Scorpio Is the Genius of the Zodiac
Obsession gives Scorpio the upper hand…
It´s great to be the sensual and most mysterious sign out there, but you´re more than that, Scorpio. You have the potential of being a genius more than any other sign because of your obsessive driven focus into whatever compels you. Like everything else, obsessive behavior can have its good, and bad side.
If you manage to channel yours well, it can take you very, very far. So next time an interest awakens your curiosity, find inspiration in fellow Scorpio geniuses Pablo Picasso, August Rodin, Carl Sagan, Leopold Mozart, Marie Curie, Leon Trotsky, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Martin Scorsese, Marie Antoinette, Princess Grace Kelly, Calvin Klein, Sean Combs, Joaquin Phoenix, and Sylvia Plath. They’ve all got something to learn from!