What does Anand Ahuja’s psychology tell us about them?

Anand Ahuja senses that he has instincts which may be dangerous, and he tries to restrain and control them. As a result, he may adopt a fairly ascetic lifestyle. His attitude, which denies the vital importance of the most archaic and darkest forces within him, is not entirely innocuous. If he hopes for a more harmonious development, he will do well to realize that instincts can be tamed; they do not react positively to being trampled.

Anand Ahuja, you may be subject to mood swings, going from phases of frenzy combined with a feeling of omnipotence and exaltation to phases of apathy and inertia. During your “highs,” your behavior is vigorous and dynamic, but it is also likely to be somewhat excessive. These periods tend to be interspersed with “lows,” phases of sluggishness and inhibition, which compensate for your immense need to assert yourself as an individual. How can you find a way out of this vicious cycle which uses up so much of your energy? You would have to understand that the source of your attitudes and behavior is an unconscious desire for power. We suggest that you meditate upon power, skills, mastery, challenge, desire, and need, your brothers (or brother substitutes, such as friends, cousins, or classmates) – who are key figures – and your adversaries. This should enlighten you. Of course, once you have a clear awareness of your career ambitions and profound desires, you are sure to have plenty of energy to accomplish them.

Anand Ahuja does not always feel in tune with society’s rules and conventions. The mask of sociability most well-adapted people wear is difficult for Anand Ahuja to assume, and it is hard for Anand Ahuja to act out the roles expected of him as a normal member of the community. The usual social values and rewards, like money, respect, and prestige, only mildly interest Anand Ahuja. His refusal or inability to play the social game may make it hard for him to find a job, which may have negative consequences on his financial and legal status. Reluctant and unwilling to adapt to the demands of social life, Anand Ahuja sometimes unwittingly makes mistakes when a new project is in the planning stages. For example, he may leave gaps in a job application, botch up an interview with a prospective employer, or make a big mistake when bidding for a contract. But his financial difficulties may clear up when his emotional ones do.

Anand Ahuja enjoys sharing and has a constant need for contact with other people. He tends to be free and uninhibited in his relations with other people, rarely allowing himself to be influenced by convention or prevailing opinion; he associates with whomever he pleases. This attitude makes his life refreshing and exciting, and he is never bored. In career terms, he is quite gifted for any field related to communication, where his intellectual singularity and lively wit would make him an amazing hit. He would also be likely to succeed in any activity where the work required a multidisciplinary approach: teaching, advertising, politics, etc.

Anand Ahuja is a person with an inalienable awareness of the void and the vanity of existence. Sometimes disoriented and deconstructed by an unknowable, unconscious force, Anand Ahuja often ignores or disparages the superficial pleasures and pains of daily life, preferring to dive into the depths of human experience as deeply as his intellectual, emotional, and spiritual capacities permit. Grappling with his “fundamental nature,” with the deepest and most primitive part of himself, Anand Ahuja sometimes aghast at the discovery of the sheer power of the life instinct and feels an imperious need to cope with it. This special consciousness Anand Ahuja has been endowed with is somewhat beyond the bounds of conventional schools of human understanding and thought and may be a source of identity problems for him at the outset. It is not easy for Anand Ahuja to recognize himself in any social or narcissistic models or identify with any existing roles or attitudes, so he sometimes finds himself forced to construct and assert his own identity on a basis which may impress others with its intensity, if not its eccentricity.

Anand Ahuja usually maintains a cool and detached demeanor, suppressing his feelings and sensitivities in order to avoid situations where he might be forced to express them. This inhibition is related to a feeling of not having been loved enough. In many cases, this detriment to his love life results in him plunging all of his energy into his career. He seeks social recognition through his career accomplishments.

Anand Ahuja enjoys captivating people with the elegance and ease of his expression. He is a witty and engaging flirt, an avid player of the game of love. As a result, the history of his affections is liable to be episodic, a long series of chapters about conquests or fleeting love affairs. He may carry on some love relationships by writing letters.

Anand Ahuja’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is expressed in a direct and fairly impulsive way. He enjoys reaching out to other people and making discoveries. An eternal teenager with his gaze riveted on the future, he is imbued with an eminently subjective and personal idealism.

Although you have a remarkable sense of organization and taste for work, as well as undeniable human qualities, you doubt your capacity for emotional happiness. A deeper glimpse of your soul reveals that you hide a great sensitivity behind your ambition and tend to repress your feelings. To you, they seem to be a treacherous terrain which is best avoided. You will have to understand that one cannot neglect an entire aspect of one’s personality without paying a heavy psychological toll. No matter how hard you try to compensate for your emotional frustrations with a brilliant career, you must know that you cannot make up for a lack of self-love and acceptance.

Anand Ahuja desires social status and is attracted to anyone who could help him to achieve it. He would be happy with a person who moves in influential circles. He would become their muse and in time a devoted partner.

Anand Ahuja has a romantic imagination, soaring with idealism, dreams, and poetry. He is emotive and hypersensitive, making him especially vulnerable emotionally, since he is sometimes overwhelmed by his feelings and affects. Although he seeks an ideal soulmate, a partner with whom he could maintain blissful, smooth relations, he is sometimes met with disillusionment. Because his rather excessive sensitivity and his need to merge with the other are deep and powerful enough, they can submerge his judgment and discernment, so he sometimes forms extremely intense bonds too quickly with individuals who are not appropriate partners in many ways. When he meets someone, he falls under the enchantment of his dream of ideal love and cannot keep himself from delighting in a reverie of future romance, placing the other on a pedestal. Early on in the relationship, he yields to another of his characteristic urges and loses himself in the individual who is so dear to him, melding with them, only to awaken one morning and find himself as if in the arms of a stranger, greatly astounded and disappointed. Actually, his psyche is constructed in such a way as to make his sensitivity a function of the environment, in many cases; it follows the flow of momentary emotions and impressions. Before he takes on any major commitments, he should make a conscious effort to evaluate the relationship realistically, and see whether the person really reciprocates his intense love, for he may merely be in love with the mirage of an ideal partner. His tendency to believe in his illusions may mark him as an easy prey for people with bad intentions. It would be a good idea for him to find a different object for his affections, or a form of sublimation, because he tends to be so disappointed by his great emotional investments. The delicacy and subtlety of his imagination procure artistic refinement for him, and he loves the arts, music, and literature, which could all be good sources of emotional involvement and fulfillment. Because his sensitivity also makes it easy for him to empathize with the psychological or social difficulties his peers are struggling with, he might also find it rewarding to commit himself to social work.

Anand Ahuja is a complex individual, full of contradictions. Because he sometimes feels vulnerable emotionally, Anand tries to control not only his own feelings and urges, but may also strive to manipulate those of his partners. He aspire to a profound and enduring spiritual unity, but at the same time, the idea of abandoning oneself and yielding to the other terrifies him. This anguish may be a source of rather extreme behavior patterns and a somewhat self-focused attitude which could damage the relationship. Because Anand is guarded and somewhat secretive, he tends to be suspicious and is especially uneasy about spontaneous intimacy, although he is fascinated by sexuality. Within the privacy of the couple, Anand will not express his feelings unless he is subject to some tension. Life may be peppered with frequent crises and feuds, arguments and spats which usually act as erotic provocation. This derivation of eroticism from anxiety tends to be one of the fundamental characteristics of Anand’s emotional and sexual functioning. As a result, he is likely to be attracted by stormy and complicated relationships.

Anand Ahuja is powerfully ruled by his determination and vital needs. His intellectual abilities come to the forefront when his purpose is to communicate his ideal and plot his action or strategy. He can be both logical and astute and have gifts for theorizing but may sometimes lack perspective.

Anand Ahuja does not express his thoughts and ideas smoothly or easily. He tends to be subjective, seeking to know himself better through a process of introversion.

Anand Ahuja has a sharp mind and quick wit, but he often gets lost in thought and finds it difficult to connect with others. He’s introverted, preferring to focus on himself, and he often feels misunderstood. He finds it difficult to express the complexity of his inner perceptions.

Anand Ahuja has a charisma and speaking ability that make him a natural social connector. However, when competing or dealing with hostile people, he may find himself at a loss. In writing, acting, or any other form of artistic expression, he has a natural talent for communicating ideas and emotions.

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