What Do You Collect, Cancer?

If you don’t have one, start a collection of these…

You love to collect and hate to throw anything away. That’s what gives your home it’s, shall we say, “lived-in” look. Keep the accumulating from turning into hoarding by imposing some order and artistry.

No matter what you have—vintage toys, matchbooks, buttons, stamps, model airplanes, album covers, glass, photos—you can show them off and enliven a room. Group treasures into wall art in shadowboxes or arrange on shelves or tabletops.

Edit your tableaus by theme, color, shape, or size. And you don’t have to showcase each one. Periodically change the display to match your changing moods.

You’re a Family Favorite, Cancer!

No kin love their own as much as the Cancer in their clan!

To say Cancer is “family oriented” is like saying water is wet. You are the nurturer who gives hugs “just because”. Your home can accommodate crowds of family, and friends who seem like family. You probably live within walking distance of parents or siblings. They’re your strength, your touchstone, your anchor.

Yes, you probably talk to them every day, but why not do something extra special for them? Use your culinary talent to create a comforting dinner for the clan. How about crusty French bread and a big pot of cioppino—served family style, of course!

Nurture, Don’t Cling, Cancer!

Don’t let your sweet Cancerian nature become sickening…

You are considerate, empathetic, and compassionate—and who doesn’t need a little more of those qualities in their life? You want to encase a partner in a protective shell of comfort and security and feel just as nurtured by him or her.

If you know that you belong to another person, as well as to a location and a loyal group of friends and/or relatives, you are contented. Your caution is to take care that the mothering doesn’t turn into smothering. You want to embrace another gently, not cling for dear life.

Are You Attracted, Cancer?

Crabs have what it takes to find true love…

All you have to do is listen to your true Cancer heart.

You’re choosy. Unlike some other signs, you set your partner priorities and stick to them. Where others rush into love, you’re content to bide your time.

You’re honest. You may not open up easily or often, but when you do, you say what you mean and mean what you say.

You trust your instincts. You don’t hang around if someone is cold or indifferent. You’re intuitive, so you get the message and move on.

You’re cautious. Sometimes “chemistry” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Just because you see a stunner across the room, that doesn’t mean the person is good partner material!

Give The Perfect Gift, Cancer

This gift will always win Cancer’s loved ones over…

Do you need to find a gift for someone important in your life (or a special treat for yourself)? You can’t go wrong with gleaming, sophisticated silver. A charm bracelet is beautiful, personal, and nostalgic.

From Tiffany’s to flea markets to department stores, you can find classic or playful charms to illustrate the recipient’s life and interests. And you know how much Cancer loves to collect things! Your gift will become a cherished heirloom that can be added to and passed through generations. For men, a pair of vintage or modern silver cufflinks would be classy and stylish.

Dating a Cancer?

Attributes Cancers need from their closest comrades…

If you’re thinking about dating a Crab, see if you recognize yourself in this list first! Are you…

Compassionate. Let Cancer see how much you love animals, kids, good causes.

Romantic. Reciprocate in loving ways all that the Crab does for you.

Patient. This cautious sign doesn’t rush headlong into love.

Family Oriented. Family ties are extremely important to Cancer.

Responsible. This sign craves financial and material security.

Complimentary. The Crab loves to hear how much you love them and all they do for you.

Sincere. You’d better mean those compliments (see above)! Cancer will know if you don’t.

What Gives, Cancer? You Do!

Are you wasting your charitable personality?

Cancer is one of the most giving and helpful signs (when you aren’t feeling moody, that is). You’ll unselfishly share your meal with the hungry, give the coat off your back to the cold and weary, and offer the last few dollars in your pocket to the needy.

You understand that life is hard—you worry about it enough—and your sentimental nature urges you to offer aid when you can. You must overcome that innate shyness, but you can be a force to be reckoned with as a volunteer. Find a cause you believe in and give it the same dedication you show family and friends.

Love, Cancer Style

Your sign’s unique take on love makes others melt…

You are intuitive, affectionate, and sensitive. Your fervent wish is to be able to share your feelings, and nest, with another being and forge a deep connection of real love and understanding. No one can hold a candle to your supportive, helpful nature.

Remember that a partner wants the chance to take care of you, too. Relinquish a bit of that control and accept the nurturing that is offered. You may find you enjoy it. (And no grumbling if he or she doesn’t do it exactly the way you would!)

Practice Impulse Control, Cancer

Should you buy it or not, Cancer?

If your treasured collections are in danger of engulfing your house, exercise a little impulse control before you think about adding that next tchotchke to the shelf! First do a little research on that coveted item that’s beckoning to you on eBay. Check the online reviews (perhaps ignoring the overly zealous ones, positive or negative). Then ask some friends whose opinions you value for their thoughts on your intended purchase. When you head back to your computer armed with these new insights, you may discover that the desperately desired item isn’t as amazing as you thought. Now you can put that money back in savings—where it belongs!

Don’t Be a Worrywart, Cancer!

Will this matter in a day, month, or year?

You worry, you can’t help it. But it doesn’t accomplish much besides tying you up in knots of anxiety. Most of what you worry about works itself out in the end. In the meantime, you’ve wasted emotional energy that would have been better spent on something else! Here’s some advice to help you put worries into perspective.

  1. Change is overrated. You can’t change others’ behavior. Let it go.
  2. Other people aren’t always right. Stop worrying about what others might think.
  3. You can’t save the world (or family or friends). You have to let others live their own lives.
  4. Nobody’s perfect. Not even you. Hard to believe, isn’t it?
  5. Money can’t solve worry. Dreaming of winning the lottery isn’t the answer. You’re better off focusing on the real issue, not a fantasy solution.