Blaine Danzig is the Aries pup behind the Danzig Bros. Instagram account, which he shares with his brother Bart. Born in Los Angeles, CA on April 14, 2010, Blaine has found fame as a Brussels Griffon, delighting fans with his adorable and infectious personality.
What is Blaine Danzig’s Personality Type?
You are an eternally impassioned individual who is driven by your urges and impulses. Your determination invents the action necessary to fulfill your desires, and your vigor is only an outer armor. Because you are immune to calculation, second thoughts, and cunning, you have no fear. You are the type of hero whose courageous deeds are difficult to distinguish from acts of bravado or of sheer foolhardiness. Your top priority is to take action, immediately. Delay is torture to you. You are in a hurry to live, to take your urges and impulses to their ultimate conclusion, even though your lack of forethought may actually make your goal take longer to accomplish. You rarely evaluate obstacles objectively: instead, you dash into the fray, bristling with determination, oblivious to the size or scope of the difficulties. You ride home triumphantly, whether you have battered your head against a brick wall or met no resistance whatsoever. But you have a true hero’s courage and vitality. You are undaunted by challenges and real danger, to the surprise of outside observers. Like everyone, you sometimes experience failure. But you rarely despair or become overly discouraged by it; it never overcomes your. You don’t see it as a tragedy; you just figure you missed that time, but next time, you won’t. In fact, you’ll muster even more strength and power for the next attack, since you are convinced you can succeed. You sometimes have problems finishing something you have started. Once the glamour of the initial urge and enthusiasm is dulled, you lose some of your potency and find yourself faced with a sluggish material reality which does not always inspire you. It is important for you to tackle short-term tasks only. Of course, you will have recognized all of the above qualities as being the stuff of which great leaders are made. Sharing your enthusiasm and drive, and delegating the follow-up tasks to more patient assistants, you can accomplish amazing things. Stirred by all the stimuli of the outside world, this animal is indifferent to nothing. As a result, your emotionalism can sometimes trouble or destabilize you. Moreover, you are eternally impassioned. And since passion is by definition uncontrollable, once it is kindled it is either consumed or consuming. The fire will either fuel you and drive you along or sputter in frustration. You should be aware of your penchant for excess. If you are subject to a negative passion, you can be irritable and heedless to everything except your
Blaine Danzig is dynamic. He needs to attract admiration and release his excess energy.
Blaine Danzig needs others to fulfill himself and accomplish his ambitions.
At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Cancer (the Crab), while the sun was passing through the sign of Aries (the Ram). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:
Sensitivity – Individualism – Imagination – Vitality and passion – Eccentricity – Pugnacity – Savings and thrift – Impatience – Impetuosity – Obstinacy – Enterprise – Premonition – Innovation.
Born in the three days after the rising of the new moon, you have a subjective character, somewhat impulsive and sometimes emotive. Generally, you don’t see the world in objective terms; instead, you base your attitude on the feelings various situations arouse inside you. Likewise, in human relationships, you tend to project your imaginary reality onto others instead of seeing them for what they are. As a result, your judgements and reasoning are sometimes deprived of perspective. You may want to make an effort to refrain from overinterpreting other people’s actions, because, being the product of your imagination in most cases, your interpretations are mistaken. If you apply yourself to listening more openly, people may reveal their deeper motivations. You’ll be happier and more effective as a result.
Who is Blaine Danzig’s perfect match?
This relationship could yield a high degree of psychological compatibility and powerful mutual attraction. The physical and psychological reality of your personality will exert a powerful magnetic pull over the sensitivity, receptivity, tenderness, and other key qualities of your partner.
Blaine Danzig’s moon is located at 27° Aries. His ideal match is a partner with the sun at 20/30° Aries or Libra.
Blaine Danzig would be particularly well-matched to someone who mirrors his underlying psychic and unconscious aspirations. The secret ideal you cherish of the perfect partner would be aroused; it would harmonize beautifully with his ideal imaginary lover. This great psychic compatibility is the result of a harmonious relationship between the Moon of the masculine chart and the sun of the feminine one. It is propitious to a rich flow of energies between the most hidden and secret parts of both people. They are linked by an unconscious emotional bond.
Blaine Danzig’s Venus is located at 17° TAURUS. His ideal match is a partner with Mars at 11/23° TAURUS or SCORPIO.
This type of partner would complement you perfectly in emotional and sentimental terms. This person would reflect and fulfill your ideal of sensuality to the greatest degree. Moreover, your ideal partner would resonate lastingly with your own psychic projections of your ideal. This positive relationship between the unconscious sexual yearnings of both partners would be likely to yield sensual relations of a tantalizingly mysterious and secret nature.
Blaine Danzig looks at the person across from him, admiring their sensual features. He feels a deep desire for them, and knows that he would be completely captivated by them. He would enjoy playing the submissive role with them, and would appreciate the same things in life that they do. They would make a perfect partner, and he is intrigued to find out more about them.
Blaine Danzig’s planet Mars is located at 6° Leo. His ideal match is a partner with Venus at 0/12° Leo or AQUARIUS.
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