What does Benzino’s psychology tell us about them?

Benzino seems to be resigned to his fate, including his insecurity. Actually, he is fairly introverted and withdrawn, trying to make sense out of his inner confusion and fathom his inner depths.

Benzino has a paternal complex and, as a result, some trouble finding his identity. Perhaps his father or a father figure was absent physically or emotionally during his childhood, which deprived him of the patterns or models which are usually helpful in structuring a personality. Because he might have lacked a particular sense of security which could be provided by a paternal presence, as well as the examples of behavior to follow in confronting the difficulties inherent in every life, Benzino was forced to protect himself against negative influences and find his own system in order to grow and feel secure. Although this system was quite useful to him as a child, it has now settled in to such a degree that it interferes with his evolution. Psychological defense mechanisms and crutches which were once useful now encumber his mind or inhibit his developmental efforts. As a result, in certain situations, it is difficult for him to assert himself, and he tends to remain an awkward or passive observer. Because his authoritarian urges are mainly directed at himself rather than others, Benzino sometimes feels guilty about his behavior. He judges himself severely, and sometimes punishes himself by setting difficult tasks for himself. Gradually, Benzino should build up a strong inner discipline and acquire the strength to face the problems of existence in a detached and mature way.

At the moment of your birth, the two celestial “lights” (the sun and the moon) were perfectly aligned. This is a sign of perfect harmony between the masculine and feminine archetypes, which is extremely beneficial. It is the source of balance and understanding between the two main psychological realms which may be said to compose the personality. You thus enjoy a positive complementarity and understanding between the conscious and unconscious aspects of your psyche, between your determination and your routines, between your drive for self-assertion and your receptivity, your ideal and your sensitivity. Your parents almost certainly reflected a positive image of the marriage relationship to you, and it is likely that they encouraged you to develop your own individuality. As a result, you were and are able to be comfortable with yourself as you are instead of striving to attain your parents’ ideal. This has definitely contributed to the maintenance of a good relationship with them and the rest of the family. In your emotional relationships with your peers, one of the effects of the masculine/feminine harmony is that the images your ego projects on the other are especially constructive. The bonds of the relationship are not felt to be constraints, the energy which flows between the two people is a source of mutual happiness, not regret. No major personal conflicts are projected onto the “other” – that is, the significant other.

Benzino is hypersensitive, acutely attuned to the mood in his surroundings. He is unconsciously able to perceive the parapsychic signals or aura people give off, as well as their words. As a result, he is extremely compassionate and ready to devote himself to their well-being. His imagination has formulated the dream of an ideal life, and sometimes he feels ill-equipped for the realities of this existence. He tends to dodge difficult situations. With his partner, Benzino seeks fusion.

Benzino’s intellect is lively, agile, and sensitive. However, he does not always avail himself of it and may be confused or irrational in some situations. Although he enjoys playing with words, ideas, and concepts, his thought sometimes lacks discipline and structure. He is fairly preoccupied with details and may tend to waste his nervous and mental energy in futile verbal outpourings. Moreover, his feelings sometimes blur his objective vision of phenomena and people, which may cause him to make errors in judgment.

Benzino maintains strong ties with his past, and it often seems difficult for him to open his heart to new people. His love affairs exist on the surface level, because his lust and sensual desire rarely turn into a need to understand, protect, and care for the other. Moreover, it is difficult for him to meet partners who combine the ideals of the tender parent and the great lover.

Benzino is an expansive, affable, and communicative associate. Indeed, some people find him generous almost to a fault! He gives of himself and his resources unstintingly. Paradoxically, there are times when he is self-focused. He reacts instinctively, without taking the trouble to analyze a given situation, and is prone to misjudge. As a result, his everyday life may be riddled with a whole variety of practical problems. Indeed, he senses a conflict between his social life and his family and will sometimes find it hard to fulfill himself in both spheres at the same time. His attitude toward his private life may inhibit his ambitions for social or career expansion; at worst, society (the law) may impinge on his private life. He should be careful not to project his personal problems onto his partner. If, instead, he analyzes the problem together, he could find opportunities to resolve it together.

Although Benzino’s demeanor can be cool and distant, he is extremely sensitive. In some cases, his rather austere and rigid behavior and his refusal to yield too readily to sentimentality discourage others from being too demonstrative of their tenderness and affection. Benzino sometimes has spells of melancholy in which he does not feel worthy of being loved and tend to forbid himself emotional fulfillment. An austere or somewhat traumatic childhood experience may be the source of this behavior. Benzino may have suffered rejection in his infancy, and, as a result, lacked the parental love which is essential to the cohesion of a personality and identity. In order to feel secure, and to protect himself from ever suffering rejection or abandonment again, Benzino withdrew into himself and developed his aloofness as a defense mechanism. When Benzino finally let down his defenses and allow himself to express his feelings, he tends to become impassioned and exalted. Benzino is fairly introverted and egocentric and has a powerful sense of his own identity.

Benzino often finds sensitive and emotive, cringing from life, passively hoping for a better future, utopian society, or transcendent state of consciousness. However, by taking refuge in dreams, Benzino may expose himself to adversity, both socially and in his private life.

Benzino is emotional and tends to react suddenly and excessively as soon as his sensitivity is touched. Although he feels that his independence, freedom, and self-sufficiency are fundamental values, he is sometimes frustrated by his need to rely on his family or friends. Moreover, he does not always grant the freedom of other people the same respect as his own. Likewise, he is sometimes angered by expressions of maternal tenderness, as if he feared that it would doom him to eternal dependency. His ambivalent behavior, full of jagged edges, may be traced back to the relationship he had with his mother or a mother figure. Although he was dependent on them, they may have rejected him. Now this attitude is extended to any situation in which his sensitivity comes into play and emotional bonds are liable to form. To ward off his feelings of dependency, he sometimes tends to become destructive. Based on denial, his reactions might be fierce, impulsive, excessive, erratic, or contradictory.

Benzino has a sensitive and imaginative mind, which can sometimes lead to trouble distinguishing dreams from reality. Although his imagination can be an abundant source of inspiration for creative or spiritual evolution, it tends to be less helpful and positive in matters that concern earning a decent living in the real world. In a relationship, Benzino is extremely romantic and does not always see others the way they really are. He has elegant tastes and art and beauty are one of his chief pleasures in life.

Benzino’s sensitivity and emotions are sometimes in conflict with his instincts. This inner discord makes him a fairly complicated relationship partner, and his behavior sometimes strikes others as mysterious or baffling. He is liable to switch from one attitude to the opposite. Sexuality is an important part of his life, and his relationships are most often motivated by his desires. Nevertheless, due to his unconscious inner battle, he does not often succeed in reconciling and fulfilling his emotional and sexual needs. Due to the strength of his instincts, passion may overwhelm him and drag him into situations he cannot always control, which intermingle erotic ecstasy and anguish, guilt, and aggressiveness.

Benzino has fairly lofty amorous aspirations. The soulmate he imagines for himself is brilliant and dazzling with an array of talents and beauty. However, the gap between his splendid ideal and reality is sometimes wide. He should be careful not to confuse his romantic ideal with reality and become aware that his tendency to project may be a way of fleeing from himself.

Benzino’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of his emotional urges and somewhat wary of his feelings, Benzino tries to rid himself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Benzino is the epitome of sensitivity, delicacy, and intuition. His personality and charm arouse protective instincts in those who meet him. His tendency to flee from realities which hurt him and his need to delude himself may nevertheless lead to major emotional failures. Once he settles down, Benzino will become devoted and happy. The bonds of commitment are the best protection he can give himself. Benzino’s ideal match would be a sensitive or artistic soul who would do everything to make him happy. Benzino’s parental instincts are highly developed, and if he chooses to have them, his children will bring him fulfillment.

Benzino is a very attractive and brilliant person, skilled in the art of relationships. He attracts both social success and admirers. His need to be loved and admired may cause him to fall for flattery from a mediocre potential partner. He will only find happiness with a person who shares his tastes and who is willing to support him in his quest for social fulfillment.

Benzino may be characterized by strong sensual and affectionate urges which drive him to seek pleasure. His need for romantic fulfillment may compel him to marry, because he also seeks the legal and social legitimacy the institution of marriage confers on an emotional bond. Indeed, the household is liable to be prosperous and even opulent, as if this offered further evidence that he had indeed achieved success. However, privately, he might be less committed to certain obligations and duties.

You have a romantic imagination, soaring with idealism, dreams, and poetry. You are emotive and hypersensitive, making you especially vulnerable emotionally, since you are sometimes overwhelmed by your feelings and affects. Although you seek an ideal soulmate, a partner with whom you could maintain blissful, smooth relations, you are sometimes met with disillusionment. Because your rather excessive sensitivity and your need to merge with the other are deep and powerful enough, they can submerge your judgment and discernment, so you sometimes form extremely intense bonds too quickly with individuals who are not appropriate partners in many ways. When you meet someone, you fall under the enchantment of your dream of ideal love and cannot keep yourself from delighting in a reverie of future romance, placing the other on a pedestal. Early on in the relationship, you yield to another of your characteristic urges and lose yourself in the individual who is so dear to you, melding with them, only to awaken one morning and find yourself as if in the arms of a stranger, greatly astounded and disappointed. Actually, your psyche is constructed in such a way as to make your sensitivity a function of the environment, in many cases; it follows the flow of momentary emotions and impressions. Before you take on any major commitments, you should make a conscious effort to evaluate the relationship realistically, and see whether the person really reciprocates your intense love, for you may merely be in love with the mirage of an ideal partner. Your tendency to believe in your illusions may mark you as an easy prey for people with bad intentions. It would be a good idea for you to find a different object for your affections, or a form of sublimation, because you tend to be so disappointed by your great emotional investments. The delicacy and subtlety of your imagination procure artistic refinement for you, and you love the arts, music, and literature, which could all be good sources of emotional involvement and fulfillment. Because your sensitivity also makes it easy for you to empathize with the psychological or social difficulties your peers are struggling with, you might also find it rewarding to commit yourself to social work.

Benzino powerfully rules by his determination and vital needs, his intellectual abilities coming to the forefront when his purpose is to communicate his ideal and plot his action or strategy. He can be both logical and astute, and have gifts for theorizing but may sometimes lack perspective.

Benzino tries to shun subjectivity and be as objective as possible. His thoughts are usually structured, and his reasoning, based on objective facts or experience, usually relates to practical goals.

Benzino has a great ability to charm people, which makes him very successful in social situations. However, when he has to compete or deal with hostility, he may be at a disadvantage. He also has a gift for orating, which could be applied to a communications-related occupation or to artistic expression (as a stage or screen actor).

Benzino has a mind with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and an exceptional ability to learn. Without trying too hard, he could probably accumulate encyclopedic erudition. His intellectual curiosity is such that it is sometimes a drawback. He sometimes has trouble limiting himself to a single subject without being distracted by a multitude of others. Discipline and a conscious effort at organization will be of great help if he wants to deepen his learning and judgment. Once his intellectual faculties are disciplined, he is likely to succeed in any of the following fields: teaching, historical scholarship, advertising, writing (journalistic or literary), travel, etc: – in fact, communication in any form.

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