Aries won’t stand for this in relationships…
If you’re shy and retiring, you don’t have to worry about tiptoeing around Aries, because you probably won’t be going out with one in the first place. However, if you’re determined and intense, you may meet your match, because that’s just the kind of person that attracts the Ram.
But if you try to dictate terms, give orders, or tell Aries what to do, you could be shown the door. Have a better idea? Find a way to make it seem like it was all theirs (and then praise them to the skies)!
Which charities do your favorite Aries support?
Aries are passionate and fully engaged in life. They don’t shy away from the harsher aspects either. These celebs put their money where their heart is to support causes they believe in.
The thing you need in bed with an Aries…
Sometimes Aries impulsiveness can take a date from first base to home plate without so much as a glance at the rest of the field. Rev up arousal by doing something out of character. Slow down and make out. Focus on foreplay. Savor one another. Explore and experiment with new ways to touch and please your partner. The change of pace from whirlwind to slow burn will make the sparks fly. Amp up the pleasure with patience and you won’t burn yourselves out!
Wise and powerful words spoken by a famous Ram…
The world lost a treasure when Maya Angelou passed away in May 2014. The epitome of Aries energy and determination, in her lifetime she was a poet, author, dancer, singer, first black San Francisco streetcar conductor, civil rights activist, actor, director, teacher, and mother!
A survivor of childhood sexual abuse, she didn’t speak for nearly five years. During that time, she read voraciously and studied the world around her, activities that would serve her well. She said, “all my work, my life, everything I do is about survival, not just bare, awful, plodding survival, but survival with grace and faith. While one may encounter many defeats, one must not be defeated.”
Aries wants this in bed—but may never admit it!
Want to capture the heart of the Aries man? Take the lead. No matter what’s your pleasure, surprise him. Some men are intimidated or put off by strong, confident women, but not Aries! Give him a taste of his own powerful, take-control attitude and let him know what you’re going to do to him, how, and where. Mix it up—canoodle in the carport, get kinky in the kitchen, play behind the potted fern. Surprise him by acting out one of his sexual fantasies when he least expects it and he’ll be yours (almost) forever!
Tips for single Aries longing for love…
You have no problem making the first move. The problem is finding the right person to make that move on. You want to meet someone whose brains, physicality, and interests match yours. Try auto shows (you know you love to drive fast), bookstores (yes, they still exist), lively bars and nightclubs, the nearest hiking trail on a busy day, the gym, and sporting events. If you have a hobby, take (or teach) a how-to class, or meet fellow enthusiasts stocking up on tools and materials at flea markets or craft shops.
What an Aries should never spend their money on…
Your ambition stands you in good stead when it comes to making money. You’re no slouch at managing or investing it either! You love to spend money almost as much as you love to earn it, and you’re generous when it comes to spending on friends and family. If your credit cards suffer from overuse, you’re clever enough to pay them down. Take care that your impulsivity doesn’t affect your earnings. Do your homework before investing or making a big purchase. Base your decisions on sound facts and figures, not whether you like the name or the color!
Signs an Aries is losing interest fast…
It’s usually hard to get a word in edgewise with talkative Aries or keep up with one when they’re busy. They do first, and rest later (if ever). However, if your Aries partner is suddenly spending all day vegging on the couch or playing video games, Houston, we have a problem! Aries isn’t a good liar, so you’ll either know what the problem is, or they’ll just walk away with nasty a backward glance. It’s harsh, yes, but it was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it?
Should Aries be bosses—or bossed?
Your sign symbolizes new beginnings. You thrive in novel circumstances. When you see a fork in the road, you go where you’ve never traveled before. You don’t need someone else telling you what to do—you put enough pressure on yourself! You’re willing to take a gamble and follow your dream. You’re prime entrepreneurial material.
But you’ve been known to charge headfirst without doing enough groundwork. Starting a business demands calculated risks, not blind leaps. And if success doesn’t come quickly, you might give up. Remember the tortoise and the hare? Patience and persistence will win the race.
Aries are natural charmers, but do they lead others on?
Aries doesn’t play games, not in love anyway. Once smitten, there will be no beating around the bush or playing hard to get. If they don’t come out and say exactly how they feel, they’ll pursue you in a whirlwind of romance. Hold on to your hat!
With Aries you could mistake restlessness for boredom, but you’d be oh so wrong! Far from preferring to be somewhere else (or with someone else), with Aries it’s a sign they want to pick up the pace! If the heat isn’t there, you’ll know that, too. If it is, you can’t easily talk Aries into anything, including love.