What does Anllela Sagra’s psychology tell us about them?

Anllela Sagra is fairly individualistic. Although she sometimes mingles with groups for their competitive atmosphere, she will rarely join in them wholeheartedly, preferring to work on her own projects independently. A lack of confidence in herself may sometimes create challenges in relationships. Her lack of self-esteem may also sometimes inhibit the full expression of her generosity and love.

At the moment of your birth, the two celestial “lights” (the sun and the moon) were symmetrically aligned. This is a portent of harmony between the masculine and feminine archetypes which is extremely beneficial. It is the source of balance and understanding between the two main psychological realms which may be said to compose the personality. You thus enjoy a positive complementarity and understanding between the conscious and unconscious aspects of your psyche, between your determination and your routines, between your drive for self-assertion and your receptivity, your ideal and your sensitivity. Your parents almost certainly reflected a positive image of the marriage relationship to you, and it is likely that they encouraged you to develop your own individuality. As a result, you were and are able to be comfortable with yourself as you are instead of striving to attain your parents’ ideal. This has definitely contributed to the maintenance of a good relationship with them and the rest of the family. In your emotional relationships with your peers, one of the effects of the masculine/feminine harmony is that the images your ego projects on the other are especially constructive. The bonds of the relationship are not felt to be constraints, the energy which flows between the two people is a source of mutual happiness, not regret. No major personal conflicts are projected onto the “other” – that is, the significant other.

You are a free thinker and individualist who is convinced that your most precious basic values are freedom and independence. You have thrown off what you perceive as the burden of the convention and customs of your social class and adopted an innovative lifestyle. Your passionate convictions, bordering on proselytism, sometimes trouble your relationships, as you may be an uncompromising partner. You would do well to learn to recognize your own limitations and accept the responsibilities you have to other people, or you are liable to find yourself continually embroiled in conflicting relationships. The roots of your somewhat extreme behavior probably lie in your relationship with your father or your teachers in childhood and adolescence. For one reason or another, you may have rejected the paternal image or refused to identify with your father, in the same way as you now refuse to adopt any values related to convention, tradition, or widespread usage. In every important life decision you make as an adult, you are forced to rely on yourself to elaborate the appropriate behavior, and the limits you must impose on your desires in relation to reality and the law.

Anllela Sagra is a very sensitive person who lives in a constant state of osmosis with her surroundings. Her individuality seems to be diluted in a flood of sensations and impressions which constantly wash over her, and she sometimes finds it difficult to communicate her feelings to other people. This tide of emotion is a source of inspiration and intuition, but Anllela Sagra’s fluid inner structure and organization sometimes make it difficult for her to grasp the essence of her dreams and share them with other people. Anllela Sagra is not at all combative, and this tendency often hinders her efforts to fit into society and assert herself productively. She is likely to prefer fantasy to reality, but her refusal to abandon her unattainable dreams is a psychological trap she has fallen into without realizing it. Anllela Sagra must understand that by running away from her obligations and commitments, she only increases the feelings of guilt which made reality so distasteful in the first place. Once she free herself from this pernicious process, she has a great deal of potential for fulfilling herself in the outer world, either by devoting herself to some sort of social work or by cultivating her considerable artistic talents.

Anllela Sagra is curious and enjoys learning new things. She is always on the move and seeks out new contacts in order to broaden her knowledge. She is intelligent and has a wide variety of interests, but can be impulsive and careless with her thinking.

Anllela Sagra maintains strong ties with her past, and it often seems difficult for her to open her heart to new people. Her love affairs might exist on the surface level, because her lust and sensual desire rarely turn into a need to understand, protect, and care for the other. Moreover, it is difficult for her to meet partners who combine the ideals of the tender parent and the great lover.

Anllela Sagra is a cheerful, expansive, pleasant associate to have. She is extremely generous (sometimes to a fault!) and gives of herself and her belongings unstintingly. This positive psychological outlook is the result of a happy childhood and especially an extremely beneficial maternal influence in infancy. She is quite likely to be a professional success; her vision of the world is perfectly adapted to prevailing opinion, and her urges and desires for personal expansion usually elicit a positive reaction from society. By old age, her good reputation and prominence may have earned her fame.

Anllela Sagra hides her sensitivity behind a cool exterior, preferring to keep to herself. She is conservative and respectful of tradition and convention, and likes to follow the rules. Because she needs stability to alleviate her feelings of frustration and sometimes emotional dependency, she has great faith in contracts which seal relationships. Her ties to her past are fairly strong. They are a source of reassurance and safety, because her parents likely gave her a lot.

Anllela Sagra has a sensitive personality that often leads to emotional outbursts and destructive behavior. This is due to her fear of being dependent on others, which was exacerbated by the negative relationship she had with her mother. As a result, she often reacts impulsively and excessively in order to avoid being taken advantage of. Additionally, her sensitivity often leads to her denying her feelings, which can cause her to act out in a destructive way.

Anllela Sagra often has trouble distinguishing dreams from reality. Although her bubbling imagination provides an abundant source of inspiration for creative or spiritual evolution, it tends to be less helpful and positive in matters that concern her self-assertion as responsible and self-sufficient. In a relationship, she is extremely romantic and does not always see others the way they really are.

Anllela Sagra is fairly shy when it comes to matters of the heart. She is reserved and discreet in her intimate moments, preferring to remain modest and give her feelings less exposure. She is sensitive and giving, wishing to be of service to those she loves. She deserves to be made as happy as she makes her partner.

Anllela Sagra’s birth chart indicates that she has an emotional function which is expressed in a direct and fairly impulsive way. She enjoys reaching out to other people and making discoveries. As an eternal teenager with her gaze riveted on the future, Anllela Sagra is imbued with an eminently subjective and personal idealism.

Anllela Sagra is responsive to the slightest breeze. She is constantly in search of human contact and discussion. Because she is somewhat wishy-washy about her opinions and somewhat frivolous, she often yields to the flow of circumstances and encounters. She is especially attracted to intellectually brilliant individuals who not only understand her but also stimulate her mentally.

Anllela Sagra has an ambivalent attitude to sex. This conflict makes her love life rather complex and leads to extremes which she finds difficult to handle. A negative experience or a subconscious feeling of guilt may cause her to channel her emotions into a religious or spiritual life. Maturity may alleviate these extremes, otherwise she will have to make allowances and reconcile the fulfillment of her desires with the reality of a partner as they really are.

Anllela Sagra has an ardent and amorous character. Her relationships with the other sex are enlivened by intensity and passion. A charmer perpetually engaged in a quest for the ideal love, she is often more in love with the idea of love than with her partners. As a result, her love life may be subject to some instability. She is generally attracted to original people who defy norms, standards, and classifications, and expect them to amaze and fascinate her. Love is often a matter of luck with her. Even when a relationship falls apart, she does not see the experience as a failure or a tragedy; instead, she seems to learn valuable lessons from her mistakes. Psychologically, her emotion contributes positively and efficiently to her evolution. From another standpoint, her acute sensitivity predisposes her to original and subtle tastes; she is so receptive to beauty and attached to the concepts of truth and balance that they may all combine to yield remarkable creative potential.

Anllela Sagra has a great emotional ideal. She tends to be overwhelmed by her imagination, but is selective enough when choosing a partner. Her romantic and trusting nature may make her vulnerable. Although she strives to establish peaceful, uncomplicated relations, she sometimes experiences painful disappointments. Her artistic delicacy and refinement provide her with a sincere love of the arts, music, and literature. She is likely to be a gifted poet.

Anllela Sagra has a shrewd, inquisitorial mind. She always tries to detect the hidden mechanisms and processes behind the phenomena she observes. As a result, she has developed an ability to detect the truth behind appearances and the cause behind the effect. Although this way of thinking is based on a certain logic, and there is evidence of structure and cohesion in her deductive approach, it is not always purely intellectual. Indeed, its sources lie in a certain empiricism, in facts which have been experienced, so it is open to improvement. For this reason, its fields of application are highly diverse, although research in the hard sciences, psychology, and metaphysics seem to be the best career choices.

Anllela Sagra tries to shun subjectivity and be as objective as possible. Her thoughts are usually structured, and her reasoning, based on objective facts or experience, usually relates to practical goals.

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