Born on July 12, 1937 under the zodiac sign of Cancer, Bill Cosby is a beloved stand-up comedian and television star. Hailing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cosby achieved stardom with his own sitcom, The Cosby Show, which aired from 1984 to 1992. Following the success of that, he created the animated comedy series Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids. He is known for his creative, inspiring and hilarious shows that have been enjoyed by viewers all over the world.
What is Bill Cosby’s Personality Type?
Bill Cosby is a person who possesses a potential for great maturation and wisdom. He is relatively slow-moving and may feel protected from the outer world by an armor of education, family surroundings (his most cherished environment), and social status. For this reason, he tends to limit the scope of his activities to a single well-defined sphere, and, within the boundaries he has established, release the entire spectrum of his rich and varied emotional expression. Sometimes he may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of situations which will introduce him to unfamiliar factors and elements; he sees them as intrusions. Before he judges an event, a person, or a thing, he attempts to absorb it into his private universe. Of a fairly subjective and introverted turn of mind, he defines everything in terms of the sensation it arouses in him as his consciousness embraces it. This predominance of sensation gives his extreme sensory finesse. His perceptions are intense, keen, penetrating right to the heart of people and things. His imagination, which is a function of his perceptions, is also lively, colorful, and prolific. Because he is sometimes self-centered, attentive to and protective of his inner self, he may tend to withdraw into his shell when he encounters aggression from the outer world. As a result, he may sometimes become distant and secretive. His tendency to be rather short-tempered and easily offended, a classic flaw, is also the consequence of his need for protection and security. Despite his sensitivity, and his ability to be genuinely virtuous, he is not always gentle. His outbreaks of hostility are all the more wounding because of their rarity. However, more than aggressiveness, his stubbornness, slow insistence, and undying determination are the extremes which may complicate his life. Once again, the family setting is vitally important to him. His attachment to his family in general and his mother or a mother figure, in particular, is deep. The way he resolves (or has resolved) the transition to adulthood and independence will be crucial to his well-being, both in terms of his inner harmony (the sensation and sensitivity which comprise his identity) and in terms of his romantic relationships.
Bill Cosby needs movement. He is a talented communicator.
Bill Cosby tends to live in an imaginary world; the distant and abstract sometimes interests him more than what is right at hand and realistic.
Bill Cosby was born under the sign of Cancer, in the house of the Scales. His rising sign was located in Libra, the sign of the scales, which indicated his balanced and sociable personality. His various clues mentioned above show that he is sensitive, adaptable, imaginative, and peaceable. He also has a eccentric personality which can cause tension, due to his tendency to be obstinate and worldy. His premonitions give him a sense of awareness and understanding that is unusual for someone of his age and position.
Bill Cosby was born on the crescent moon three and a half to seven days after the rise of the new moon. As a soli-lunar configuration, this indicates that he may need to make an effort to free himself from the past. Something related to his childhood, parents, or ancestors is holding him back, impairing his effectiveness and could stand to be overcome. Due to his past, Cosby refuses tried-and-true models, is always fighting to justify his innovative viewpoints, and tends to break away from tradition. He is hardly ever aware that he is making career and lifestyle choices which are based on an urge to modify his relationship to society, and the rigid standards and models from the past.
Who is Bill Cosby’s perfect match?
Bill Cosby, you are a very compatible person with a lot of psychological appeal. Your personality will have a strong magnetic pull over the qualities of your partner.
Bill Cosby’s moon is located at 18° VIRGO. His ideal match is a partner with the sun at 12/24° VIRGO or PISCES.
Bill Cosby would be particularly well-matched to someone who mirrors his underlying psychic and unconscious aspirations. The secret ideal you cherish of the perfect partner would be aroused; it would harmonize beautifully with his ideal imaginary lover. This great psychic compatibility is the result of a harmonious relationship between the Moon of the masculine chart and the sun of the feminine one. It is propitious to a rich flow of energies between the most hidden and secret parts of both people. They are linked by an unconscious emotional bond.
Bill Cosby’s Venus is located at 4° GEMINI. His ideal match is a partner with Mars at 0/10° GEMINI or SAGITTARIUS.
Bill Cosby would enjoy a partner that compliments him emotionally and sentimentally. This partner would reflect and fulfill his ideal of sensuality to the greatest degree. Moreover, this partner would resonate lastingly with Bill Cosby’s psychic projections of his ideal. This positive relationship between the unconscious sexual yearnings of both partners would be likely to yield sensual relations of a tantalizingly mysterious and secret nature.
Bill Cosby, because you have a taste for the game of seduction, may go from conquest to conquest, until you finally become dissatisfied with your love life and make a more definitive choice. In this case, you would be wise to choose this type of person. Brilliant, witty, and amusing, they will sparkle with the excitement you need. Their unpredictability and secret vulnerability will delight you. The intellectual exchange and communication between you two will be rich and fulfilling.
Bill Cosby’s Planet Mars is located at 21° SCORPIO. His ideal match is a partner with Venus at 15/27° SCORPIO or TAURUS.
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