Cheer Up, Aries!

Ways to perk up when your mood sinks down…

You’re an eternal optimist, but that doesn’t mean you don’t feel down now and then. Here are a few ways to revive your spirits in a flash.

Patience Makes Perfect, Aries!

How to slow things down to see results faster…

You’re a quick-change artist. You can turn on a dime. New business opportunity? You’re the first to sign up. But how about follow-through? If you abandon jobs, hobbies, or people in your rush to the next, you can train your brain to persevere.

Labyrinths are carefully designed to move you toward clarity and calm (at least temporarily). Walking one can lower stress, revive creativity, and center your mind. Here’s the thing—you can’t rush or worry about what’s ahead. You can take the time to notice what you’re feeling. Choose from thousands of labyrinths around the world!

Leader of the Pack, Aries!

There’s a reason that Aries is the first zodiac sign!

Cardinal quality, Mars-ruled, fire element, first house—is there anything about Aries that doesn’t spell leadership? You don’t want to rule the world, you just want to be in control of your domain. And right or wrong is less important to you than having it all, and having it now. You see the world through the lens of what’s best for you, which to others can seem self-involved. If it’s selfish to know exactly what you want and go after it with single-minded focus, then guilty as charged! Just don’t forget to pause and take a breath now and then so other mere mortals can catch up.

Spice It Up, Aries!

How to make even the blandest foods Aries-approved!

You like your food the way you like your partners—hot! Spice up something as mundane as butternut squash by adding a dose of smoky cayenne. Cut peeled squash into strips and toss with two tablespoons olive oil and one-half teaspoon of black pepper, cayenne, cumin, and salt. Bake on a baking sheet for 20 minutes at 450, turning halfway through. Or, top prepared pizza dough with a spicy sauce, some of the cooked squash mixed with onion and cayenne. Crumble goat cheese on top and bake until crispy for a novel take on an old standard.

The Ideal Aries Vacation

Where should you go on your next vacation, Aries?

Life is an adventure, and your vacation should reflect that. You love to be first, so look for new places where “everyone” hasn’t been, exotic locales that are off the beaten path. You want heat? How about Morocco, nestled right beside the Sahara Desert. You can explore courtyards, tiny alleyways, and jaw-dropping vistas, as well as shops packed with hand-woven textiles, fragrant spices, and beautiful pottery and mosaics. Relax with some tea and watch the world go by, or trek to Roman ruins and other World Heritage sites. There’s more than enough to do, even for the insatiable Ram!

Look on the Bright Side, Aries!

Are you distracting yourself from being happier?

You always want to be doing. If something or someone is moving too slowly for your warp-speed ways, you’re likely to stomp off in frustration. Your quick mind is also easily bored, and so rather than see something through, you’ll dart off to the next item that catches your attention.

Your hot temper can lead to some ill-advised (dare we say childish) tantrums. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You’re also blessed with unconquerable optimism. When you’re moody, you don’t dwell on it. Just remember, it’s not what happens to you in life, it’s how you deal with it. And that’s one thing you can always control!

You’re a Speed Demon, Aries!

Do you need to slow things down, Aries?

Competitive, assertive, and impatient, you hate to wait—on anybody or anything, including information. While others are left a bit breathless by today’s fast-paced world, it suits you just fine. You probably have the speediest car and the fastest internet connection in the neighborhood.

And moving is great for your health. A sedentary life is bad for the body and can lead to diabetes and other diseases. The key is to not become combative or aggressive, or push people to meet your timetable. Remember to consider what’s best for others, too!

How to Keep an Aries Interested

Are Aries most likely to stray?

Aries flirts with abandon and won’t waste a moment if someone interesting appears on the scene. And by “interesting” we mean the equal of Aries in energy, excitement, and adventurousness! Shrinking violets won’t even register on the radar. Indecisive nitpicking whiners? No way!

This white-hot sign needs spice, variety, and passion, if love is to endure. If they’re lacking, they’ll just move on to the next conquest du jour. Match their intensity, appreciate their uniqueness, and lavish admiration on your Aries sweetie and you’ll have a partner for life.

It Really Is All About You, Aries!

The wonder literally revolves around you, Aries!

You’re like Earth’s molten iron core. Red-hot and magnetic, the world really does revolve around you! To some, you may come across as bossy or self-centered, but you are as openhearted as they come. If a friend is in crisis, you’re the one they look to for the help and the advice that you give so freely and honestly. If you don’t know the right answer, no one will suspect it because you’ll speak with such confidence! You can rise to any challenge, solve any problem, and you know what you want out of life. Other signs could take a lesson from you!

Balance Your Perspective, Aries

The list you need to make for greater happiness…

Do you really need all that stuff on your “to buy” list? Start another list of all the things you’re thankful you already have in your life. Write down whatever pops into your head. Great friends? Pretty hands? The world’s best parents? A loving pet?

Just the act of writing them down will switch your mindset from thinking about what you don’t have to appreciating what you do. The lists will balance each other out. In fact, you’ll probably find the appreciation list is longer! Who knows? You might decide to be a little more thankful and make do with a little less.