Santutu is a talented syncretist who is able to see the link between heterogeneous and diverse elements which do not appear to be related in the least. She has the ability to bring about surprising reconciliation, create unexpected bonds, combine beliefs which seem mutually incompatible. Her imaginative powers also flow from the division in her psyche and are evidenced by inspirations, visions, and abilities which exceed the context of logic and reasoning. Santutu is a fairly pleasant companion, although her sensitivity can be annoying at times. She tends to identify with her friends to a great degree, instead of remaining apart and empathetic. In fact, she is capable of losing herself in another person at times. Santutu should take time to reflect upon the quality of what she bestows on others and on whom she bestows it.
Due to the influence of Sagittarius rising, you have an easily harnessed but straightforward and expansive temperament, which thrives on change. The sense of smell is primordial to you, and you have a special feeling for physical contact with smells and scents. As a result, you are sensual and fashion-loving and appreciate good food. You are typically expansive and open-minded but guileful enough to bluff your way through difficult situations on the strength of your self-confidence. Because people appreciate your organizational skills, good nature, and openness, you could easily become a leader or manager in a social or professional setting. If you succeed in attracting the group’s attention, you will become a dedicated and unstinting worker, and your productivity can become a source of real pleasure and material rewards. You are best matched with partners with Virgo characteristics; their social vision and organization would help you to get the most out of your activities.
Santutu desires to wield power and enjoy social prestige. He finds the modern world frightening, but quite at home.
Santutu tends to live in an imaginary world; the distant and abstract sometimes interests her more than what is right at hand and realistic.
At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Taurus (the Bull), while the sun was passing through the sign of Pisces (the Fish). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may create tension:
Hypersensitivity – Opposition to progress – Pliancy – Compassion – Humility and reserve – Perseverance – Idealism – Pragmatism – Productivity – Intuition – Sensuality – Premonition.
A complacent and steady character is softened by lively psychic sensitivity and an ability to absorb surrounding influences. Above all, you are very sensitive to expressions of affection (or lack thereof), and will allow them to govern your behavior and actions. Because of your extreme sensitivity to suffering, you are full of compassion and try to protect the weak and defenseless. A sensual character appreciative of beauty, your artistic tastes are highly developed, and both your creative and compositional abilities are resources which deserve refinement. In your relationship to the real world, your common sense is honed by your intuition and inspiration, and then altered by your sensitivity.
Born on the third day before the new moon’s appearance, you have a spiritualistic character closely attached to generous humanitarian ideals. You are sometimes sorely tried to limit yourself to the narrow scope of individual ambition, but you aim for a humanitarian ideal which would include the outcasts and the unfortunate. You fervently hope the meek will inherit the earth, and to bring about this ideal, you are likely to seize every resource placed at your disposal: physical effort, money (if you have it), speech, your writings, and your poetic or artistic talents. However, you should be wary of your unconscious guilt feelings. Actually, there is no reason for you to devote yourself entirely to your mission; a simple daily effort should suffice to express your philosophy and free your conscience. Usually, the three days preceding the new moon will be time in the monthly lunar cycle most favorable to your activities and your general energy level.
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