Brad Hargreaves seeks to make his inner wealth outwardly manifest and substantial.
Brad Hargreaves is reluctant to team up with other people. He attempts to free himself from any outside influence, but is eager to leave his personal imprint on the world around him. He often rebuffs the help and cooperation of others on projects. Only by working and acting independently can he accomplish his goals and ambitions.
Brad Hargreaves becomes involved in social affairs, but resists any project he will not be able to lead himself. He identifies himself with an activity with social implications, and tries to know himself through this activity.
Brad Hargreaves has a stable, well-tempered character which is especially likely to protect him from unsolvable frustrations and, in terms of reality, will enable him to acquire a certain social and professional success without too much effort on his part. He must be careful not to take on too many responsibilities, however, as his confidence in his ability to accomplish things may make him spread himself too thin.
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