Benji Krol Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Benji Krol

Birth sign

Benji Krol is a social media personality best known for his hilarious TikTok videos. With over 30 million fans on the platform, he is one of the most popular creators around. His videos often feature popular songs and memes, which his fans can’t get enough of.

In addition to his TikTok success, Benji is also popular on Instagram, where he has over 1.9 million followers. His account, @benjikrol, is filled with funny videos and photos that his fans love.

Born on December 14, 2000, in Brazil, Benji is a Sagittarius. This zodiac sign is known for being optimistic, enthusiastic, and adventurous, which definitely comes through in his videos. There’s no doubt that Benji is here to stay – and we can’t wait to see what he does next!

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