YouTuber UnspeakableGaming was born on December 5, 1997 in Houston, Texas. He has found online fame through his Minecraft and challenge videos, which he posts to his three channels: Unspeakable, UnspeakableGaming, and UnspeakablePlays. His leading account, Unspeakable, has more than 13 million subscribers.
What is UnspeakableGaming’s Personality Type?
UnspeakableGaming has a dual nature. Two tendencies dwell within UnspeakableGaming’s psyche: one is related to UnspeakableGaming’s instincts and endows UnspeakableGaming with supreme strength and intense material desires, and the other flows from a higher psychic authority, the superego or human ideal, and inspires UnspeakableGaming with a precise awareness of UnspeakableGaming’s purpose and dignity as a human being among UnspeakableGaming’s fellows. The distinctiveness, if not the opposition, between these two tendencies is likely to trouble UnspeakableGaming’s quest for inner harmony at times.
However, the difficulty UnspeakableGaming must overcome is not limited to a conflict between these two natures. Instead, UnspeakableGaming must choose which direction the energy generated by the contradiction will take. In other words, in more practical terms, if UnspeakableGaming identifies with the power residing in society and the complex interactions of human beings, UnspeakableGaming can find one goal, one direction in which the power can lead. The positive side of this nature is the cohesive and all-encompassing understanding UnspeakableGaming derives from it. In daily life, UnspeakableGaming could be a resourceful and valuable organizer, designer, leader, or legislator. In fact, UnspeakableGaming has the native skills necessary for managing and leading a team of co-workers. The coherence of UnspeakableGaming’s thought is apt to enable UnspeakableGaming to budget and organize human energies for maximum profit and minimum loss. Overlooking from the outset trivial details and a tendency to be unable to see the forest for the trees, UnspeakableGaming can implement global, methodical systems and structures to solve problems.
On another level, UnspeakableGaming has a nature profoundly attached to morality and ethics. UnspeakableGaming conceives of ethics as a practical system for human relations, not an idealistic and unattainable dream. Indeed, it should be noted that it is inexact to call UnspeakableGaming an idealist. If UnspeakableGaming seeks an ideal, it is based on what already exists, by organizing it and putting it into practice, by seeing it operate smoothly and efficiently. UnspeakableGaming’s originality comes from the fact that UnspeakableGaming always strives to go beyond common sense in search of a new perspective, which would enrich the spirit and transform values.
All of these skills and resources predispose UnspeakableGaming to devote UnspeakableGaming’s self to society. In the process, however, UnspeakableGaming is likely to overdo it to such a degree that UnspeakableGaming’s own personality is overshadowed. That is, UnspeakableGaming would identify too heavily with UnspeakableGaming’s social mask (UnspeakableGaming’s persona) and lose awareness of UnspeakableGaming’s individuality.
UnspeakableGaming wants to wield power and enjoy social prestige. They feel quite at home in the modern world others find frightening.
UnspeakableGaming’s psychological, metaphysical, or occult interests are signs of its need to transform or change itself, which might arouse some apprehension in it.
At the time of their birth, their rising sign was located in Cancer (the Crab), while the sun was passing through the sign of Sagittarius (the Archer). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide their personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of their character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:
Sensitivity – Impetuosity – Imagination – Enthusiasm – Eccentricity – Group spirit – Savings and thrift – Impressionability – Suspicion – Analytical mind – Obstinacy – Worldliness – Premonition – Projection.
Torn by their yearnings for freedom and independence and their undeniable need for security, they will have to work hard in the early part of their life to find inner harmony. Although they are attracted to novelty, like exotic travel destinations and exploration, they are aware that some inner necessity links them to a small circle of interests and friends. They may reproach themselves for their egotism.
Because they are subject to the pull of these contradictory desires, their daily behavior could alternate between boundless enthusiasm and anxiety. However, their imaginative talents could enable them to experience fantastic adventures without leaving the comfort of their own home, and here lies the fulfillment of their aspirations.
As an adult, they will probably find the feeling of security and confidence whose lack troubled them earlier in life. At that point, their considerable human qualities will blossom. Their free spirit will be open to the intuitive messages arriving from their unconscious, and their amazingly fertile imagination will become a source of pleasure and creativity.
Born three and a half to seven days after the rising of the new moon, UnspeakableGaming is said to be a “crescent moon” lunar type. This “soli-lunar” configuration indicates that UnspeakableGaming may need to make an effort to free themselves from the past. Something related to UnspeakableGaming’s childhood, parents, or ancestors is holding them back, impairing their effectiveness and could stand to be overcome.
Due to UnspeakableGaming’s past, they refuse tried-and-true models, are always fighting to justify their innovative viewpoints, and tend to break away from tradition. They are hardly ever aware that they are making career and lifestyle choices which are based on an urge to modify their relationship to society, and the rigid standards and models from the past.
Who is UnspeakableGaming’s perfect match?
UnspeakableGaming’s sun is located at 13° SAGITTARIUS. UnspeakableGaming’s drive for psycho-sexual fulfillment would best be aroused by a person whose Moon is at 7/19° SAGITTARIUS or GEMINI.
This relationship could yield a high degree of psychological compatibility and powerful mutual attraction. The physical and psychological reality of UnspeakableGaming’s personality will exert a magnetic pull over the sensitivity, receptivity, tenderness, and other key qualities of their partner.
UnspeakableGaming’s moon is located at 28° AQUARIUS. UnspeakableGaming’s ideal match is a partner with the sun at 20/30° AQUARIUS or LEO.
UnspeakableGaming would be particularly well-matched to someone who mirrors their underlying psychic and unconscious aspirations. The secret ideal they cherish of the perfect partner would be aroused; it would harmonize beautifully with their ideal imaginary lover. This great psychic compatibility is the result of a harmonious relationship between the Moon of the masculine chart and the sun of the feminine one. It is propitious to a rich flow of energies between the most hidden and secret parts of both people. They are linked by an unconscious emotional bond.
UnspeakableGaming’s Venus is located at 26° CAPRICORN. UnspeakableGaming’s ideal match is a partner with Mars at 20/30° CAPRICORN or CANCER.
This type of partner would complement UnspeakableGaming perfectly in emotional and sentimental terms. This person would reflect and fulfill UnspeakableGaming’s ideal of sensuality to the greatest degree. Moreover, UnspeakableGaming’s ideal partner would resonate lastingly with their own psychic projections of their ideal. This positive relationship between the unconscious sexual yearnings of both partners would be likely to yield sensual relations of a tantalizingly mysterious and secret nature.
UnspeakableGaming has a raw sensitivity, and tries to protect themselves by adopting a somewhat reserved and distant attitude. Cautious and a bit wary about committing to an amorous relationship, they cannot relax their inhibitions unless they feel completely safe. Once they’re in love, they are both passionate and cold, demanding and devoted, possessive but reasonable. They do not readily express their affections in public and may have a fairly practical, down-to-earth attitude toward the relationship. They would be well-matched with such a partner who is serious and in control of themselves. Because this person, too, is wary of being disappointed, they will not engage in an intimate relationship without clear knowledge that their budding feelings are reciprocated. However, once they make their mind up, they will be extremely faithful, affectionate, and tender.
UnspeakableGaming’s Planet Mars is located at 20° CAPRICORN. UnspeakableGaming’s ideal match is a partner with Venus at 14/26° CAPRICORN or CANCER.
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