Sweet Smell of Success, Aries!

This flower can give Aries special powers…

Sweet peas, with their “wings of gentle flush,” as John Keats described them, are some of the most fragrant flowers you can grow. You can plant these delicate climbers, associated with Aries, in the yard or in a sunny window box. Like you, the fuchsia, purple, pink, and white beauties can stand the heat! If you want to wear the fragrance, try the Yosh Han’s classic Yosh White Flowers, which mixes sweet pea, narcissus, gardenia, tuberose, freesia, and lilac, or Ralph Lauren’s Polo Blue for men, combining sweet pea, melon, and amber.

The Aries Iron Age

What’s Aries’ power metal?

Strong, adamant, and forged in fire, it’s fitting that your metal is iron! It lent its name to an age that suggests industriousness and toughness. This amazing element is what people use when they want to build something strong. Weld, cast, machine, forge, temper, harden, or anneal it, iron can take on a seemingly limitless range of shapes and qualities. It’s so important that every red-blooded life form depends on it. But too much or too little iron can be harmful, so check the iron content of your multivitamin. If you don’t need it, opt for iron-free.

Challenge Yourself, Aries!

The best way to challenge yourself…

You can’t stand to be bored. You like to play softball or volleyball with your buddies, but maybe they’ve become too predictable. Someone as competitive as you should pit yourself against the only person who can really present a challenge—you!

If you like to run, swim, or bike, you might be awesome in a triathlon. Sign up with a team and train together. Find training tips and inspiration online or with your own trainer. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone but you. And what sort of challenge would feed the Aries soul? The Ironman, of course!

Your Best Friends, Aries!

These jewels do much more than just sparkle on Aries!

Isn’t it fitting that the hardest natural substance on Earth is your birthstone? Diamonds are the very essence of fire. In fact, the ancients believed them to be crystallized lightning and slivers of stars. No matter how (or where) you wear them, you’re sure to dazzle with one spectacular light show!

Another of your gems is bloodstone—or blood jasper —quartz flecked with your metal, iron. While they signify martyrdom (so not Aries), in India, they’re thought to be an aphrodisiac. Why not do some experimentation of your own?

Sweet and Spicy Treats for Aries

Take so-so foods to a tasty new level…

No ho-hum treats will do for this fiery sign. For your next in-home movie night, spritz some olive oil on your popcorn and sprinkle it with chili powder, or black pepper and Parmesan.

Are you ready for some more unexpected heat? Add 1/4 teaspoon of chili powder to a packet of instant oatmeal. Or add four teaspoons of chili powder to a recipe for peanut butter cookies. The creamy-spicy combo is an Asian-inspired treat for your mouth and your tummy! Or add brewed coffee and ancho or chipotle chili powder to brownies for an antioxidant-packed, tongue-tingly, sensational dessert!

You’re Due for an Oil Change, Aries

The surprising, time-saving way to get better skin…

Busy, busy, busy—who has the time for a complicated, multi-step skincare routine? Not you! And those complicated products could be doing your skin more harm than good. Natural plant-based oils gently clean skin, absorb quickly to help skin hold moisture, minimize fine lines, and soothe redness without synthetic ingredients or harsh exfoliants like scrubs, brushes, or peels.

Chia seed oil is packed with anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing omega-3 fatty acids and more antioxidants than blueberries. And don’t stop at your face. Massage chia seed oil into dry cuticles, elbows, neck, and lips, too!

Hot Gifts for Aries

Shop smart for the Ram in your life…   

It can be hard to find just the right gift for nit-picky Aries. This sign can be something of a daredevil, so perhaps some lessons in flying, surfing, horseback riding, or parachuting would fill the bill.

How about fire for a fire sign? The latest outdoor grill and all the right tools have “Aries” written all over them.

Does the recipient have a hobby? Add to their collection with more bits and pieces, as well as a handsome storage box for clearing it all out of the way. Aries loves DIY projects, so specialty tools and how-to books would always be welcome.

Ideal Mate for Aries

What an Aries must have in their long-term partner…

You love the thrill of the chase, but once you find your true love, you can be one of the most faithful, loving partners around. Just who is that perfect match? Someone who is passionate, idealistic, active, and supportive, not stubborn. Your ideal mate knows that you need breathing room (fire needs oxygen, after all) and you need to go your own way at your own pace. And most important of all? You need someone who pays attention to you. Ignoring Aries is like ignoring a campfire in drought-stricken California. You end up with a firenado on your hands, and nobody wants that!

Aries Aphrodisiacs?

More play, more romps in the hay!

Heat things up in the bedroom with a few new playthings and turn routine into risqué! Try a new vibrator, from soft and squishy to multi-textural and variable pressure, in unexpected erogenous zones like the forearm—really! How about a “guybrator” that pleasures both partners? Dot arousal balm everywhere you want to experience a warm, tingling sensation. Try pleasure beads that promise a workout with the bliss. And last, but not least, light an aromatic massage candle, blow out the flame, and pour the fragrant liquid heat on yourself or your partner!

Healthy Drinks for Aries

Try out this perfect-for-Aries drink recipe!

Fruity, sweet, high in vitamin C, spicy, and ready in ten minutes! That’s a Pineapple-Jalapeño Crush, full of nutrients, flavor, and bite. To make two servings, puree two cups of cubed, fresh pineapple, two tablespoons fresh basil leaves, two tablespoons fresh mint leaves, one small fresh, seeded, and chopped jalapeno, and one tablespoon of honey with one-half cup each ice and water. Taste and add more honey if needed. Pour into two ice-filled glasses, garnish with basil and/or mint leaves and pineapple and serve immediately. Let the compliments to the drink-master begin!