Aries Strengths

Aries is a firecracker sign that most expect to be rather small and lackluster. Here are a couple of their best attributes:


Overly Optimistic: This sign carries themselves with vibrancy and glow that draws people to them like moth to a flame.

Loyal: An Aries makes for a great companion—once they let you in, of course.

Fearless: This sign simply isn’t afraid of anything.

Decisive: If a friend is stuck between choices and not sure what to do (we’re looking at you, Gemini and Libra), they’ll call up an Aries.

Fun: Never dull, Aries knows how to spark fun and liveliness wherever they go.

Determined: When they see something they want, good luck to those who get in their way.

Challenge-Seeking: Besides being a natural leader, the truth is, it’s pretty difficult to deter an Aries.

Risk-Taker: While some may see it as a weakness, an Aries’ impulsivity is actually a tool that can help them navigate situations rather efficiently.

Upfront: This sign isn’t trying to play games.

Aries Planet

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, named after the Greek god of war, aggression, and conflict. So, surprise, surprise: This sign is built for confrontation and prefers to be out conquering the world around them one battle at a time.

But here’s another tidbit about Mars that you may not be aware of: Mars is also the god of sex! That insatiable appetite and wild drive for connection between the sheets is almost impossible to miss with this sign.

Thanks to Mars, Aries also encompasses charm and strategy. He can move his way through any battle—knowing when to apply charm, when to observe, and when to go ahead and kick some booty. Mars is also to thank for this sign’s enviable stamina.

The god Mars was also known for having quite the ego—thinking rather highly of himself. Sound a little familiar? This sign could benefit from shutting down their “holier than thou” attitude to make sure they aren’t alienating those closest to them.

Aries Rising

It’s impossible to miss an Aries rising when they enter a room—this is a rising sign that oozes confidence! There’s no point in questioning what their motives are. Aries rising natives are quick, direct, and forthright—almost to a fault. We will see a similarity when it comes to Aries characteristics with the Aries rising: This person is competitive, passionate, courageous, and might have a quick temper.

Being an Aries rising doesn’t necessarily mean that this sign is prone to angry outbursts and fighting, but it might be harder for them to hide their feelings when triggered. These are passionate folk who feel with their entire being.

In astrology, Aries rules the head, so with Aries rising, we might see that early on in their life, these people may have had an injury to the face, or struggled with something like acne. This placement is incredibly independent and not afraid to trailblaze their own path.

Aries Moon

Temperamental much? People with Aries moons are fiery to say the least—and one thing’s for certain: They’re not waiting around for anything or anyone! This lunar placement can cause an individual to struggle with impulsivity and the concept of patience. Living in the moment is how Aries moon placements operate instinctually. Living in the moment is how Aries moon placements operate instinctually.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, god of war, a planet that represents our fight and ambition in our individual birth charts. When this energy is expressed through a lunar placement, there can be a deep need for competition and a tendency for defensiveness when this person is challenged. These people thrive in challenging situations and see confrontation. If our moon represents what’s comfortable for us, an Aries moon yearns for the battlefield for comfort.

This lunar placement could indicate a troubled or challenging early childhood or home life: perhaps an early childhood where the Aries moon had to fight for attention, security, or nurturing.

The beauty of the Aries moon is that they are usually very straightforward with their emotions (because they aren’t really able to hide them).

Aries Symbol

There’s nothing subtle about fire sign Aries, ruled by aggressive Mars! Symbolized by the combatant Ram, Aries too is always ready to butt heads with their competition.

Aries are often thought of as driven, aggressive and sometimes hot-tempered individuals who are ready to take on anyone who dares run up against them, so it’s fitting that the belligerent ram is their Zodiac symbol (glyph). It’s one of the easiest symbols to recognize because it actually looks like a ram’s horns, which are the main tool they use in combat.

Besides the obvious aesthetic reasons that Aries’ glyph is the Ram, Greek mythology tells the story in a little more depth. The myth of Chrysomallus, the Golden Ram, who was called on by Nephele, the goddess of the clouds, to save her children from their own father, is a story of bravery and strength of character. Chrysomallus attempted to help Nephele by flying across the turbulent seas with her children on its back, and the brave Ram was eventually sacrificed to Poseidon and became the constellation known as Aries. 

Aries Psychic Traits

As far as psychic and intuitive gifts go, I’m afraid this sign gets the short end of the stick. It’s not that they can’t strengthen that intuitive muscle (since we’re all intuitive). It’s just that Aries has to understand patience in order to learn a skill.

This sign tends to think more than they feel. If there was a gift I’d recommend beginning with, it’s claircognizance—which is clear knowing. This is a gift wherein something pops into your head and you instantly know something. Whether it’s knowing who just texted you, or a friend who needs you, or what club to head to for the night, you’d just know the answer.

This is the best chance an Aries will have at bypassing the ego, because they’ll naturally feel confident about what they know over what someone else says. The trick for Aries will be to stop getting caught up in mistaking ego for claircognizance. This is where some training and study comes in handy. Many times, this sign may stubbornly cling to their choice, thinking that it’s their intuition guiding them—when really, it’s not.

Aries Body Parts

Known as the infants of the zodiac, the areas ruled by Aries are the head, eyes, ears, mouth, and entire face. Think of a baby and the soft spot they have on their heads. This is why Aries may often bump their head, suffer from migraines, or why colds may first show their symptoms in the head. Aries will also likely suffer from sinus issues and have a sensitivity to sinuses around certain times of the year.

Aries is likely to have eyesight issues and may need corrective lenses in order to see perfectly. They may also deal with acne issues as well.

Because this sign tends to jump all over the place and has such rich excitability, they’re also known for cutting themselves, stubbing their toes, knocking their knees, and suffering from wounds that come from nothing more than clumsiness. Slowing down from time to time and easing that impatience could help this.

Aries Finance & Money

When it comes to money, this sign can really struggle. Aries tends to take big risks—leaping before they think, which makes for situations that can either help or hurt them. For example, this is the sign that will invest in risk hedge funds without thoroughly checking them out. They would put all they’ve got in the market on a single stock based on a tip from a friend who has no idea what they’re talking about.

Aries is known for going from feasting to famished thanks to their rocky bank account. Just as quickly as they make their money, they’ll spend it. And because social status and appearance are very important to them, they’ll spend on the finest clothing, clubs, restaurants, and of course, toys (hello, Ferrari). Regardless of whether their near to maxing out their credit card, they’ll still pull that sucker out and cover dinner for the crew.

If there’s anyone who personifies the axiom, “You can teach an old dog new tricks,” it’s this sign. Aries will follow the same pattern for most of their life until they finally reach a point where they realize something’s got to give.

Aries Career Weaknesses

What’s really cute and sometimes frustrating about an Aries is that the same traits that make them a saint can also make them a sinner.

Defensive: This sign’s need for constant challenge means that unless they’re the boss, they tend to rub authority the wrong way. They will constantly question a higher up’s choices and chirp in with a “yeah, but” that will drive even the most patient boss crazy.

No Follow-Through: Since Aries does best with quick fixes and tasks that can be completed in a short amount of time, they’ll struggle with those projects that take a long time.

Gossiper: While everyone loves an Aries for their great conversational skills, the truth is that too much chatter in the workplace often makes them the office gossip.

Overly Competitive: Another weakness likely to become a struggle is that Aries has a hard time with those who challenge them.

Not a Team Player: Aries wants all the good jobs, the best office (preferably corner), the highest floor, and it goes on and on. In fact, it doesn’t stop.

Aries Best Careers & Career Advice

For this sign, it’s best to go into a field where they can be themselves: aggressive, motivated, and constantly stimulated. The best career prospects for Aries include:

PR Professional: PR is an Aries’ jam. If there’s one thing this sign excels at, it’s schmoozing the pants off anyone they come in contact with.

Magazine Editor: Being an editor of a magazine gives an Aries plenty of room to roam, literally and figuratively. It puts them in a power position (they’re favorite place). They will also have their pick of choice dream destinations, get to rub elbows with celebrities, and will be surrounded by some of the finest stuff out there.

Attorney: Who brings the challenge more than an Aries attorney? Here’s where this sign gets to exercise their love of challenge.

Sales: An Aries could sell ice to an Eskimo. With unbeatable persuasion, this sign knows exactly how to pull out the charm to wow customers on even the least needed item out there.