Strike a (Warrior) Pose, Cancer

Cancers get major benefits from this health trend…

You already know that yoga improves balance and tones muscles, but the benefits don’t stop there! It can increase energy, ease stress, regulate the immune system, help you lose weight, and help you find balance even off the mat.

It may sound like hype from a late-night TV commercial, but research shows that doing even gentle yoga regularly helps people lose pounds and keep them off. It’s less about sweating off calories than it is about changing behavior and the way the brain reacts to stress. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, it never hurts to become more mindful!

Stress Relief for Cancers

How Cancers can quickly alleviate stress and tension…

You tend to worry and are prone to nervous tension and emotional stress. A furrowed brow isn’t the secret to radiant beauty! While you don’t need to live crablike in seclusion, you can reap health benefits by relaxing in a sea-like place.

In a restricted stimulation/isolation tank, you’ll float weightlessly in salty, shallow water inside a dark, warm chamber. Some say you can achieve a state of relaxation not unlike deep meditation. Traffic, deadlines, or a peevish partner suddenly seems no big deal. And you’ll sleep better. The effects of one session can last a week!

Stop and Smell the Coriander, Cancer?

This odd scent may be the secret to Cancerian bliss…

If you’re searching for a new scent but don’t know where to begin, one idea is to start with the herbs and flowers associated with your sign: rosemary, comfrey, larkspur, honeysuckle, and coriander.

Try Ineke’s Scarlet Larkspur. How about Jo Malone’s Grapefruit Cologne, which has notes of rosemary and vetiver? You can find acanthus-scented candles, invigorating rosemary body washes, and soothing comfrey soaps.

Try a few of the many colognes and perfumes that feature honeysuckle or, yes, coriander! And the aptly named Silver Scent for men by Jacques Bogart combines rosemary, citrus, and spice.

Best Water Workouts for Cancer

These aquatic fitness routines will tone and relax you…

You love to relax with friends and family, but you have to keep fit, too. A long hike with others on the beach lets you connect while you work out. You love the water, so you might like water aerobics. Deep end or shallow, outdoors or in, there are group workouts to suit every ability, without the pounding or joint stress of running or weightlifting. For a more solitary activity, swimming laps will build your endurance in a quiet, almost meditative environment. Add motivating tunes on a waterproof MP3 player to make the time fly.

Feel and Look Better, Cancer

Ways Cancers can tone up and boost their health…

If you see a muffin top that isn’t on your breakfast plate, it might be time to whittle your middle. The added benefit? Defining your waist not only sculpts your abs but also tones your butt, legs, and arms. You’ll ratchet up the fat burn without aggravating any back pain or tight hip flexors.

Try standing core exercises like lunges with a knee raise. Or seated oblique pulls. Sit on the floor, heels on the ground, knees slightly bent. Hold a towel taut at both ends overhead. Lean back, keeping your back flat. Maintaining a tight core, slowly pull the left end of the towel toward the floor while extending your left leg. Pause, return to start. Repeat on the other side. Do ten on each side.

The Sweetest Medicine, Cancer

Go ahead, indulge in this sweet and beneficial treat…

You could eat sweets all day long. Thank goodness nutrition experts have discovered the health benefits of chocolate—especially the dark variety—including antioxidants, reduced risk for stroke, lower blood pressure, and stress relief. What’s not to love?

A little goes a long way, however. Go ahead and splurge on the very best quality you can afford (there really is a difference). Find dark chocolate with unique and sometimes startling flavor combinations like chili pepper, sea salt, orange peel, ginger, or wasabi, and treat yourself to an ounce of “medicine” before bedtime!

Ideal Careers for Cancer

Your top picks for a happy, profitable work life…

You keep a welcoming, comfy house, but that doesn’t mean you want to stay there 24/7. You’re an enterprising cardinal sign, and as such, you like to be out and doing things in the world.

You want to make people feel welcome and well fed, so restaurants or hotels could be right up your alley. History fascinates you, so museums or antiques appraising are other options.

As emotionally understanding and empathetic as you are, Cancers make great doctors, psychologists, therapists, and counselors. Pet care, childcare, elder care, or teaching might offer you a fulfilling career as well.

Teach People How to Treat You, Cancer

The weird reason others may treat Cancers unfairly…

You’re so kind that it’s hard for you to believe that other people aren’t, too. People could mistake your caution and need for security as weakness and take advantage of you. If there’s someone who’s always rude to you, claiming your ideas as their own, or taking you for granted, there are two things you can do.

One is nothing. Do nothing and the situation won’t change, but you’ll have to be content with the status quo. The other is to teach the person how you want to be treated. If you dislike the way a friend makes fun of you, even jokingly, speak up. You then need to decide if that’s a friend you want to keep.

Be Choosy, Cancer!

Does making decisions cause you anxiety?

You’re so emotional! Sometimes the need to make a big decision can send you scurrying back into your shell. Relax. There are ways to ease the stress and make the process easier. Let’s say you are thinking about quitting college. Perhaps you have a job, too, or the coursework isn’t as interesting as you thought it would be. Are your only two choices really just staying and suffering through it, or quitting altogether? Give some thought to a third, fourth, or fifth option you hadn’t considered. Rather than drop out, maybe you could take a class or two on weekends and evenings. It’s worth thinking about.

Who Is the Boss of Your Life, Cancer?

Who calls the shots in a Cancer’s life?

Your willingness to take control makes you a natural manager. You aren’t afraid to accept responsibility for a project or team and do what needs to be done. You’re organized and dependable, but your cardinal nature will make it hard for anyone to push you into doing something you don’t want to do. And you can be as stubborn as a bull if someone tries to thwart your plans. You always appear calm and strong even if you’re a quivering ball of insecurity on the inside. Just take care not to let your fluctuating emotions rule your decision making.