What does Ann Serrano’s psychology tell us about them?

Ann Serrano is a serious, steadfast individual who tries to stay grounded. Her ambitions are strong, and she will always be seeking a higher social position. Sometimes she adopts a strategy of solitude and introversion.

Born under a new moon (when the moon and sun were in the same part of the sky), you enjoy a positive balance between the conscious and unconscious aspects of your psyche. Your determination and sensitivity balance one another and work together harmoniously. Your inner life contributes to the relationships with other people which make up your outer life. Your parents or teachers probably gave you the type of education which was adapted to your personality. As a result, your personality is basically balanced, which, of course, does not mean that your life is devoid of little asperities. Generally, the goals you set for yourself correspond to your skills. Without giving the matter much thought, you tend to follow prevailing trends and behave in a conventional enough way. You are subjective and see the world according to your own perceptions instead of the way it really is.

Ann Serrano enjoys sharing and has a constant need for contact with other people. She tends to be free and uninhibited in her relations with other people, rarely allowing herself to be influenced by convention or prevailing opinion; she associates with whomever she pleases. This attitude makes her life refreshing and exciting, and she is never bored. In career terms, Ann Serrano is quite gifted for any field related to communication, where her intellectual singularity and lively wit would make her an amazing hit. She would also be likely to succeed in any activity where the work required a multidisciplinary approach: teaching, advertising, politics, etc.

Ann Serrano usually remains cool and distant in her demeanor, suppressing her feelings and sensitivity in order to avoid the sort of situation where she might be forced to express them. This inhibition is related to a feeling of not having been loved enough. In many cases, to the detriment of her love life, she is capable of plunging all her energy into her work. She seeks social recognition through her career achievements.

Ann Serrano is an individual who has a strong desire to contribute to the evolution of society. She is able to reconcile her need for independence with her desire for affection, and has a lively wit. She would be especially successful in communications-related careers.

Ann Serrano is looking for the ideal love, and tends to idealize her friends and lovers. A bizarre character, she may prefer to dream of her soulmate instead of making love to one; she is more in love with the idea of love than anything else. Her idealism may hide a fear of truly committing herself to a relationship; she tries to intellectualize everything. In time, two options will seem clear to her: an amorous friendship based on shared ideas and intellectual exchange, or an open relationship, free of all constraints except mutual respect.

Ann Serrano’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of her emotional urges and somewhat wary of her feelings, she tries to rid herself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Ann Serrano is inhibited when it comes to emotion. She is more comfortable with her career, where her desire to progress and her taste for power give her wings. She might intimidate potential, insecure partners and find herself in equivocal relationships. She’ll be happiest when she finds a balance between her work and intimate life.

Ann Serrano is idealistic, naive, and romantic. The image of her loved one is bathed in the many sparkling colors of her adolescent dreams. However, the reality of living with someone will reveal some unwelcome facts. Her partner may turn out to lack ambition and struggle to partner with her on building a secure home life and taking responsibility for the children, if she has them. Nostalgia for teenage pleasures may turn to depression.

You have a romantic imagination, soaring with idealism, dreams, and poetry. You are emotive and hypersensitive, making you especially vulnerable emotionally, since you are sometimes overwhelmed by your feelings and affects. Although you seek an ideal soulmate, a partner with whom you could maintain blissful, smooth relations, you are sometimes met with disillusionment. Because your rather excessive sensitivity and your need to merge with the other are deep and powerful enough, they can submerge your judgment and discernment, so you sometimes form extremely intense bonds too quickly with individuals who are not appropriate partners in many ways. When you meet someone, you fall under the enchantment of your dream of ideal love and cannot keep yourself from delighting in a reverie of future romance, placing the other on a pedestal. Early on in the relationship, you yield to another of your characteristic urges and lose yourself in the individual who is so dear to you, melding with them, only to awaken one morning and find yourself as if in the arms of a stranger, greatly astounded and disappointed. Actually, your psyche is constructed in such a way as to make your sensitivity a function of the environment, in many cases; it follows the flow of momentary emotions and impressions. Before you take on any major commitments, you should make a conscious effort to evaluate the relationship realistically, and see whether the person really reciprocates your intense love, for you may merely be in love with the mirage of an ideal partner. Your tendency to believe in your illusions may mark you as an easy prey for people with bad intentions. It would be a good idea for you to find a different object for your affections, or a form of sublimation, because you tend to be so disappointed by your great emotional investments. The delicacy and subtlety of your imagination procure artistic refinement for you, and you love the arts, music, and literature, which could all be good sources of emotional involvement and fulfillment. Because your sensitivity also makes it easy for you to empathize with the psychological or social difficulties your peers are struggling with, you might also find it rewarding to commit yourself to social work.

From the outside, you seem to be detached and aloof, but on the inside you are an extremely complex individual, full of contradictions. Because you sometimes feel vulnerable emotionally, you try to control not only your own feelings and urges, but may also strive to manipulate those of your partners. You aspire to a profound and enduring spiritual unity, but at the same time, the idea of abandoning yourself and yielding to the other terrifies you. This anguish may be a source of rather extreme behavior patterns and a somewhat self-focused attitude which could damage the relationship. Because you are guarded and somewhat secretive, you tend to be suspicious and are especially uneasy about spontaneous intimacy, although you are fascinated by sexuality. Within the privacy of the couple, you will not express your feelings unless you are subject to some tension. Life may be peppered with frequent crises and feuds, arguments and spats which usually act as erotic provocation. This derivation of eroticism from anxiety tends to be one of the fundamental characteristics of your emotional and sexual functioning. As a result, you are likely to be attracted by stormy and complicated relationships.

Ann Serrano is attracted to wide open spaces and distant horizons; as a scholar, she feels an affinity for higher studies such as philosophy or law. However, foreign languages or contacts abroad might also interest her.

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