What is Anna McNulty’s Personality Type?

Anna McNulty is a practical mover-doer. Her personality has no room for utopian ideals or mirages. When all systems are go, her inner strength and stamina will drive her straight to the heart of the material world with no detours or mistakes. She then becomes the quintessential creator and producer. She creates out of love for the phenomenon of creation on every level. Although her innate sense of matter, her earthiness, may sometimes confine her to the material plane, it also endows her with the power to give substance to her intuitions. Her material possessions embody her spirit. She is a person of conviction. She believes in her action; she has faith in her approach. Striding purposefully ahead, she goes even farther, more effectively. She is aware she has a job to carry out; she knows her duty is to create and construct.

As a result, it is important for her to be deeply implicated in her career and to feel as though she is really accomplishing a goal that is important to her. She is coherent and pragmatic, and her life and mind are carefully organized. Improvisation is not her forte; on the contrary, she tends to plan out her work in advance, stick to the plan obstinately, and pace herself carefully. This tendency may strike others as being somewhat plodding and slow.

But the opinion of others means little to her; she judges herself on the basis of the fruit of her labor. Her accomplishments arouse her pride and possessiveness, since she views them as evidence of her worth. However, the work ethic so prevalent in our society is deeply ingrained in her. Merely by slogging on with her duty, she achieves such personal rewards and satisfactions as the knowledge that her potency never flickers; her inner virility and ability to follow through are steady, sure, and irresistible. The only drawback is that her earthiness and stubbornness may confine her interests to somewhat low horizons. Her capacity for work is related to a capacity for self-devotion. She is able to give her entire being to a great cause, to devote herself body and soul, with all the might and conscientiousness she possesses, if she believes the goal to be her ultimate purpose. Her initial problem is to find the cause she will make her purpose in life, because if she were to err, if she wandered into the trap of a bad cause fraught with risk, she would suffer a terrible setback.

Therefore, the essential value which will define her life and destiny is the fruit of a long ripening process, a slow, gradual deliberation, the opposite of an impulse. If her purpose in life were to elude her, she would be tempted by indulgence and apathy. Her taste for sensual pleasures like good food and drink might then take over, depriving her of maturity and fulfillment, and, ultimately, her vital potency. But, don’t worry, this is pure conjecture!

Anna McNulty needs movement. She is a talented communicator.

Anna McNulty’s psychological, metaphysical, or occult interests are signs of her need to transform or change herself, which might arouse some apprehension in her.

At the time of Anna’s birth, her rising sign was located in Libra (the Scales), while the sun was passing through the sign of Taurus (the Bull). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide her personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of her character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:

Sociability – Adaptability – Opposition to progress – Emotion – Compassion – Tolerance – Perseverance – Peaceful disposition – Pragmatism – Sense of harmony – Productivity – Worldliness – Sensuality.

Anna is tolerant and amiable, reserved, and enjoys group activities of every kind. Her emotions usually dominate her reason. Sensual and beauty-loving, she revels in the physical delights life offers, but she also displays a certain nonchalance. As a result, she has a taste for comfort and material ease, but will never be really materialistic.

Anna is a methodical and patient worker, attentive and well-organized. If solicited correctly, she would be able to assume considerable responsibility and organize major projects smoothly and efficiently.

Her potential for sensual enjoyment combines with her sense of harmony to give her a smooth, luxurious approach to people and things. She is sensitive to substances and textures, shapes and volumes, colors and moods. This understanding of beauty and nearly musical intuition could easily become a rewarding creative activity in composition or construction.

Born in the three and one-half days before the full moon rose, Anna is said to be a “gibbous moon” lunar type. This “soli-lunar” configuration gives her a rich, complex personality, although she is sometimes troubled by the feeling she is struggling to do something great. Indeed, a feeling that she is lacking something may preoccupy her until she finds a spiritual or humanitarian cause worthy of her devotion.

Devotion will be important to her as a foundation for her inner and outer development. If she fails to encounter a great and noble cause to which she is willing to pledge herself, she could always make do with a person whose aura and magnetism attract her. Whatever she decides, it is by working to serve a cause or another person that she will approach her own self-transformation.

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