What is Greg Garcia’s Personality Type?

You are an energetic person who is always in a hurry to fulfill your desires. You are guided by your instincts and have little interest in pursuing the new ideas you brought into being. You are a good manager because you are straightforward. When you commit yourself, you do so with mind, body, and soul. Restraint and moderation are concepts which are totally foreign to you, because you live by the fullness of your instinct. Due to your energetic temperament, your determination invents the action necessary to fulfill your desires. It goes without saying that your attitude engenders certain risks. Sometimes your impetuousness, or a lack of maturity or patience, or a keen appetite for experience leads you into a blind alley. But risk is a part of your life. Since your fervor is immune to calculation, second thoughts, and cunning, you have no fear. You are the type of hero whose courageous deeds are difficult to distinguish from acts of bravado or of sheer foolhardiness. Your top priority is to take action, immediately. Delay is torture to you. You are in a hurry to live, to take your urges and impulses to their ultimate conclusion, even though your lack of forethought may actually make your goal take longer to accomplish. You rarely evaluate obstacles objectively: instead, you dash into the fray, bristling with determination, oblivious to the size or scope of the difficulties.

You are eternally impassioned and this can sometimes trouble or destabilize you. Additionally, you are indifferent to obstacles and this can lead you into trouble. You should be aware of your penchant for excess and be careful not to let your impulsiveness consume you. You also should channel your energy in positive directions by getting a good education.

Greg Garcia tends to place his emotions in the forefront. He is sensitive and sometimes vulnerable to influences from the outer world.

Greg Garcia tends to live in an imaginary world; the distant and abstract sometimes interests him more than what is right at hand and realistic.

At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Cancer (the Crab), while the sun was passing through the sign of Aries (the Ram). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension: Vitality and passion – Imagination – Eccentricity – Pugnacity – Savings and thrift – Impatience – Impetuosity – Obstinacy – Enterprise – Premonition – Innovation. Because of the conflicts inherent to your nature, you will be liable to display jagged, contradictory behavior patterns. They could be the source of both powerful inner disputes and certain problems in relation to others. If you remain unaware of their cause, you may feel guilty and depressed about them. However, after you have combated the extremes dwelling within (tenacity versus impulsiveness, sensitivity versus wariness), you should reach some inner balance and harmony. Your domineering but whimsical tendencies will be reined in, as well as the excesses of your imagination.

Greg Garcia was born on the three days before the new moon appeared. He is said to be of the “balsamic moon” type, which means that he has a spiritualistic character closely attached to generous humanitarian ideals. Sometimes, he is sorely tried to limit himself to the narrow scope of individual ambition, but he aims for a humanitarian ideal which would include the outcasts and the unfortunate. He fervently hopes the meek will inherit the earth. To bring about this ideal, he is likely to seize every resource placed at his disposal: physical effort, money (if he has it), speech, his writings, and his poetic or artistic talents. However, he should be wary of his unconscious guilt feelings. Actually, there is no reason for him to devote himself to his mission entirely; a simple daily effort should suffice to express his philosophy and free his conscience. Usually, the three days preceding the new moon will be time in the monthly lunar cycle most favorable to his activities and his general energy level.

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