct, they might be critical of your meek behavior and tendency to overthink. Indeed, you are so meticulous that you often “cannot see the forest for the trees” and may fret and worry unnecessarily over tiny details. It will be up to you to overcome your tendency to suppress your feelings in order to build a more rewarding life for yourself.
Andrew Cheshire needs movement. He is a talented communicator.
Andrew Cheshire tends to live in an imaginary world; the distant and abstract sometimes interests him more than what is right at hand and realistic.
At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Virgo (the Virgin), while the sun was passing through the sign of Gemini (The Twins). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provides your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:
Modesty – Need for contact – Analytical thought – Mental agitation – Strict logic – Frivolity – Attention to detail – Dilettantism – Perfectionism – Immaturity – Anxiety and worry – Communication – Nervousness – Inner duality.
The need for movement in change is the chief characteristic of your quick and mercurial personality. You are endowed with intelligence and rapid understanding, capable of assimilating new information speedily and efficiently. But you tend to be somewhat unfocused and easily distracted. As you seek meaning and continuity for your life, you will be solving these problems. To progress toward self-improvement, you will have to develop your ability to concentrate, and learn to prevent outside influences from distracting you. Increased attention to method and organization will yield many benefits.
Andrew Cheshire was born between three and one-half and seven days after the rising of the full moon. This soli-lunar configuration gives him a shining personality which is apt to communicate and transmit ideas. Throughout his life, he will be attracted to the idea of acting as a spokesperson for a cause, idea, or person whose message seems essential to him. He will have to develop his powers of discernment, to determine which subjects or people are really worth his personal commitment.
Who is Andrew Cheshire’s perfect match?
Andrew Cheshire reads this text and is intrigued. He has always been interested in relationships and is looking for someone with whom he can have a powerful mutual attraction. The physical and psychological reality of his personality will exert a magnetic pull over the sensitivity, receptivity, tenderness, and other key qualities of his partner.
Andrew Cheshire’s moon is located at 15° AQUARIUS. His ideal match is a partner with the sun at 9/21° AQUARIUS or LEO.
Andrew Cheshire would be particularly well-matched to someone who mirrors his underlying psychic and unconscious aspirations. The secret ideal you cherish of the perfect partner would be aroused; it would harmonize beautifully with his ideal imaginary lover. This great psychic compatibility is the result of a harmonious relationship between the Moon of the masculine chart and the sun of the feminine one. It is propitious to a rich flow of energies between the most hidden and secret parts of both people. They are linked by an unconscious emotional bond.
Andrew Cheshire’s Venus is located at 5° Leo. His ideal match is a partner with Mars at 0/10° Leo or AQUARIUS.
This type of partner would complement you perfectly in emotional and sentimental terms. This person would reflect and fulfill your ideal of sensuality to the greatest degree. Moreover, your ideal partner would resonate lastingly with your own psychic projections of your ideal. This positive relationship between the unconscious sexual yearnings of both partners would be likely to yield sensual relations of a tantalizingly mysterious and secret nature.
Andrew Cheshire has lofty amorous ideals and only falls under the spell of brilliant, worldly, artistic types. He is especially proud and displeased by any sign of a lack of respect or loyalty. He would be especially wise to choose this type. This person is demonstrative, brilliant, warm, and generous. Although his type tends to be somewhat emphatic and dramatic, their frankness and righteousness make them irresistible to Andrew Cheshire.
Andrew Cheshire’s planet Mars is located at 17° TAURUS. His ideal match is a partner with Venus at 11/23° TAURUS or SCORPIO.
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