Caleb Finn Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Caleb Finn

Birth sign

Caleb Finn is a TikTok star who has earned more than 15 million fans on the app with his creatively-edited lip syncs, most of which are up-close shots of himself.

Born on December 9, 1994, in Australia, Caleb is a Sagittarius. He is known for his creative and fun-loving nature, which comes through in his videos.

Caleb’s videos have earned him a huge following on TikTok, and he shows no signs of slowing down. His creative approach to lip syncing and editing has made him one of the most popular stars on the platform.

Whether he’s lip syncing to a popular song or editing together a hilarious skit, Caleb always brings the fun. His fans can’t get enough of his unique style and sense of humor.

Caleb is quickly becoming one of the biggest names on TikTok, and we can’t wait to see what he does next.

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