What does Alyssa Carswell’s psychology tell us about them?

Alyssa Carswell is a serious, steadfast individual who tries to stay grounded. Her ambitions are strong, and she will always be seeking a higher social position. Sometimes she adopts a strategy of solitude and introversion.

Alyssa Carswell:

At the moment of your birth, the two celestial “lights” (the sun and the moon) were symmetrically aligned. This is a sign of harmony between the masculine and feminine archetypes, which is extremely beneficial. It is the source of balance and understanding between the two main psychological realms which may be said to compose the personality. You thus enjoy a positive complementarity and understanding between the conscious and unconscious aspects of your psyche, between your determination and your routines, between your drive for self-assertion and your receptivity, your ideal and your sensitivity. Your parents almost certainly reflected a positive image of the marriage relationship to you, and it is likely that they encouraged you to develop your own individuality. As a result, you were and are able to be comfortable with yourself as you are instead of striving to attain your parents’ ideal. This has definitely contributed to the maintenance of a good relationship with them and the rest of the family. In your emotional relationships with your peers, one of the effects of the masculine/feminine harmony is that the images your ego projects on the other are especially constructive. The bonds of the relationship are not felt to be constraints, the energy which flows between the two people is a source of mutual happiness, not regret. No major personal conflicts are projected onto the “other” – that is, the significant other.

Alyssa Carswell regards freedom and independence as primary values. She expends a great deal of energy in order to ensure that her private life expresses them. To avoid being tied down, she tends to be skittish when it comes to any profound involvement in a relationship. As a consequence, she might intellectualize her emotions and feelings and feel as though she can live more easily on friendship than on love. Extremely socially-minded but idealistic, she almost certainly feels an affinity with the ideals of some social reform movement. Her imagination looks to the future.

Alyssa Carswell maintains strong ties with her past, and it often seems difficult for her to open her heart to new people. Her love affairs might exist on the surface level, because her lust and sensual desire rarely turn into a need to understand, protect, and care for the other. Moreover, it is difficult for her to meet partners who combine the ideals of the tender parent and the great lover.

Alyssa Carswell hides a fear of emotional commitment behind a façade of fairly engaging idealism and a nearly palpable spirit of brotherhood and friendship. The truth is, she prefers to observe life from afar rather than come down and dirty her hands in it. However, this fearful and distant attitude will not necessarily enable her to know and love herself better.

Alyssa Carswell’s sensitivity and emotions are sometimes in conflict with her instincts. This inner discord makes her a fairly complicated relationship partner, and her behavior sometimes strikes others as mysterious or baffling. She is liable to switch from one attitude to the opposite. Sexuality is an important part of her life, and her relationships are most often motivated by her desires. Nevertheless, due to her unconscious inner battle, she does not often succeed in reconciling and fulfilling her emotional and sexual needs. Due to the strength of her instincts, passion may overwhelm her and drag her into situations she cannot always control, which intermingle erotic ecstasy and anguish, guilt, and aggressiveness.

Alyssa Carswell’s attractions are usually immediate and intense. They rise quickly to fever pitch. The story of these passions is often dramatic to excess, combining all the plot elements of a classic love tragedy: jealousy, possessiveness, agony as an erotic stimulant, etc.

Alyssa Carswell’s birth chart indicates that she has an emotional function which is expressed in a direct and fairly impulsive way. She enjoys reaching out to other people and making discoveries. An eternal teenager with her gaze riveted on the future, she is imbued with an eminently subjective and personal idealism.

Alyssa Carswell lives in the moment and sometimes ahead of her time. Her original, warm personality charms people but sometimes baffles them. She is independent, preferring open marriage to the more conventional type, unless the latter allows for great mutual freedom. Her loves and passions always arise under extraordinary circumstances. She is more attracted by exception than by love itself.

Alyssa Carswell exudes sexuality. She enjoys urging a partner to fulfill her desires. Because she is somewhat awkward and jealous, her love life could be somewhat complicated. It is likely to be a series of arguments and reconciliation. She’ll do well to avoid the temptation to fall for challenging partners.

Alyssa Carswell may be characterized by strong sensual and affectionate urges which drive her to seek pleasure. Her need for romantic fulfillment may compel her to marry, because she also seeks the legal and social legitimacy the institution of marriage confers on an emotional bond. Indeed, the household is liable to be prosperous and even opulent, as if this offered further evidence that she had indeed achieved success. However, privately, she might be less committed to certain obligations and duties. At worst, she might deny the commitments that her optimism and expansiveness made her rush into too soon. If this were to be the case, the outward image of the couple’s success (wealth and comfort, etc.) would only be a façade which compensated for its emotional impoverishment and failure. Sooner or later, this hypocrisy might provoke a full-blown conflict. A second possibility is that a psychic incompatibility may gradually take root, pitting her romantic nature against the prerogatives of her career.

Alyssa Carswell is attracted to wide open spaces and distant horizons; as a scholar, she feels an affinity for higher studies such as philosophy or law. However, foreign languages or contacts abroad might also interest her.

Alyssa Carswell tries to shun subjectivity and be as objective as possible. Her thoughts are usually structured, and her reasoning, based on objective facts or experience, usually relates to practical goals.

Alyssa Carswell has a few admirable qualities, but she also has some flaws that can lead to trouble. For example, she is often quick to make judgments, which can lead to problems in her relationships. Additionally, her understanding of social realities and prevailing opinion can sometimes be inaccurate. Additionally, she tends to overestimate her abilities, which can lead her to take on projects that are too difficult. Moreover, she is sometimes dishonest in her dealings with others, breaking promises and trying to avoid responsibility. If she continues to behave in this way, it may lead to problems in her relationships.

Alyssa Carswell has a structured mind and penetrating intelligence. However, her thought processes tend to be somewhat plodding due to a failure or humiliation during her formative years. She is fairly inhibited and pessimistic and tends to doubt in herself and her intellectual skills, despite her undeniable gifts as a thinker. She should become aware that her thought patterns and habits are the sign that she is on the brink of a really big breakthrough which will give her an understanding of the complexity of things and phenomena. However, it will take time and effort. Her mind is deep and accurate and is attracted by the essence of things and their fundamental structure. As a result, she is particularly suited to the study of mathematics, architecture, engineering, or perhaps even politics. Her contribution to society will probably be most lasting and effective in the field of knowledge and expertise. Whatever career she chooses, she should learn to work alone, because she tends to be uncomfortable in some surroundings. She will also have to learn to conquer her impatience, because she tends to waste time agonizing over deadlines and schedules. Furthermore, a lack of self-confidence could cause her to be fairly conventional and respectful of time-honored ways. Instead, she should find the courage to question her convictions.

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