jarredjermaine Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart


Birth sign

Jarred Jermaine is a TikTok sensation, music producer and DJ known for coining the music genre RnBass. His TikTok account has gained over 2.8 million followers and more than 102 million likes.

Jarred was born on March 21, 1987 in California. He is an Aries, and his astrological chart shows that he is a natural born leader. He is ambitious and always striving to be the best.

Jarred’s passion for music began at a young age. He started producing music in his early teens and quickly gained a following online. In 2019, he released his debut album “The Other Side” which topped the charts in several countries.

Jarred is a true Aries, and his determination and drive have helped him achieve success in his career. He is an innovator in the music industry and always has his finger on the pulse of what’s new and trending.

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