What does Anastacia’s psychology tell us about them?

Anastacia practices restraining her emotions; she tries to control her impulses and stay in control. Although it is not an easy apprenticeship, she wants to be able to bear strain with patience, endurance, and stamina. More than anyone else, she is aware of the need for a solid and stable foundation as a prerequisite to any effective action.

Anastacia has a paternal complex and, as a result, some trouble finding her identity. Perhaps her father or a father figure was absent physically or emotionally during her childhood, which deprived her of the patterns or models which are usually helpful in structuring a personality. Because she might have lacked a particular sense of security which could be provided by a paternal presence, as well as the examples of behavior to follow in confronting the difficulties inherent in every life, she was forced to protect herself against negative influences and find her own system in order to grow and feel secure. Although this system was quite useful to her as a child, it has now settled in to such a degree that it interferes with her evolution. Psychological defense mechanisms and crutches which were once useful now encumber her mind or inhibit her developmental efforts. As a result, in certain situations, it is difficult for her to assert herself, and she tends to remain an awkward or passive observer. Because her authoritarian urges are mainly directed at herself rather than others, she sometimes feels guilty about her behavior. She judges herself severely, and sometimes punishes herself by setting difficult tasks for herself. Gradually, she should build up a strong inner discipline and acquire the strength to face the problems of existence in a detached and mature way.

At the moment of your birth, the two celestial “lights” were symmetrically aligned. This is a portent of harmony between the masculine and feminine archetypes which is extremely beneficial. It is the source of balance and understanding between the two main psychological realms which may be said to compose the personality. You thus enjoy a positive complementarity and understanding between the conscious and unconscious aspects of your psyche, between your determination and your routines, between your drive for self-assertion and your receptivity, your ideal and your sensitivity. Your parents almost certainly reflected a positive image of the marriage relationship to you, and it is likely that they encouraged you to develop your own individuality. As a result, you were and are able to be comfortable with yourself as you are instead of striving to attain your parents’ ideal. This has definitely contributed to the maintenance of a good relationship with them and the rest of the family. In your emotional relationships with your peers, one of the effects of the masculine/feminine harmony is that the images your ego projects on the other are especially constructive. The bonds of the relationship are not felt to be constraints, the energy which flows between the two people is a source of mutual happiness, not regret. No major personal conflicts are projected onto the “other” – that is, the significant other.

Anastacia has a taste for luxury and magnificence, for a dazzling social life and a distinguished career. When things are going well for her, she tends to think of herself as the center of the universe, an attitude which those close to her do not always appreciate. Although she is quite likely to succeed in her ambition to become wealthy and popular and lead a remarkable life in the outer world, her lack of moderation and overweening self-confidence exposes her to some danger. Her exaggerated optimism could create difficulties by causing her to make errors in judgment.

You are sober and rather reserved and may even strike people as harsh and austere at times. Perhaps you were raised in an atmosphere of rigor and sobriety, and, as a result, grew up very fast. You have acquired a spirit of self-sufficiency, tend to be rather uncompromising, and have a touchy sense of your personal dignity and worth. It is almost as though you were fighting an inner battle with your father or a father figure. The psychological models you received from your father or a father figure as a result of your interaction and your own interaction with authority may not have played a major role in shaping your relationships with the outer world and society. You may thus have been forced to compensate for this with individual determination. As a result, although you are skillful, meticulous, conscientious, and efficient, a lack of self-confidence and personal assurance sometimes makes you timid and hesitant. You sometimes feel as though you are only masquerading as a respectable, sober adult. You tend to be far too critical of yourself and rarely feel satisfied that you are living up to your ideal. These unnecessary guilt feelings may lead you to turn down the prominent career positions for which you are fully qualified. You are aware that early success is often short-lived and fragile and that time rewards those who know how to be patient and persistent, like you.

Anastacia struggles withsecurities that cause her to crave order in her life and to prefer to do things according to a predetermined plan. Unfortunately, because her logic and vision tend to be somewhat short-sighted, it requires a great effort for her to adapt to a situation. She is rigid, might struggle to make friends easily, and is sometimes wary of relations with those she is most attracted to. She is a gifted worrywart.

Anastacia is a free thinker and individualist who is convinced that her most precious basic values are freedom and independence. She has thrown off what she perceis

Anastacia has a profound and fertile inner life and a prolific imagination, but her energy resources are not always sufficient to follow through on and accomplish her multitude of dreams. She tends to live in osmosis with her environment, and effort and action take a heavy toll on her. Usually, she understands phenomena and events intuitively, without really making any effort; so she is not in the habit of disciplining or shaping her thought processes. Like her thoughts, her personality is rather amorphous and disorganized. As a result of this lack of structure, she may have some trouble asserting her individuality and making some personal contribution to society through her career. Her tendency to shut out reality and dream impossible dreams, like her refusal of responsibility and duty, may be a source of some difficulty for her.

Anastacia’s complex and sometimes rather extremist personality is rooted in an instinctual drive which dwarfs mere rationalism. She finds the dark side of existence alluring and is attracted to mystery and the occult. Delightedly, she immerse herself in the depths of human experience, stretching her intellectual, emotional, and spiritual resources to their maximum.

Anastacia is gentle and kind-hearted. She is deeply human and very social. Her mother or a mother-figure had a strong influence on her psyche, and her childhood was an important time in her life. She still identifies with vivid childhood memories; they are the basis for her reveries, for her extreme sensitivity, and for habits which she may be slow to break. However, she will thrive in the shelter of a family setting, soothed by the presence of a spouse and children. She is fond of security and routine; being somewhat impressionable and anxious, she may have trouble adjusting to situations which are unfamiliar.

Anastacia’s intellect is lively, agile, and sensitive. However, she does not always avail herself of it and may be confused or irrational in some situations. Although she enjoys playing with words, ideas, and concepts, her thought sometimes lacks discipline and structure. She is fairly preoccupied with details and may tend to waste her nervous and mental energy in futile verbal outpourings. Moreover, her feelings sometimes blur her objective vision of phenomena and people, which may cause her to make errors in judgment.

Anastacia maintains strong ties with her past, and it often seems difficult for her to open her heart to new people. Her love affairs might exist on the surface level, because her lust and sensual desire rarely turn into a need to understand, protect, and care for the other. Moreover, it is difficult for her to meet partners who combine the ideals of the tender parent and the great lover.

Although your demeanor is cool and distant, you are extremely sensitive. In some cases, your rather austere and rigid behavior and refusal to yield too readily to sentimentality discourage others from being too demonstrative of their tenderness and affection. You have spells of melancholy in which you do not feel worthy of being loved and tend to forbid yourself any emotional fulfillment. Your sensitivity may be related to a difficult childhood experience. It is difficult for your inner self to be detached from this past life, and you sometimes have trouble reconciling the image you have of yourself as an adult with the one you acquired back then. The idea you have of yourself as an individual is related to the image your parents projected onto you as a child. Nevertheless, the past is history, and you are now an adult. It should be easy for you to rid yourself of these phantoms through self-work. You have the ability to overcome your mistakes, as well as great endurance and will power to achieve your goals. Nevertheless, you must not repress your sensitivity in order to succeed.

Anastacia struggles to muster the energy to face unfamiliar situations. She is more or less passive and has a strong urge to take refuge in the past.

Anastacia is an individualist who quickly develops an original and independent identity. Her first taste of liberty may have led her to challenge the education and values she received from her family and class tradition, and she was able to forge a strong, original personality and philosophy. Her relationships are usually free of conflict, because she is able to reconcile her need for independence with her desire for affection. However, her partners should be open and lively people, able to keep pace with her in her rapid evolution. Her wit and brisk interest in the future make her particularly successful in communications-related careers, like journalism, film, TV, radio, and advertising. Although she is an individualist, she has a powerful desire to contribute to the evolution of society and better its development.

Anastacia has trouble distinguishing dreams from reality. Although her imagination can be an abundant source of inspiration for creative or spiritual evolution, she tends to be less helpful and positive in matters that concern earning a decent living out in the real world. In a relationship, Anastacia is extremely romantic and does not always see others the way they really are. She has elegant tastes and art and beauty are one of her chief pleasures in life.

Anastacia tries to express her affections in the most graceful and harmonious way possible. Indeed, she has an innate sense of harmony and strives for a love relationship characterized by balance and perfection. She tends to idealize both her partner and the institution of marriage. Any disillusionment she encounters in the pursuit of her ideal may be experienced as a frustration. She does not always ply her powers of seduction skillfully.

Anastacia’s birth chart indicates that she usually expresses her emotions carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of her emotional urges and somewhat wary of her feelings, she tries to rid herself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Anastacia watched as the cord was cut and she felt a surge of relief wash over her. She had been worried about the pain she would feel, but it was nothing compared to the fear and anxiety she had felt before the operation. She was glad that her parents were there to support her, and she looked forward to the future she would create with her new husband. Anastacia was a dedicated and selfless helpmate, and she was excited to start a family and discover the hidden side of her personality in her new home.

Anastacia is very lucky in love and cannot live without her following of admirers, preferably people of power and influence. Prestige will play an important role in her relationship. A wonderful host, a busy and successful social or society life is essential to her well-being.

You are hypersensitive and tend to relive the anxieties, apprehensions, and romantic absolutes of your first love relationships, which occurred around the ages of 13-14 years or 20-21 years. You are exquisitely sensitive, but almost completely barricaded behind a layer of aloofness. You will not settle for anything less than eternal commitment, total harmony, and absolute loyalty. You are sometimes presumed to be cold, even by those close to her. You usually hide your emotional reactions or do not even allow them to reach the level of your consciousness, in an effort to protect your sensitivity, which you see as your weak point. You are fairly vulnerable, even in the intimacy of a stable and established relationship. Usually, you will disguise your strong feelings as a kind of possessiveness or even jealousy. Certain misfortunes may arouse a negative emotional state inside you, and you feel unworthy of the love which is lavished on you. This psychological prohibition which rules over all of your desires and affects should loosen with the passage of time; likewise, your fear of approaching the other will diminish. As a result, the second part of your romantic life will be more rewarding. In any case, if you want to experience a harmonious love relationship and gratify yourself emotionally, the defense mechanisms you have elaborated to make yourself inaccessible to others will have to be dismantled. Any profound relationship will also require that you learn how to forget yourself occasionally in the other.

Anastacia has mental aptitudes that make her good at comparing, evaluating, and weighing information. This intellectual modus operandi has enabled her to develop an innate sense of values, both artistic and ethical, as well as a remarkable ability to relate to other people. Her appreciative, conciliatory attitude makes her a skillful diplomat able to untangle conflict situations deftly and with ease. In other situations, her artistic spirit is sensitive to a wide variety of harmonies.

Anastacia tries to shun subjectivity and be as objective as possible. Her thoughts are usually structured, and her reasoning, based on objective facts or experience, usually relates to practical goals.

In relations with other people, your behavior is usually kind and benevolent. You exert a certain charm, know how to speak persuasively and convincingly, and are adept at smoothing the asperities of what you have to say when it is necessary. This aspect of your personality is a great advantage to you socially; however, in situations where you must either compete or deal with direct conflict and hostility, you may be somewhat at a loss for how to behave. You have an undeniable gift for oratory which could be applied to a communications-related occupation or to artistic expression (as a stage or screen actor). Writing and dance, two other arts which associate expression and movement, might also be fields in which you would excel.

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