BadKid Bam is one of the members of the up-and-coming rap group, The Bad Kids. He’s also the creator of the YouTube channel Bam Gaming. Born in the United States on October 18, 2005, this Libra is making waves in the entertainment industry. From rap to comedy, Bam is sure to keep fans entertained for years to come.
What is BadKid Bam’s Personality Type?
BadKid Bam is an unusually intuitive person who is able to see the essence of people and situations. Because of this, they can be quite successful in social settings, but they can also be unreliable and untrustworthy. They attach great importance to other people’s opinions of them, and they enjoy love and appreciation. They also have a vital need for others, and they loathe solitude.
BadKid Bam has a dual, ambivalent nature, vagrant and capricious. It is natural for BadKid Bam to be simultaneously conventional and rebellious. BadKid Bam can happily submit to society and convention for a time, only to emerge committed to rugged individualism, or vice-versa. BadKid Bam’s inner attachment to an ideal of liberty and emancipation does not prevent BadKid Bam from adopting a sociable, pleasant attitude at social events. This dichotomy in BadKid Bam’s personality grants BadKid Bam such useful social skills as adaptability and poise, but inside, BadKid Bam faces a quest for his true identity and consciousness. BadKid Bam’s primary psychological task is to maintain the harmony reigning between the two entities dwelling within him. BadKid Bam must not limit himself to being either one or the other. BadKid Bam will achieve true psychic and existential stability by personifying a blend of these two behavioral tendencies. When BadKid Bam is comfortable with his individuality, BadKid Bam can radiate optimism and energy; flexible and elastic, BadKid Bam will delight in any change or unpredictability, without losing sight of his long-term purposes. Eminently social, BadKid Bam will express his true nature by becoming deeply involved with groups and taking on duties and responsibilities as a member. BadKid Bam will enjoy his ability to infuse them with his idealistic enthusiasm and visions for the future. BadKid Bam’s special gifts for dealing with energy make him apt to occupy a position of great social responsibility.
BadKid Bam thrives on relating to other people. He cannot live without love!
BadKid Bam needs others to fulfill themselves and accomplish their ambitions.
You were born under the sign of Sagittarius (the Archer), which is a sign associated with qualities such as impulsiveness, sociability, and enthusiasm. You have a strong sense of group spirit, and are very adaptable – you are able to easily fit into new situations and make friends. You are also very emotional, and can be impressionable, which can lead to you making mistakes. You have a deep analytical mind, and are able to see the world from a complex perspective. However, you also have a peaceful disposition, and are able to balance your worldly concerns with your sense of harmony. You are also very projective, and are often drawn to worldly things.
BadKid Bam was born on the third day after the full moon rose. Because the moon is opposite the sun at the time of the full moon, BadKid Bam has an objective, rational character and a more idealistic penchant. However, because the forces pull BadKid Bam in two different directions – one toward dreams, the other toward reality – he may be aware of some inner contradictions which are causing practical and social difficulties for him. At times, BadKid Bam is too demanding of himself or others, comparing them to an ideal, whereas at others, he is too nonchalant and indulgent about life. BadKid Bam vacillates between two poles. One is elitist; the other is more earthy and perhaps vulgar at times. The result is a multifaceted self. Generally speaking, BadKid Bam’s monthly energy flow is strongest at the time of the full moon. BadKid Bam would be wise to schedule intensive work phases at that time, as well as ambitious and demanding projects.
Who is BadKid Bam’s perfect match?
This relationship could yield a high degree of psychological compatibility and powerful mutual attraction. The physical and psychological reality of BadKid Bam’s personality will exert a magnetic pull over the sensitivity, receptivity, tenderness, and other key qualities of his partner.
BadKid Bam’s moon is located at 10° TAURUS. His ideal match is a partner with the sun at 4/16° TAURUS or SCORPIO.
BadKid Bam would be particularly well-matched to someone who mirrors his underlying psychic and unconscious aspirations. The secret ideal you cherish of the perfect partner would be aroused; it would harmonize beautifully with his ideal imaginary lover. This great psychic compatibility is the result of a harmonious relationship between the Moon of the masculine chart and the sun of the feminine one. It is propitious to a rich flow of energies between the most hidden and secret parts of both people. They are linked by an unconscious emotional bond.
BadKid Bam’s Venus is located at 11° SAGITTARIUS. His ideal match is a partner with Mars at 5/17° SAGITTARIUS or GEMINI.
BadKid Bam thinks that this type of partner would be perfect for him in emotional and sentimental terms. This person would reflect and fulfill his ideal of sensuality to the greatest degree. Moreover, his ideal partner would resonate lastingly with his own psychic projections of his ideal. This positive relationship between the unconscious sexual yearnings of both partners would be likely to yield sensual relations of a tantalizingly mysterious and secret nature.
BadKid Bam is idealistic in their romantic aspirations. They have high standards. As a result, they will not settle down immediately. However, once they find the partner of their dreams, they are loyal, frank, and generous with themselves. They would be especially likely to choose this type of mate. They are also frank and direct and have strong idealistic aspirations and a marked taste for intellectual speculation and philosophy. Their firm sense of ethics does not rule out pleasure or fun. Fit and athletic, they will also enjoy the social whirl and will have high social ambitions.
BadKid Bam’s planet Mars is located at 21° TAURUS. His ideal match is a partner with Venus at 15/27° TAURUS or SCORPIO.
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