What does Annamarie Tendler’s astrological guidance say about their future?

If you really want to improve and transform yourself, the first step is to become aware of the weaknesses which may be holding you back and preventing your evolution. – Your shallowness, your lack of sincerity, your indifference, your frivolity, your fear of commitment.

You sometimes sense a conflict between your desire for social and professional success and your need for a stable, secure domestic life. You are deeply committed to both ideas and do not always succeed in reconciling their schedules and demands on you. Sometimes it feels as though you will never be able to find a balance. However, no promotion will really satisfy you if you neglect your most intimate needs and desires. Although it sometimes seems easier to you to climb the rungs of the career ladder out there in the real world, if you merely sacrifice your domestic life, you are only trying to fool yourself. You should accept the fact that your domestic life is the true basis and foundation of your development. All your career endeavors and success will be even more rewarding if they are supported by a safe, warm personal life.

Annamarie Tendler has a variety of talents, but it can be difficult for her to concentrate on a single problem. Her nervousness and suggestibility make it difficult for her to use her adaptive abilities to their full potential and she often doesn’t take the time to formulate the solutions to her problems. If she wants to be truly effective, she needs to learn to control her jittery mind; otherwise, she will drain her nervous system of energy. If she experiences respiratory problems, like asthma (due to her nerves), it will be a sign that the need for change is urgent.

Annamarie Tendler’s emotions are fluctuating and unstable. Although she has the ability to detach herself from her emotions to analyze and observe them, this tendency sometimes prevents her from truly engaging herself in emotional terms and may act as a defense against any emotional impact. This is the reason why she subject all her feelings to an intellectual interpretation rather than yielding to them. It is also the reason why she might falter, hesitate, contradict herself and seem to say both yes and no when she has an opportunity to commit herself emotionally. She should make a conscious effort to overcome this unconscious conditioning which may be related to her childhood. She must first learn to observe and assimilate other people’s feelings instead of rejecting them. This exercise will teach her to understand her own reactions and affects better.

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