Tommy Unold Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Tommy Unold

Birth sign

Tommy Unold is a content creator on TikTok who became known for his funny public interview question videos. He has also posted multiple gaming clips from Twitch onto his TikTok, one of which included Anna Shumate in November 2021.

Tommy was born on June 1, 2001 in California. He is a Gemini.

Tommy’s videos on TikTok have gained him a following of over 2.5 million people. He is known for his funny and relatable content.

In November 2021, Tommy posted a gaming clip on TikTok featuring Anna Shumate. The clip went viral, and Anna has since become one of Tommy’s good friends.

Tommy is a content creator who is loved by many for his relatable and funny videos. He is a Gemini who was born on June 1, 2001 in California.

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