Aquarius Personality

Cool, mysterious, and full of fascinating ideas, every party needs an Aquarius (or several). They just ooze “cool” vibes. This sign has the unique ability to connect with a wide range of people while still maintaining a sense of distance—making them the object of desire to people across the zodiac.

Aquarians don’t play hard to get; they simply are hard to get (even once you’re in a relationship with one). They can be both engaging and aloof, popular and peculiar, gregarious and independent. They’re happy to be the center of attention, but they also need to do things on their own terms and have been known to disappear when they need a break.

Aquarians are nothing if not independent. They are the ultimate nonconformists, preferring to invent their way in the world. They have unique ideas, interests, and ways of moving about the world and they are unafraid to do it alone to avoid compromising their ideals.

Read Aquarius Daily Horoscope