What does Anna Cathcart’s psychology tell us about them?

Anna Cathcart is trying to overcome her feelings of insecurity. To do so, she needs a place to stay: a dwelling, a territory, or perhaps a safe space or setting where she can rest, and let down her systems of defense against the outer world. She is ready to make some sacrifices in order to maintain and consolidate the structure she has chosen. True inner security, based on real knowledge of herself, her abilities, and her shortcomings, her strengths and her weaknesses would no doubt be most effective and would allow her to remain open to the varieties of experience offered by the world.

Anna Cathcart’s personality and behavior are liable to be disrupted by a contradiction between the masculine and feminine archetypes ruling her psyche. Because her sensitivity is in conflict with her determination, her attitude and performance may sometimes be moody, fluctuating, and uncertain. Usually, she has the feeling that she has to make superhuman efforts to succeed in assuaging her yearnings and fulfilling her ambitions. Her unconscious, sensitive side often disapproves of her conscious endeavors and stealthily works to defeat them, causing crucial omissions, mistakes, and gaps which effectively sabotage her plans. In her relationships, the images she builds up and projects on the other are contradictory. As a result, any bond, even if it is pleasant and positive, might also annoy her. She could find it dissatisfying and irritating at the same time.

Anna Cathcart has great strength of character. Her courage and endurance enable her to accomplish even extremely arduous tasks. Although she sometimes behaves impulsively, she generally knows how to plan out an effective strategy, and, as a result, she reaches her goals without meeting any major obstacles. Her forcefulness gives her certain leadership skills, which she may implement to creative and constructive ends.

You were born on a cold winter day in the year 1978, in a small town in the north of England. From an early age, you showed a strong interest in mathematics and science, and your parents were thrilled when you declared your intention to become a doctor. However, a series of unfortunate events led you to change your mind and you decided to study law. Despite your excellent grades and competitive nature, you have never been particularly happy with your career choice, and you have longed to find something that you are truly passionate about. A few years ago, you met a man named John, and, after a short but intense courtship, you married him. John is a successful lawyer, and you are very happy with your life together. However, you are still plagued by feelings of insecurity and loneliness, and you long to find a way to resolve these issues. The psychological mechanisms described above are probably the result of a paternal complex. In childhood, your identity may have been too strongly attached to that of your father or a father figure, for one of the following reasons:- the bond with your father was too close,- your father was absent and/or idealized,- your father was too strict, etc.In any case, this psychological particularity can act either as a handicap or as an opportunity for the individual to overcome yourself. It will result in two groups of opposite but complementary reactions which will rule your behavior all your life:- hypersensitivity or insensitivity- intense life wish or discomfort with life- obsession or renunciation- skepticism or fanaticism- asceticism or lust- jealousy or indifference- effort or lazinessThe so-called “Saturnian” phases (at age 7, 14, 21, 28 or 29, and 35 years) will be transitional periods that give you an opportunity to resolve this complex in real life.

Anna Cathcart enjoys sharing and having contact with other people. She is free and uninhibited in her relations with other people, rarely letting herself be influenced by convention or prevailing opinion. She associates with whomever she pleases in her life, which makes her life refreshing and exciting. In career terms, Anna Cathcart is quite gifted for any field related to communication, where her intellectual singularity and lively wit would make her an amazing hit. She would also be likely to succeed in any activity where the work required a multidisciplinary approach: teaching, advertising, politics, etc.

Anna Cathcart has an inalienable awareness of the void and the vanity of existence. She is sometimes disoriented and deconstructed by an unknowable, unconscious force, and tends to ignore or disparage the superficial pleasures and pains of daily life, preferring to dive into the depths of human experience as deeply as her intellectual, emotional, and spiritual capacities permit. Grappling with her “fundamental nature,” with the deepest and most primitive part of herself, she is sometimes aghast at the discovery of the sheer power of her instincts and feels an imperious need to cope with them. This special consciousness she has been endowed with is somewhat beyond the bounds of conventional schools of human understanding and thought and may be a source of identity problems for her at the outset. It is not easy for her to recognize herself in any social or narcissistic models, or identify with any existing roles or attitudes, so she sometimes finds herself forced to assert and express her own identity in a way which may strike her contemporaries as strangely intense if not eccentric.

Anna Cathcart usually maintains a cool and distant demeanor, repressing her feelings and sensitivity to avoid situations where she might be forced to express them. This inhibition is related to a feeling of not having been loved enough. In many cases, this detriment to her love life results in her plunging all her energy into her work. She seeks social recognition through her career achievements.

Anna Cathcart enjoys captivating people with the elegance and ease of her expression. She is a witty and engaging flirt, an avid player of the game of love. As a result, the history of her affections is liable to be episodic, a long series of chapters about conquests or fleeting love affairs. She may carry on some love relationships by writing letters.

Anna Cathcart’s birth chart indicates that she has an emotional function which is expressed in a direct and fairly impulsive way. She enjoys reaching out to other people and making discoveries. An eternal teenager with her gaze riveted on the future, Anna Cathcart is imbued with an eminently subjective and personal idealism.

Anna Cathcart is shy and unsure of herself, liable to be stuck on the sidelines of life despite her qualities, at least in the first part of her adult life. If she manages to overcome her inhibitions, she could have a brilliant career. Her private life should emerge from its melancholy and relative frigidity, improving with time and giving rise to a deep and enduring commitment. A lively and intelligent person, perhaps younger than Anna Cathcart, should be able to draw her out of her shell.

Anna Cathcart was a delicate and sensitive soul with a carefree and flighty nature. She had had many romantic encounters, attracting admirers with her lively and mischievous mind. A great lover of art and literature, she was particularly attracted to outstanding people, to artists and designers, with whom she formed friendships involving a greater or lesser degree of romance. She viewed friendship as spiritual love and could not conceive of a relationship that did not involve this noble sentiment.

You are an ardent and amorous person, and your relationships are enlivened by intensity and passion. A charmer perpetually engaged in a quest for the ideal love, you are often more in love with the idea of love than with a partner. As a result, your love life may be subject to some instability. You are generally attracted to original people who defy norms, standards, and classifications, and expect them to amaze and fascinate you. Your greatest contradictions surface when an intimate relationship is established. Although you merge your ego entirely into the couple, you are likely to demand a total autonomy and liberty which are inimical to intimacy. If your partner charms and captivates you long enough, there is some possibility that they will form a more solid bond with you; otherwise, you are likely to yield to your need for novelty and fall under the spell of an entirely different person who exerts a new kind of charm for you. Midlife may be a turning point for you from this point of view. Your contradictory attitude may in some ways hide a compulsion to reject and deny the bonds of dependency inherent to a love relationship. Your behavior enables you to remain aloof, to commit yourself only halfway without consciously admitting it to yourself, and to avoid feeling guilty if and when you lose interest. An insatiable appetite for novelty and exaltation sometimes keeps you from forming stable relationships. Indeed, you are tormented by the struggle between your undeniable need for affection and an equally imperious desire for personal progress and emancipation. As a result of this inner turmoil, your romantic aspirations are usually sabotaged sooner or later by your conviction that your partner has become an obstacle to your individual progress. Because you think of love as a restraint, you may even eventually consciously refuse any emotional approach to love interests. As an ascetic, you will try to deflect the love function from its natural target and use the energy and bliss it generates for other purposes, the process psychologists call sublimation. However, you are also likely to meet “the one” who inspires you to initiate a change in your behavior.

Anna Cathcart has a great emotional ideal. She has a subtlety and tenderness that make her ideal partner. She can be overwhelmed by her imagination and may not be selective enough when choosing a partner. Her romantic and trusting nature may make her vulnerable. Although she strives to establish peaceful, uncomplicated relations, she sometimes experiences painful disappointments. Her artistic delicacy and refinement provide her with a sincere love of the arts, music, and literature. She is likely to be a gifted poet.

Anna Cathcart has a lively wit which gives her great agility and scope and a broad field of consciousness which enlivens her curiosity and makes her love variety and change. Her mind is alert and her speech is full of verve, humor, and sometimes impudence. These abilities are great resources in communication, discussion, and debate. Anna Cathcart is a storehouse of information and ideas of every kind and delights in manipulating words and concepts, discovering new things, and sharpening her memory for trivial facts. This mental agitation could sometimes make her scattered, however, or lacking in coherence and discipline.

Anna Cathcart expresses her thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. She is fairly extroverted and eager to discover and understand the outer world. An idealist, she looks forward to a bright future but is sometimes subjective and reckless.

Anna Cathcart has a charming personality and is adept at speaking persuasively and convincingly. However, in situations where she must compete or deal with direct conflict and hostility, she may be somewhat at a loss.

You have a lively and agile spirit, but you tend to apply your mental abilities in a somewhat haphazard and disorderly way. You are curious and open-minded, approaching various life experiences with an attitude free of either dogmatism or prejudice. Your extremely lively mind leads you to have an opinion on every subject. Although you enjoy manipulating expressions and concepts and amuses others and yourself with witty remarks, your conversations could collapse into argument and conflict. Because you are often too hasty to formulate and construct the arguments which would back up and inform your ideas, you are sometimes misunderstood. You are often blind to the rashness of your judgments and convinced they are well-founded and objective, which sometimes irritates the people around you. Actually, your overriding need to assert yourself as an individual sometimes defeats discussion and prevents you from listening to the other person fairly. But if you were to succeed in disciplining your mind somewhat, you would have innumerable opportunities to apply your communications skills to a great career. Additionally, you should be careful of your nerves, which are fairly high-strung. Any physical fitness activity would be beneficial; an Eastern discipline such as yoga or Tai-chi-chuan could teach you how to relax and improve control of your nervous and mental energies.

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