What does Brett Waterman’s psychology tell us about them?

Brett Waterman seems resigned to his fate, including his insecurity. Actually, he is fairly introverted and withdrawn, trying to make sense out of his inner confusion and fathom his inner depths.

Brett Waterman usually keeps a cool and distant demeanor, repressing his feelings and sensitivity to avoid situations where he might have to express them. This inhibition is related to a feeling of not having been loved enough. In many cases, this detriment to his love life has led to him plunging all his energy into his work. He seeks social recognition through his career accomplishments.

Brett Waterman has a lively and curious intelligence, the very opposite of empty rhetoric and studiousness. He is agile and adaptable and can not only analyze difficult situations objectively but also demonstrate a profound comprehension when faced with a psychological problem.

Brett Waterman maintains strong ties with his past, and it often seems difficult for him to open his heart to new people. His love affairs might exist on the surface level, because his lust and sensual desire rarely turn into a need to understand, protect, and care for the other. Moreover, it is difficult for him to meet partners who combine the ideals of the tender parent and the great lover.

Brett Waterman is an expansive, affable, and communicative associate. Indeed, some people find him generous almost to a fault! He gives of himself and his resources unstintingly. Paradoxically, there are times when he is self-focused. He reacts instinctively, without taking the trouble to analyze a given situation, and is prone to misjudge. As a result, his everyday life may be riddled with a whole variety of practical problems. Indeed, he senses a conflict between his social life and his family and will sometimes find it hard to fulfill himself in both spheres at the same time. His attitude toward his private life may inhibit his ambitions for social or career expansion; at worst, society (the law) may impinge on his private life. He should be careful not to project his personal problems onto his partner. If, instead, the two of them analyzed the problem, they might be able to find opportunities to resolve it together.

Because you were born with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to learn new things, you quickly developed an original and independent identity. Your first taste of liberty may have led you to challenge the education and values you received from family and class tradition, and you were able to forge a strong, original personality and philosophy. Your relationships are usually free of conflict, because you are able to reconcile your need for independence with your desire for affection. However, your partners should be open and lively people, able to keep pace with you in your rapid evolution. You have an inspired and extremely lively wit and a brisk interest in the future, technological progress, and new lifestyles. You would be especially successful in communications-related careers like journalism, film, TV, radio, and advertising. Although you are an individualist, you have a powerful desire to contribute to the evolution of society and better its development.

Brett Waterman enjoys captivating people with the elegance and ease of his expression. He is a witty and engaging flirt, an avid player of the game of love. As a result, the history of his affections is liable to be episodic, a long series of chapters about conquests or fleeting love affairs. He may carry on some love relationships by writing letters.

Brett Waterman’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of his emotional urges and somewhat wary of his feelings, Brett tries to rid himself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Brett Waterman has a cool head that gives him an energetic and calculating spirit. He is so firmly anchored in the tangible world and the daily routine, he may be a bit vague about anything outside his usual orbit. An efficient organizer, he is aware of his merits. His private life is characterized by a muffled frustration despite the fortunate coincidences which help him fulfill his desires.

Brett Waterman often indecisively discusses rather than makes decisions, tending to put things off which may cause him to miss out on the best opportunities and end up with a rather uninspiring partner who will bring him down to their own social level.

You have a passionate nature that is reminiscent of a lover in love. In fact, your goal in life is to find a relationship that can fulfill your desires. Unfortunately, your attempts to seduce someone can sometimes come across as pressuring and aggressive. This can make it difficult for you to keep a relationship going, as you are often impatient and want things to happen quickly. This can lead to problems in communication, as you may not be able to express yourself in a way that is easily understood. Additionally, your emotional behavior can be subject to a conflict between your need for love and your need to satisfy your lust. This can create tension in a relationship, as lust can be confused with love or love can exist without lust. This inner conflict is a sign of your tendency to derive pleasure from suffering – either your own or that of your partner. The relationship thus becomes a setting for a power struggle, weakening it as a source of psychological equilibrium. Nevertheless, you could sublimate this difficulty through your artistic expression.

Brett Waterman may be characterized by strong sensual and affectionate urges which drive him to seek pleasure. His need for romantic fulfillment may compel him to marry, because he also seeks the legal and social legitimacy the institution of marriage confers on an emotional bond. Indeed, the household is liable to be prosperous and even opulent, as if this offered further evidence that he had indeed achieved success. However, privately, he might be less committed to certain obligations and duties.

You are an ardent and amorous person, and your relationships are enlivened by intensity and passion. A charmer perpetually engaged in a quest for the ideal love, you are often more in love with the idea of love than with a partner. As a result, your love life may be subject to some instability. You are generally attracted to original people who defy norms, standards, and classifications, and expect them to amaze and fascinate you. Your greatest contradictions surface when an intimate relationship is established. Although you merge your ego entirely into the couple, you are likely to demand a total autonomy and liberty which are inimical to intimacy. If your partner charms and captivates you long enough, there is some possibility that they will form a more solid bond with you; otherwise, you are likely to yield to your need for novelty and fall under the spell of an entirely different person who exerts a new kind of charm for you.

Midlife may be a turning point for you from this point of view. Your contradictory attitude may in some ways hide a compulsion to reject and deny the bonds of dependency inherent to a love relationship. Your behavior enables you to remain aloof, to commit yourself only halfway without consciously admitting it to yourself, and to avoid feeling guilty if and when you lose interest. An insatiable appetite for novelty and exaltation sometimes keeps you from forming stable relationships. Indeed, you are tormented by the struggle between your undeniable need for affection and an equally imperious desire for personal progress and emancipation. As a result of this inner turmoil, your romantic aspirations are usually sabotaged sooner or later by your conviction that your partner has become an obstacle to your individual progress. Because you think of love as a restraint, you may even eventually consciously refuse any emotional approach to love interests. As an ascetic, you will try to deflect the love function from its natural target and use the energy and bliss it generates for other purposes, the process psychologists call sublimation. However, you are also likely to meet “the one” who inspires you to initiate a change in your behavior.

You are an extremely complex individual, full of contradictions. Because you sometimes feel vulnerable emotionally, you try to control not only your own feelings and urges, but may also strive to manipulate those of your partners. You aspire to a profound and enduring spiritual unity, but at the same time the idea of abandoning yourself and yielding to the other terrifies you. This anguish may be a source of rather extreme behavior patterns and a somewhat self-focused attitude which could damage the relationship. Because you are guarded and somewhat secretive, you tend to be suspicious and are especially uneasy about spontaneous intimacy, although you are fascinated by sexuality. Within the privacy of the couple, you will not express your feelings unless you are subject to some tension. Life may be peppered with frequent crises and feuds, arguments and spats which usually act as erotic provocation. This derivation of eroticism from anxiety tends to be one of the fundamental characteristics of your emotional and sexual functioning. As a result, you are likely to be attracted by stormy and complicated relationships.

Brett Waterman is somewhat plodding but realistic and pragmatic. Because he is chiefly preoccupied with the practical aspects of things, he is especially apt to develop more efficient production concepts. Although his good judgment and common sense provide him with an excellent ability to handle the tangible world, his thought processes might be relatively impervious to abstract concepts and spiritual awakenings.

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