Vó da Pomba Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Vó da Pomba

Birth sign

Vó da Pomba, a Brazilian TikTok star famous for her comedy videos, was born on September 13, 1929, in Brazil. Many of her videos are about being an elderly woman, and her account has gained 2.3 million followers and 13 million likes.

As a Virgo, Vó da Pomba is known for her practicality, her dedication to her work, and her analytical mind. She is always striving to improve herself and her work, and she is always looking for new ways to make her videos even funnier and more entertaining.

Vó da Pomba is a beloved figure on TikTok, and her videos have brought laughter and joy to millions of people all over the world. She is a true Virgo in every sense of the word, and her fans love her for it.

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