Strong, resilient, and smart—that’s this star Sag…
“Thinking man’s bombshell” Paula Patton has played opposite Denzel Washington (Déjà Vu), Kiefer Sutherland (Mirrors), and Tom Cruise (Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol). From a start behind the camera, she was 27 before she tried acting. Her sweetness and enthusiasm have made her a fan favorite, but she’s also a realist.
Her hard-wired Sagittarian optimism has served her well. In 2014, she separated from husband Robin Thicke, but her positive outlook remains. “I like to see the glass half full instead of half empty.”
Your sign really is the whole package!
Everyone knows a Capricorn can handle a lot… you’re super strong, resilient, and a powerful force. No one wants to argue against you. You also won’t back down… because you’re usually right, of course.
But your true power lies in your sensitivity. Yes, really. You have a very big, warm heart and that pushes you toward your goals more than anything. If you care deeply, nothing can stop you. And those who get close to you are forever protected, cared for, and cherished.
Not only will you pick up the check, you’ll suggest dishes others are sure to love, you’ll share yours, and you’ll make sure everything is cooked and seasoned to everyone’s satisfaction! Remember to be generous with the tip, too.
Try these immunity boosters just for Caps!
When a Capricorn’s immunity goes haywire and you start to catch any virus going around, that’s a signal you need to slow down and stop pushing so hard. So, how can you get back to your healthy, productive self?
Sleep. And then sleep some more. Even if your mind is racing, laying down in the dark and forcing your body to rest and slow down will help.
Drink a lot of water. Not tea, not soda, not juice, and definitely not alcohol! Just plain water. Better yet, add a few slices of lemons, cucumber, and mint for a “detox” drink.
Get frisky. Yes, this is the surprising one. If you’re not totally sick but feel off, anxious, tired—just not “you”—it might mean you aren’t sexually fulfilled. So, time to get to “work”!
Unexpected job fields Goats would excel in!
Do traditional Cap-made careers seem boring to you? Well, luckily a determined Goat can do well in just about anything. Why not consider these lesser-known jobs that are suited for Capricorns:
Blogger. Teach, discuss and inspire others on any subject near and dear to you.
Yoga instructor. You could use a little de-stressing, and once you master your moves, you can teach like no other. Especially Iyenger style, which focuses on precise postures.
Bakery owner. You can follow the exact measurements and times it takes to make wonderful baked goods. And you will practice until every roll is perfect!
Stylist. Yes, really. You could work for high-rollers who need to boost their appearance.
What few know Capricorns can do so well…
So, all Capricorns are practical, serious workaholics, right? Totally wrong! Caps might get a reputation for being too stuck in routine, stubborn, and, well, kind of boring. But anyone making that judgment just hasn’t been lucky enough to see the real Goat!
Capricorns are incredibly creative. Their artistic side is often stifled because most fields in the arts don’t pay enough to make a decent living or even get by on. But you can find Capricorns lost in painting, outside taking amazing photos, and creating other unique masterpieces with their own two hands and imagination. So, don’t sell yourself or another Capricorn short—art runs in their blood!
Things few know about the sign of Aquarius…
You’re so witty and smart and different. Your jokes and stories command attention. You have hundreds (thousands?) of friends. You’re so confident and sure of yourself! But are you really? Under that dazzling personality hides a surprisingly shy and insecure soul. When you try to mask that self-doubt, you can sometimes overcompensate by trying to make people like you. As a result, others can see you as egotistical or aloof. Only you—and your nearest and dearest—know the truth! Try not to worry so much if people really like you. They do!
Aquarians who smolder with sexy facial scruff…
Men’sfacial hair has come full circle in the past few years, from clean shaven to full-on woolly. Which do Aquarians prefer?
Is your independence holding you back at work?
A working partnership could be the perfect job situation for Aquarius. You relate best to others on an intellectual level, and a relationship that omits all the messy emotional stuff seems ideal! Note, however, that nobody completely leaves their emotional being at home (not even you). You still must make a business partner feel valued, appreciated, and equal. In the best of all worlds, each of you would have a realm of responsibility—say, you’re the creative genius and your partner is the nuts-and-bolts half that brings those ideas to fruition. It’s a match made in heaven!
Does this powerhouse embody the highest human spirit?
“Queen of All Media” Oprah Winfrey embodies many Aquarian paradoxes. She’s both outgoing and reserved, public and private. Like others of her sign she questions everything and stops at nothing to find the answer.
She’s enjoyed great success amid turmoil and tragedy, yet Oprah joyfully anticipates the future. “The way I see it, every year can be a new journey….you get one chance to be 25…38…61….why wouldn’t you want to experience all the wonder in each step in your path?” Forward-thinking Aquarians are often so focused on what could be that they forget to appreciate what is. Learn to love the person you are right now. One lesson Oprah’s friend, the ever-admirable Maya Angelou, taught her, “You are enough!” There’s no time like the present.
Is Pisces the most compassionate sign? Maybe!
There’s a deep well of sensitivity, generosity, and sympathy in your watery depths. Of course, these qualities make you a wonderful friend and partner, but you also extend that compassion to any being in need of nurturing. Stray, hungry, or injured animals tug at your heartstrings. You can’t bring them all home with you, of course, so feed that inner need to help by volunteering at a local animal shelter. Frightened dogs need a friend for walks and games until they find their forever homes. Newborn feral kittens need to be socialized, bottle-fed, and cuddled before they’re ready to interact with a new human family. Give a little love and get so much more in return!