What does 8Ball’s psychology tell us about them?

8Ball searches for stability; it wants to find a firm, unchanging structure for its life. But its efforts to achieve this ideal are often vain, because unconsciously, it is also inhabited by the opposite desire. Every time it reaches what it believes to be a good balance, it realizes it wants something entirely different. 8Ball would do well to become aware that the concepts of stability and balance are difficult to apply to life. By definition, life is movement, change, and perpetual instability.

You have a father complex, and as a result, some trouble finding your identity. Perhaps your father or a father figure was absent physically or emotionally during your childhood, which deprived you of the patterns or models which are usually helpful in structuring a personality. Because you might have lacked a particular sense of security which could be provided by a paternal presence, as well as the examples of behavior to follow in confronting the difficulties inherent in every life, you were forced to protect yourself against negative influences and find your own system in order to grow and feel secure. Although this system was quite useful to you as a child, it has now settled in to such a degree that it interferes with your evolution. Psychological defense mechanisms and crutches which were once useful now encumber your mind or inhibit your developmental efforts. As a result, in certain situations, it is difficult for you to assert yourself, and you tend to remain an awkward or passive observer. Because your authoritarian urges are mainly directed at yourself rather than others, you sometimes feel guilty about your behavior. You judge yourself severely, and sometimes punishes yourself by setting difficult tasks for yourself. Gradually, you should build up a strong inner discipline and acquire the strength to face the problems of existence in a detached and mature way.

8Ball is fairly strong-willed, and is mindful of going about their purposes with maximum efficiency. When 8Ball relates to other people, 8Ball sometimes has trouble expressing their emotions, but 8Ball does have a lively sensitivity and is capable of lasting passion. As 8Ball grows older, 8Ball is quite likely to come into their own and acquire great intellectual and spiritual wisdom. 8Ball’s honesty, integrity, and sense of duty will win 8Ball recognition and appreciation. Passing time will be a very important factor in 8Ball’s destiny, and 8Ball’s greatest accomplishments will guarantee 8Ball stability and prosperity. Although 8Ball is not especially enterprising, 8Ball will move into a high career position as soon as 8Ball feels sure of their abilities.

8Ball is a free thinker and individualist who is convinced that their most precious basic values are freedom and independence. They have thrown off what they perceive as the burden of the convention and customs of their social class and adopted an innovative lifestyle. Their passionate convictions, bordering on proselytism, sometimes trouble their relationships, as they may be an uncompromising partner. They should learn to recognize their own limitations and accept the responsibilities they have to other people or they are liable to find themselves continually embroiled in conflicting relationships.

8Ball is winning and attractive. He has an appetite for intense emotional experiences, especially in terms of his relationships. Enjoying the power of his personal appeal, he easily controls his emotions and only rarely reveals the true depth of his feelings. Because his instincts take precedence over his sensitivity, he is capable of becoming jealous, possessive, and even rather harsh, without meaning to. More of a flirt than a voluptuary, he is attentive to desire. As a result, his love life will sometimes be casual and complicated.

In matters of the heart, 8Ball is fairly shy, reserved, and discreet. Even in intimacy, he remains modest and does not always readily express his feelings. He is sensitive and giving, wishing to be of service to those he loves. He would do well to trust that he deserves to be made as happy as he makes his partner.

8Ball’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is expressed in a direct and fairly impulsive way. He enjoys reaching out to other people and making discoveries. An eternal teenager with his gaze riveted on the future, he is imbued with an eminently subjective and personal idealism.

8Ball exudes a fairly equivocal mixture of charm and passion, strength and gentleness. You wield your wiles of sensual fascination and kindness with the purpose of controlling the other in addition to being loved. You are subject to intense and sometimes tragic passions, in which ecstasy and pain, jealousy and tenderness mingle inextricably. However, it is possible that as time goes on, you may succeed in overcoming your instincts and be able to devote yourself to the mate you have chosen in a positive and creative way.

8Ball is hesitant and timid when it comes to affairs of the heart, and you don’t know which partner to choose or when you should settle down. Particularly drawn to people who are too attractive or too sophisticated and who are not really suited to you, you are likely to be disappointed. But if you do marry one of these people, you will be completely devoted to them and will stand by them come what may.

8Ball may be characterized by strong sensual and affectionate urges which drive it to seek pleasure. Its need for romantic fulfillment may compel it to marry, because it also seeks the legal and social legitimacy the institution of marriage confers on an emotional bond. Indeed, the household is liable to be prosperous and even opulent, as if this offered further evidence that it had indeed achieved success. However, privately, it might be less committed to certain obligations and duties.

8Ball, you are a romantic who has an imaginative mind that can soar with dreams and poetry. You are emotive and hypersensitive, making you especially vulnerable emotionally. Although you seek an ideal soulmate, you are sometimes met with disillusionment. Because your rather excessive sensitivity and your need to merge with the other are deep and powerful enough, they can submerge your judgment and discernment, so you sometimes form extremely intense bonds too quickly with individuals who are not appropriate partners in many ways. When you meet someone, you fall under the enchantment of your dream of ideal love and cannot keep yourself from delighting in a reverie of future romance, placing the other on a pedestal. Early on in the relationship, you yield to another of your characteristic urges and lose yourself in the individual who is so dear to you, melding with them, only to awaken one morning and find yourself as if in the arms of a stranger, greatly astounded and disappointed. Actually, your psyche is constructed in such a way as to make your sensitivity a function of the environment, in many cases; it follows the flow of momentary emotions and impressions. Before you take on any major commitments, you should make a conscious effort to evaluate the relationship realistically, and see whether the person really reciprocates your intense love, for you may merely be in love with the mirage of an ideal partner. Your tendency to believe in your illusions may mark you as an easy prey for people with bad intentions. It would be a good idea for you to find a different object for your affections, or a form of sublimation, because you tend to be so disappointed by your great emotional investments.

8Ball has a shrewd, inquisitorial mind. As a result, he always tries to detect the hidden mechanisms and processes behind the phenomena he observes. This way of thinking is based on a certain logic, and there is evidence of structure and cohesion in his deductive approach. However, it is not always purely intellectual. Indeed, its sources lie in a certain empiricism, in facts which have been experienced. This makes it open to improvement. For this reason, its fields of application are highly diverse, although research in the hard sciences, psychology, and metaphysics seem to be the best career choices.

8Ball tries to shun subjectivity and be as objective as possible. His thoughts are usually structured, and his reasoning, based on objective facts or experience, usually relates to practical goals.

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