Milos Guzel Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Milos Guzel

Birth sign

Milos Guzel is a rising star on the social media platform TikTok. Born in Bratislava, Slovakia on July 30, 2003, Guzel first rose to fame by posting a series of flirty videos on his account, milos.guzel. He has since amassed a following of more than 5 million TikTok users, who tune in regularly to see his latest content.

Guzel is a Leo, and his astrological sign is often evident in his personality. He is confident and charismatic, and his TikTok videos reflect his outgoing nature. His fans can’t get enough of his positive energy and charming persona.

There’s no doubt that Milos Guzel is a rising star to watch. With his combination of good looks, natural charisma, and creative talent, he is sure to continue winning over fans around the world.

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