Aries Yearly Horoscope

Aries Horoscope Aries Horoscope

If there is one zodiac sign that will embody, “new year, new you,” it’s you, fiery Aries. 2025 is a pinnacle year for you with major planetary shifts occurring in your sign that will usher in a new period of evolution for you. The year kicks off with your ruler, Mars, retrograde in your sister sign, Leo in your 5th house of creativity, romance, and children. This is a time to turn inward and assess how you want to best express yourself moving forward. This need for a new narrative will be amplified by the north node’s move from your sign and 1st house of self, to your 2nd house of finances on January 11. With eclipses happening in this area of your life all year, money, possessions, and what you value will be top of mind. When Mars goes direct on February 23, you’ll feel energized and ready to move forward. Mark March and your birthday season as a pinnacle time of the year for you with love planet Venus going retrograde in your sign March 1, the first Mercury retrograde of the year starting in your sign on March 14, a new moon solar eclipse in your sign on March 29, followed by Neptune moving into your sign for the first time since 1861! You are truly becoming a new you! This is solidified by Saturn’s move into Aries on May 24. There’s no looking back for you, life will never be the same.


You’ve been focused on becoming a better you since 2024, and that trend is taken up a notch this year with many astrological shifts occurring in your sign. If you are looking for more romance, suitors will have to meet you at your new level; the same goes if you are in a committed relationship. When steamy Mars goes direct in your 5th house of love and passion on February 23, it’s time to turn up the romance in your life, no matter what your relationship status. Love planet Venus retrograde in your sign from March 1-March 26 may bring back a love interest from the past, or it may be time to reconnect with your current partner. Learning how to communicate your needs will be a theme for you this year, especially when Uranus moves into your 3rd house of communication July 7-November 6, and Mercury goes retrograde in your romance house July 17-August 11th. You’re known for your fiery nature, but Saturn in your sign from May 24-September 1will require a more mature approach to everything in your life, including relationships. 


Now that Pluto is permanently out of your career sector, you have the opportunity to apply the lessons you learned around power, achievement, and status. The south node’s move to your 6th house of daily work and habits on January 11, may require you to release what is not working in your work life. When Saturn, ruler of your 10th house of career moves into your 1st house of self, you’ll feel motivated for a personal level-up that can increase your status and standing in the world. When planet of change Uranus leaves your 2nd house of income from July 7-November 6, you may start to feel a better sense of stability in your income from your career pursuits. The new moon solar eclipse in your 6th house of work on September 21 may bring news surrounding your work.

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