What does Brian Chase’s psychology tell us about them?

Brian Chase’s confidence in himself sometimes falters, and he might try to compensate for this weakness by insisting on his authority over others. With the people he is emotionally committed to, the same nagging feelings of insecurity prevent him from expressing his generosity and love fully; his extreme independence sometimes hides an inability to abandon himself and a lack of assurance.

You have a paternal complex and, as a result, some trouble finding your identity. Perhaps your father or a father figure was absent physically or emotionally during your childhood, which deprived you of the patterns or models which are usually helpful in structuring a personality. Because you might have lacked a particular sense of security which could be provided by a paternal presence, as well as the examples of behavior to follow in confronting the difficulties inherent in every life, you were forced to protect yourself against negative influences and find your own system in order to grow and feel secure. Although this system was quite useful to you as a child, it has now settled in to such a degree that it interferes with your evolution. Psychological defense mechanisms and crutches which were once useful now encumber your mind or inhibit your developmental efforts. As a result, in certain situations, it is difficult for you to assert yourself, and you tend to remain an awkward or passive observer. Because your authoritarian urges are mainly directed at yourself rather than others, you sometimes feel guilty about your behavior. You judge yourself severely, and sometimes punishes yourself by setting difficult tasks for yourself. Gradually, you should build up a strong inner discipline and acquire the strength to face the problems of existence in a detached and mature way.

Brian Chase is affectionate by nature and loves playing a decisive and central role in his life. He is a charming person who needs to love and be loved. Aware of his personal magnetism and the power it gives him, Brian will make subtle changes in himself in order to attract positive attention. He is sophisticated and pleased to savor a lifestyle he sees as a consummate art.

Brian Chase is a very vigorous and energetic person. He has an immense need to assert himself and to be independent. His attitudes and actions are actually motivated by an unconscious desire for power. This desire incites him to rush into action, despite the frequent threat of risk and danger. Because he has very little control over his energy and impulses, he sometimes injures himself physically or starts arguments without really intending to do so. He has a short temper and is likely to start projects which are not really appropriate to him, only to be forced to quit soon after. Before making any important decision, Brian must learn to stop and ask himself if what he is about to do is really positive for him.

Brian Chase has a great potential for creative, constructive accomplishments; however, it is sometimes difficult for him to gain access to this part of himself. He is confident in himself and life but may tend to be nonchalant. He sometimes needs a little stimulation to get himself rolling and take some initiative. His optimism and inner certainty do not always drive him to give his utmost efforts to achieve a goal. The communications skills he possesses are an advantage as well as a handicap. He makes use of his theatrical gifts, convincing eloquence, and ability to listen. The best careers for Brian Chase would be teaching, communications, philosophy, the legal profession, theater, and public relations.

You are sober and rather reserved and may even strike people as harsh and austere at times. You were raised in an atmosphere of rigor and sobriety, and, as a result, grew up very fast. You have acquired a spirit of self-sufficiency, tend to be rather uncompromising, and have a touchy sense of your personal dignity and worth. It is almost as though you were fighting an inner battle with your father or a father figure. The psychological models you received from your father or a father figure as a result of your interaction and your own interaction with authority may not have played a major role in shaping your relationships with the outer world and society. You may thus have been forced to compensate for this with individual determination. As a result, although you are skillful, meticulous, conscientious, and efficient, a lack of self-confidence and personal assurance sometimes makes you timid and hesitant. You sometimes feel as though you are only masquerading as a respectable, sober adult. You tend to be far too critical of yourself and rarely feel satisfied that you are living up to your ideal. These unnecessary guilt feelings may lead you to turn down the prominent career positions for which you are fully qualified. You are aware that early success is often short-lived and fragile and that time rewards those who know how to be patient and persistent, like you.

You are an independent thinker who believes in freedom and independence as your most precious values. You have thrown off conventional social values and adopted an innovative lifestyle. However, your passionate convictions sometimes trouble your relationships because you are uncompromising in your partnerships. You must learn to recognize your own limitations and accept the responsibilities you have to other people, or you are likely to become embroiled in conflicting relationships often. The roots of your behavior may be attributable to your relationship with your father or teachers when you were younger. For one reason or another, you may have rejected the paternal image or refused to identify with your father, in the same way you do not now identify with conventional social values. In every important life decision, you have to rely on yourself to elaborate the appropriate behavior and impose limits on your desires in relation to reality and the law.

Brian Chase generally tends to be motivated by activities which apply to social needs. He tends to give the best of himself in difficult situations which require crucial choices. His ability to concentrate and his gift for solving problems by deductive reasoning are his chief resources in crisis situations or at turning points in his life.

Brian Chase

Brian Chase has a sensitive and affectionate nature. He seeks tenderness and gentleness more than passion. His relationships with others are smooth and pleasant, and he has a natural sense of tact and social grace.

Brian Chase has a sensitive personality. He may jump to conclusions, which could disrupt relationships, as well as career plans. He is subject to cyclical energy flows and goes from periods of feverish activity to periods of withdrawal and introspection. The aggressive element in his behavior may be explained by emotional problems he may have experienced in infancy: his mother, or a mother figure, may have had an energetic and volatile personality.

Brian Chase is optimistic and happy to be alive. He is a cheerful, expansive, pleasant associate to have. He is extremely generous (sometimes to a fault!) and gives of himself and his belongings unstintingly. This positive psychological outlook is the result of a happy childhood and especially an extremely beneficial maternal influence in infancy. He is quite likely to be a professional success; his vision of the world is perfectly adapted to prevailing opinion, and his urges and desires for personal expansion usually elicit a positive reaction from society. By old age, his good reputation and prominence may have earned him fame.

Brian Chase hid his sensitivity behind a cool, aloof exterior. He was fairly conservative, respectful of tradition and convention, and liked to follow the rules. Because he needed stability to alleviate his feelings of frustration and sometimes emotional dependency, he had great faith in contracts which sealed relationships. His ties to his past were fairly strong. They were a source of reassurance and safety, because his parents likely gave him a lot.

Brian Chase is looking for the ideal love, and tends to idealize his friends and lovers. He may prefer to dream of his soulmate instead of making love to one; he is more in love with the idea of love than anything else. His idealism may hide a fear of truly committing himself to a relationship; he tries to intellectualize everything. In time, two options will seem clear to him: an amorous friendship based on shared ideas and intellectual exchange, or an open relationship, free of all constraints except mutual respect.

Brian Chase’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of his emotional urges and somewhat wary of his feelings, he tries to rid himself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Brian Chase likes to be spontaneous and outspoken. He enjoys provoking surprise and may develop an exhibitionist side. Encounters of friendships with uncommon people or in unusual circumstances play a great role in his life. He is quite independent and is unlikely to settle down permanently, unless he finds a talented soul who loves, accepts, and understands him as a friend and equal.

Brian Chase is idealistic, naive, and romantic, and the image of his loved one is bathed in the many sparkling colors of his adolescent dreams. However, the reality of living with someone will reveal some unwelcome facts. His partner may turn out to lack ambition and struggle to partner with him on building a secure home life and taking responsibility for the children, if he has them, etc. Nostalgia for teenage pleasures may turn to depression.

Brian Chase may be characterized by strong sensual and affectionate urges which drive him to seek pleasure. His need for romantic fulfillment may compel him to marry, because he also seeks the legal and social legitimacy the institution of marriage confers on an emotional bond. Indeed, the household is liable to be prosperous and even opulent, as if this offered further evidence that he had indeed achieved success. However, privately, he might be less committed to certain obligations and duties.

You are hypersensitive and tend to relive the anxieties, apprehensions, and romantic absolutes of your first love relationships, which occurred around the ages of 13-14 years or 20-21 years. You are exquisitely sensitive, but almost completely barricaded behind a layer of aloofness. You will not settle for anything less than eternal commitment, total harmony, and absolute loyalty. You are sometimes presumed to be cold, even by those close to her. You usually hide your emotional reactions or do not even allow them to reach the level of your consciousness, in an effort to protect your sensitivity, which you see as your weak point. You are fairly vulnerable, even in the intimacy of a stable and established relationship. Usually, you will disguise your strong feelings as a kind of possessiveness or even jealousy. Certain misfortunes may arouse a negative emotional state inside you, and you feel unworthy of the love which is lavished on you. This psychological prohibition which rules over all of your desires and affects should loosen with the passage of time; likewise, your fear of approaching the other will diminish. As a result, the second part of your romantic life will be more rewarding. In any case, if you want to experience a harmonious love relationship and gratify yourself emotionally, the defense mechanisms you have elaborated to make yourself inaccessible to others will have to be dismantled. Any profound relationship will also require that you learn how to forget yourself occasionally in the other.

Brian Chase is a flexible individual, and his intellectual faculties draw on sudden flashes of pure intuition as well as logical, rational thought. He has progressive, inventive, and sometimes utopian ideas; they usually relate to human or social problems. He always strives to be in the vanguard, creating a better world for the future.

Brian Chase expresses his thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. He is fairly extroverted and eager to discover and understand the outer world. An idealist, he looks forward to a bright future but is sometimes subjective and reckless.

Brian Chase has a penchant for expression and communication. He can’t survive without voicing his thoughts and speaking to others. He loves the power to persuade, captivate, and sway an audience with his words. Especially drawn to anything new and original, Brian immediately grasped the utility and value of the latest technology or philosophy, no matter how complicated it may be and has a knack for explaining it to the uninitiated and popularizing it. Because Brian is fairly high strung, he may have trouble concentrating on a single subject for very long, unless it is a source of intellectual fascination or discovery. He may have to make some effort to overcome this inconsistency. Brian’s open-mindedness gives him creativity, which is a valuable commodity in many occupations: teaching, communications, advertising, etc. Regardless of the career Brian chooses, his personal development will involve intellectual activity and progress.

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