Love, Cancer Style

Your sign’s unique take on love makes others melt…

You are intuitive, affectionate, and sensitive. Your fervent wish is to be able to share your feelings, and nest, with another being and forge a deep connection of real love and understanding. No one can hold a candle to your supportive, helpful nature.

Remember that a partner wants the chance to take care of you, too. Relinquish a bit of that control and accept the nurturing that is offered. You may find you enjoy it. (And no grumbling if he or she doesn’t do it exactly the way you would!)

Practice Impulse Control, Cancer

Should you buy it or not, Cancer?

If your treasured collections are in danger of engulfing your house, exercise a little impulse control before you think about adding that next tchotchke to the shelf! First do a little research on that coveted item that’s beckoning to you on eBay. Check the online reviews (perhaps ignoring the overly zealous ones, positive or negative). Then ask some friends whose opinions you value for their thoughts on your intended purchase. When you head back to your computer armed with these new insights, you may discover that the desperately desired item isn’t as amazing as you thought. Now you can put that money back in savings—where it belongs!

Don’t Be a Worrywart, Cancer!

Will this matter in a day, month, or year?

You worry, you can’t help it. But it doesn’t accomplish much besides tying you up in knots of anxiety. Most of what you worry about works itself out in the end. In the meantime, you’ve wasted emotional energy that would have been better spent on something else! Here’s some advice to help you put worries into perspective.

  1. Change is overrated. You can’t change others’ behavior. Let it go.
  2. Other people aren’t always right. Stop worrying about what others might think.
  3. You can’t save the world (or family or friends). You have to let others live their own lives.
  4. Nobody’s perfect. Not even you. Hard to believe, isn’t it?
  5. Money can’t solve worry. Dreaming of winning the lottery isn’t the answer. You’re better off focusing on the real issue, not a fantasy solution.

How About ‘Hi,’ Cancer?

The super easy way Cancers can make more friends…

You know you aren’t a chatterbox like Gemini, but you aren’t alone if you find it hard to talk to strangers of the opposite sex. A study found that 45% of men say their biggest dating problem is that they don’t know how to start a conversation with a woman!

Setting aside the obvious “hello,” you can help ease the anxiety by being prepared with your own arsenal of engaging topics the next time you go to a party, out with friends, or on a date with a new guy or gal. It doesn’t have to be astrophysics (and it’s probably better if it isn’t) but steer clear of politics and religion until you get to know each other better!

Cancer’s Ideal Date

There’s one type of date you should never say no to…

Thoughtful, romantic Cancer loves good food, so a quiet bistro with excellent cuisine will never be off the mark. Listen to your companion’s deepest thoughts and craziest ideas—no one exudes sympathetic agreeability like the Crab.  And bask in the well-deserved compliments you’ll receive in return.

A concert, opera, or theatrical performance is also a good choice for this expressive, emotional sign. Lucky you, if you’re asked out on a date by a Cancer. By the end of the evening you will feel loved, cared for, and understood.

Cancer’s Ideal Home

What to look for in a happy, stylish, cozy home…

Cancer is the sign most closely associated with domesticity and family life. As such, your ideal home needs ample space for entertaining, perhaps with an open living or kitchen area where people can talk, cook, and enjoy being together.

A huge dining table, comfortable chairs, and utilitarian floor coverings will foster convivial crowds with minimal fuss. Embellish with a seaside theme or family photos and heirlooms, important to Cancer.

You also cherish your privacy, so a comfy bedroom in clean, crisp whites, aquatic hues, or deep blues provides the perfect sanctuary for the Crab.

Cancer Love Detector

The unmistakable sign that a Cancer is smitten…

Would there even be family units if there were no Cancers? Their world centers on partner, kids, siblings, parents. “Loyalty” is Cancer’s middle name, and it remains undying toward any person or persons who help the Crab feel secure and loved.

But it isn’t easy for Cancers to trust another person. That’s why they have that tough shell, after all—to protect their soft, vulnerable core. The ultimate sign of potential Crab commitment is an invitation to meet the parents or those from their inner circle. Get a glimpse of that gooey, sentimental heart and you know you’re in for keeps.

Find Out Why You’re So Tired, Cancer!

Surprising reasons why you’re fatigued…   

Are you crawling along with barely enough energy to make it through the day? See if any of these causes are zapping your energy!

  1. Are you getting enough sleep? Even if you’re in bed for eight hours, you may not be sleeping. Check with a doctor to rule out conditions like sleep apnea.
  2. Is your work stressful? If you spend all your time cleaning up other people’s messes, try to schedule in something truly meaningful to you every day.
  3. Could it be something else? If you’re exercising, eating right, and drinking plenty of water, there are other conditions that could leave you feeling drained, like hypothyroidism. Check with your doctor to rule them out.

Stress Is Contagious, Cancer

You really can “catch” this common health affliction…

Poor, sensitive Crab! Ruled by the Moon, your moods can soar up and come crashing down all in the course of one day. Your loving, nurturing nature is a gift, but all that empathy can make you susceptible to the toxic moods of others. Research suggests that just being around anxious people may be hazardous to your health.

Do what they tell you to do on airplanes and put on your oxygen mask first. Not literally, of course, but employ whatever relaxation technique works for you to calm yourself down. Only then can you help your anxious friend.

Strike a (Warrior) Pose, Cancer

Cancers get major benefits from this health trend…

You already know that yoga improves balance and tones muscles, but the benefits don’t stop there! It can increase energy, ease stress, regulate the immune system, help you lose weight, and help you find balance even off the mat.

It may sound like hype from a late-night TV commercial, but research shows that doing even gentle yoga regularly helps people lose pounds and keep them off. It’s less about sweating off calories than it is about changing behavior and the way the brain reacts to stress. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, it never hurts to become more mindful!