What does Bianca Blakney’s astrological guidance say about their future?

If you want to improve and transform yourself, the first step is to become aware of the weaknesses which may be holding you back and preventing your evolution. For example, your need to bluff, your inability to manage certain things, your instability, and your unwillingness to change certain opinions can all hinder your progress.

Bianca Blakney tends to lure others to her, gaining their love and approval. As a lover, she might be the impetuous type who rushes into a relationship without thinking, making a great show of affection at the outset. She could learn to evaluate the pros and cons of an emotional commitment more carefully if she wants to avoid leaving a trail of broken hearts.

Bianca Blakney reacts peremptorily to all opposition and will brook no contradiction. Her desires are sometimes imperious, and she expresses them impulsively, by fits and starts, which may elicit resentment and antagonism in her partners. Life will force her to set more universal goals and centers of interest for herself. It would be a good idea for her to release some excess internal tension through physical exercise.

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