What does Anne-Marie’s psychology tell us about them?

Anne-Marie is fairly individualistic and prefers to work on her own projects independently. Although she sometimes mingles with groups for their competitive atmosphere, she rarely joins in them wholeheartedly, preferring to work on her own projects independently. A lack of confidence in herself may sometimes create challenges in relationships. Her lack of self-esteem may sometimes inhibit the full expression of her generosity and love.

Anne-Marie’s personality and behavior are liable to be disrupted by a contradiction between the masculine and feminine archetypes ruling her psyche. Because her sensitivity is in conflict with her determination, her attitude and performance may be moody, fluctuating, and uncertain. Usually, she has the feeling she has to make superhuman efforts to succeed in assuaging her yearnings and fulfilling her ambitions. Her unconscious, sensitive side often disapproves of her conscious endeavors and stealthily works to defeat them, causing crucial omissions, mistakes, and gaps which effectively sabotage her plans. In her relationships, the images she builds up and projects on the other are contradictory. As a result, any bond, even if it is pleasant and positive, also grates on her nerves. She finds it dissatisfying and irritating at the same time.

You are an individual who believes in freedom and independence as the most important values in life. You have thrown off the conventions and traditions of your social class and adopted an innovative lifestyle. Your passionate convictions can sometimes be difficult to handle, as you are an uncompromising partner. You must learn to recognize your own limitations and accept the responsibilities you have to other people, or you are likely to have conflict with them in your relationships. The roots of your behavior may be in your relationship with your father or teachers when you were young. For some reason, you may have rejected the paternal image or refused to identify with your father, in the same way you are refusing to adopt any values related to convention, tradition, or widespread usage. In every important decision you make as an adult, you rely on yourself to elaborate the appropriate behavior and set limits on your desires in relation to reality and the law.

You are highly sensitive and receptive, and tend to live in osmosis with your surroundings. Your individuality almost seems to be diluted in a flood of sensations and impressions which are continually washing over you, and you sometimes find it difficult to communicate your feelings to other people. This tide of emotion is a source of inspiration and intuition, but your fluid inner structure and organization sometimes make it difficult for you to grasp the essence of your dreams and share them with other people. You are not at all combative, and this tends to hinder your efforts to fit into society and assert yourself productively. You are likely to prefer fantasy to reality, but your refusal to abandon your unattainable dreams is a psychological trap you have fallen into without realizing it. You must understand that by running away from your obligations and commitments, you only increase the feelings of guilt which made reality so distasteful in the first place. Once you free yourself from this pernicious process, you have a great deal of potential for fulfilling yourself in the outer world, either by devoting yourself to some sort of social work or by cultivating your considerable artistic talents.

Anne-Marie usually keeps her feelings bottled up and avoids situations that might make her have to express them. This is because she has a feeling that she wasn’t loved enough as a child, and this has led her to put a lot of energy into her work. She wants to be recognized by others, especially through her work achievements.

Anne-Marie has a sensitive and affectionate nature. She seeks tenderness and gentleness more than passion. Her relationships with others are smooth and pleasant, and she has a natural sense of tact and social grace.

Anne-Marie is emotional and tends to react suddenly and excessively as soon as her sensitivity is touched. Although she feels that her independence, freedom, and self-sufficiency are fundamental values, she is sometimes frustrated by her need to rely on her family or friends. Moreover, she does not always grant the freedom of other people the same respect as her own. Likewise, she is sometimes angered by expressions of maternal tenderness, as if she feared that it would doom her to eternal dependency. Her ambivalent behavior, full of jagged edges, may be traced back to the relationship she had with her mother or a mother figure. Although she was dependent on them, they may have rejected her. Now this attitude is extended to any situation in which her sensitivity comes into play and emotional bonds are liable to form. To ward off her feelings of dependency, she tends to become destructive. Based on denial, her reactions are sometimes fierce, impulsive, and excessive, erratic, or contradictory.

Due to your sensitive nature and your fertile imagination, you sometimes have trouble distinguishing dreams from reality. Although your bubbling imagination provides an abundant source of inspiration for creative or spiritual evolution, it tends to be less helpful and positive when it comes to matters that concern your self-assertion as responsible and self-sufficient. Although your psychic faculties drive you to fulfill yourself through artistic activities like painting, drawing, music, or poetry, it may be difficult for you to market your talents in terms of a career. In a relationship, you are extremely romantic and do not always see others the way they really are. Because of your tendency to idealize people, you may be disappointed when their true natures are eventually betrayed.

Anne-Marie has a tendency to be secretive and protect her sensitivity. She enjoys intense emotions in her relationships and finds sexuality to be a prominent part of her life. She would enjoy a career which placed her in contact with troubled people.

Anne-Marie has a sensual and affectionate nature which is sensitive to physical attraction. This type of sensitivity, combined with her productive urges, may be expressed in an artistic form. As for her feelings, they are usually slow to take root. But once she is conquered by love, she forms a deep and lasting bond. Although she is loyal, she may also display a tendency to be somewhat possessive.

Anne-Marie’s birth chart indicates that she has an emotional function that is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Anne-Marie distrusts her emotional urges and somewhat wary of her feelings, so she tries to rid herself of all partiality and get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

According to the aforesaid, Anne-Marie appears to be more or less torn between two different sides of her nature. Her desire to impress conflicts with her attachment to the nest; her social ambitions contradict her need for security; and her natural selfishness is hard to reconcile with her altruism. She is likely to marry a prominent person or one she can be proud of. Her own social position may disappoint her, but her family will give her satisfactions she may have missed out on.

Anne-Marie often finds herself aroused by beauty and perfection. She would easily thrive on a life of total pleasure, neglecting more serious work. But her marriage introduces stability; her spouse brings warmth and (perhaps) some material assets into her home. Her children, if she chooses to have them, will quickly become extremely important to her; they may have a tendency to be able to make her do whatever they please.

From the outside, Anne-Marie seems to be detached and aloof, but on the inside she is an extremely complex individual, full of contradictions. Because she sometimes feels vulnerable emotionally, she tries to control not only her own feelings and urges, but may also strive to manipulate those of her partners. She aspires to a profound and enduring spiritual unity, but at the same time, the idea of abandoning herself and yielding to the other terrifies her. This anguish may be a source of rather extreme behavior patterns and a somewhat self-focused attitude which could damage the relationship. Because she is guarded and somewhat secretive, she tends to be suspicious and is especially uneasy about spontaneous intimacy, although she is fascinated by sexuality. Within the privacy of the couple, Anne-Marie will not express her feelings unless she is subject to some tension. Life may be peppered with frequent crises and feuds, arguments and spats which usually act as erotic provocation. This derivation of eroticism from anxiety tends to be one of the fundamental characteristics of her emotional and sexual functioning. As a result, she is likely to be attracted by stormy and complicated relationships.

Anne-Marie is an intuitive thinker. She does not reason things out through a long, articulate, logical discourse; instead, she seize the visions or insights that spontaneously flash into her consciousness. She thus has a form of immediate knowledge of various phenomena which is based neither on reasoning nor on any elaborate thought process or method. As a result, if she is an extrovert, she will possess an inventive, innovative spirit gifted for improvisation. If she is an introvert, her mind will be an abundant source of personal inner truths.

Anne-Marie does not express her thoughts and ideas smoothly or easily. She tends to be subjective, seeking to know herself better through a process of introversion.

Anne-Marie’s intellectual faculties and wit are sometimes slowed down because she is turned outward. Because she tends to be oriented toward others, she rarely tries to communicate with them for the simple pleasure of doing so. Indeed, she sometimes feels misunderstood. Moreover, it seems difficult to her to express the complexity of her inner perceptions.

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