What kind of person is Bobby Douglass?

Bobby Douglass’ psyche follows an extroverted thrust. He attempts to embody and actualize his ideas and the archetypes he identifies with in his objective life.

Bobby Douglass tries to free himself from any outside influence and often rebuffs the help of others. He works and acts independently in order to accomplish his goals and ambitions.

Bobby Douglass, an individual with social implications, tends to become personally involved in social affairs. Although he may resist any project he will not be able to lead himself, according to his own individual direction, he identifies himself with an activity with social implications and attempts to know himself through this activity.

Bobby Douglass is ambitious and has a natural tendency to better himself socially and intellectually. His ideas and aspirations are grandiose, and he will be eager to share them with others. Although he is kind-hearted, he enjoys being in control of situations. He derives great fulfillment from the role of the protector and will surround himself with people who need him. He is eager to obtain recognition and honor, but extremely fearful of disgrace. His visions derive from his ambitions, often aglow with idealism. However, they may be somewhat unrealistic and impractical. Social recognition and esteem are essential to him, and he will demonstrate an amazing ability to achieve the high goals he set for himself.

Bobby Douglass lives in a world in which his dreams and subconscious are constantly in contact with the world around him. He cannot live without love, and, like water which flows into and takes on the shape of the vessel which contains it, he is always ready to submerge himself in another person. Stirred by forces he does not control, Bobby Douglass may be aroused by passions which are impervious to the restraints of reason and logic. He is an emotive creature in harmony with the flow of his feelings, impulses, and urges.

Bobby Douglass has a stable, well-tempered character which is especially likely to protect him from frustrations and enable him to achieve success without too much effort. However, he must be careful not to take on too many responsibilities. His confidence in his ability to accomplish things may make him spread himself too thin.

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