What is Brett Waterman’s Personality Type?

You are a practical, determined person. You have no room for idealism or mirages, and your personality is focused on the practical world. When all systems are go, your inner strength and stamina will drive you straight to the heart of the material world with no detours or mistakes. You then become the quintessential creator and producer. You create out of love for the phenomenon of creation on every level. Although your innate sense of matter, your earthiness, may sometimes confine you to the material plane, it also endows you with the power to give substance to your intuitions. Your material possessions embody your spirit. You are a person of conviction. You believe in your action; you have faith in your approach. Striding purposefully ahead, you go even farther, more effectively. You are aware you have a job to carry out; you know your duty is to create and construct. As a result, it is important for you to be deeply implicated in your career and to feel as though you are really accomplishing a goal that is important to you. You are coherent and pragmatic, and your life and mind are carefully organized. Improvisation is not your forte; on the contrary, you tend to plan out your work in advance, stick to the plan obstinately, and pace yourself carefully. This tendency may strike others as being somewhat plodding and slow. But the opinion of others means little to you; you judge yourself on the basis of the fruit of your labor. Your accomplishments arouse your pride and possessiveness, since you view them as evidence of your worth. However, the work ethic so prevalent in our society is deeply ingrained in you. Merely by slogging on with your duty, you achieve such personal rewards and satisfactions as the knowledge that your potency never flickers; your inner virility and ability to follow through are steady, sure, and irresistible. The only drawback is that your earthiness and stubbornness may confine your interests to somewhat low horizons. Your capacity for work is related to a capacity for self-devotion. You are able to give your entire being to a great cause, to devote yourself body and soul, with all the might and conscientiousness you possess, if you believe the goal to be your ultimate purpose. Your initial problem is to find the cause you will make your purpose in life, because if you were to err, if you wandered into the trap of a bad cause fraught with risk, you would suffer a terrible setback. Therefore, the essential value which

Brett Waterman is sensual. Pleasure is important to him.

Brett Waterman needs others to fulfill him and accomplish his ambitions.

At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Leo (the Lion), while the sun was passing through the sign of Taurus (the Bull). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension: Determination – Pride and self-assurance – Compassion – Superiority – Perseverance – Brilliance – Pragmatism – Generosity – Productivity – Positivism – Sensuality.

With your steadfast, wholesome personality, honest and determined, you dislike evasiveness and subterfuge in others. You are not happy with anything less than excellence and will actively seek out social success, power, and material comfort. You have a tendency to invest in your key interests and personal preferences, and you know how to be generous. Your great sensuality makes you appreciate pleasure as much as duty, with the same optimism and delight.

Born at the height of the full moon, you are said to have a “lunar” personality. This unique configuration means you are more objective and rational, with a lucid and clear character. However, because the moon is opposite the sun at the time of the full moon, your objective tendencies are balanced by a more idealistic nature. Because the two forces that pull you in two different directions – dreams and reality – are at their strongest at this time, you may be aware of some inner contradictions which are causing practical and social difficulties for you. At times you are too demanding of yourself or others, while at others you are too nonchalant and indulgent about life. You vacillate between two poles, one being elitist and the other being more earthy and perhaps vulgar. The result is a multifaceted self. Generally speaking, your monthly energy flow is strongest at the time of the full moon. It would be wise to schedule intensive work phases at that time, as well as ambitious and demanding projects.

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