Lisandro Martínez is a professional center-back who was signed by the Ajax Football Club in May 2019. He has also made appearances as a member of the Argentinian men’s national team.
Martínez was born on January 18, 1998 in Argentina. He is a Capricorn.
Martínez began his professional career with the Ajax Football Club in May 2019. He has made appearances for the Argentinian men’s national team.
What is Lisandro Martínez’s Personality Type?
You are an introverted thinker who is fascinated by the spiritual. You are drawn to ideologies, structures, and theories that reflect important and lively realities. As a result, you have a penchant for reflection and philosophical study. You are inquisitive and determined, and your stamina and endurance give you the ability to tackle difficult tasks. However, you must be careful not to over-commit yourself, because time is on your side. When you take an initiative, you do so with care and deliberation. Your great composure and ability to resist and overcome obstacles are also assets.
Lisandro Martínez wants to wield power and enjoy social prestige. He feels quite at home in the modern world others find frightening.
The rising sign of Lisandro Martínez is located in Aries and the sun is passing through the sign of Capricorn at the time of your birth. A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may create tension: Individualism – Guile – Vitality and passion – Need for security – Pugnacity – Inhibition – Impatience – Studiousness – Impetuosity – Methodical nature – Enterprise – Foresight – Innovation – Loyalty.
Lisandro Martinez was born on the night of a full moon between three and one-half and seven days after the rising of the moon. He is said to be a “shining moon” type, which gives him a shining personality that is apt to communicate and transmit ideas. Throughout his life, Lisandro will be attracted to the idea of acting as a spokesperson for a cause, idea, or person whose message seems essential to him. He will have to develop his powers of discernment, to determine which subjects or people are really worth his personal commitment.
Who is Lisandro Martínez’s perfect match?
This relationship could yield a high degree of psychological compatibility and powerful mutual attraction. The physical and psychological reality of your personality will exert a powerful magnetic pull over the sensitivity, receptivity, tenderness, and other key qualities of your partner.
Lisandro Martínez’s moon is located at 4° Libra. His ideal match is a partner with the sun at 0/10° Libra or ARIES.
Lisandro Martínez would be particularly well-matched to someone who mirrors his underlying psychic and unconscious aspirations. The secret ideal you cherish of the perfect partner would be aroused; it would harmonize beautifully with your ideal imaginary lover. This great psychic compatibility is the result of a harmonious relationship between the Moon of the masculine chart and the sun of the feminine one. It is propitious to a rich flow of energies between the most hidden and secret parts of both people. They are linked by an unconscious emotional bond.
Lisandro Martínez’s Venus is located at 24° Capricorn. His ideal match is a partner with Mars at 18/30° Capricorn or CANCER.
Lisandro Martinez would be a perfect partner for someone looking for emotional and sentimental fulfillment. He would reflect your ideal of sensuality to the greatest degree and would resonate lastingly with your own psychic projections of your ideal. This positive relationship between the unconscious sexual yearnings of both partners would be likely to yield sensual relations of a tantalizingly mysterious and secret nature.
You have a deep sensitivity, and you try to protect yourself by adopting a somewhat reserved and distant attitude. Cautious and a bit wary about committing yourself to an amorous relationship, you cannot relax your inhibitions unless you feel completely safe. Once you’re in love, you are both passionate and cold, demanding and devoted, possessive but reasonable. You do not readily express your affections in public and may have a fairly practical, down-to-earth attitude toward the relationship. You would be well-matched with such a partner who is serious and in control of themselves. Because this person, too, is wary of being disappointed, they will not engage in an intimate relationship without clear knowledge that their budding feelings are reciprocated. However, once they make their mind up, they will be extremely faithful, affectionate, and tender.
Lisandro Martínez’s planet Mars is located at 24° AQUARIUS. His ideal match is a partner with Venus at 18/30° AQUARIUS or LEO.
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