You Can’t Buy Peace of Mind, Cancer

Money can’t buy happiness, or this either…

Cancer seeks security the way crabs seek rocky hidey-holes, and money is one tangible manifestation of security for you. You acquire it, accumulate it, and once you have it, hold onto it tenaciously (except when it comes to loved ones).

You worry about money, too, and no amount ever seems to be enough to make you feel entirely safe from the dangers lurking out there. You want to be paid what you know you’re worth and will move on to another job if necessary. Take care that your prudence with money doesn’t turn into miserliness.

Are You Too Take-Charge, Cancer?

Are your maternal instincts putting people off?

You’re well suited to be the boss, so long as you don’t become too bossy. You’re very competent, and you feel you know the best way to do things. Hence, you want people to do exactly what you say. But that doesn’t always go over so well.

To succeed with co-workers, try to leave the parental behavior at home. Stifle any tendency to be controlling and put some of that stellar nurturing behavior to work instead. Delegate tasks and trust that the work will be done right. You can keep a watchful eye on everyone, so they’re focused on the end goal without lapsing into micromanagement!

Accept the Praise, Cancer!

Cancers are natural award-winners—enjoy it!

Everyone knows that Cancer is a sensitive sign, sometimes overly so. You might seem mild mannered and unassuming to others, but you will defend loved ones and comrades to the bitter end.

It might surprise some people to know that you often feel vulnerable and inadequate, what with all your outward confidence. It’s probably hard for you to accept well-deserved praise or recognition, since inside you feel a bit like a fraud. Take a lesson from Leo and learn to bask in the spotlight. Be gracious about compliments and awards, you deserve them!

Cancer Emotional Intelligence 101

One of your best traits can get you ahead at work…          

Some experts rank emotional intelligence as one of the most important qualities in a career—as important as intellectual ability or technical skill. EI encompasses initiative, empathy, and persuasiveness. It can help make the difference between a leader and a loser.

And who has EI by the truckload? Cancers! You’re intuitive and respectful. You’re sure of what you want and will stop at nothing to get it. You can’t learn EI from books, it develops by interacting with people, something Cancer does well. Put your emotional intelligence to work in order to excel in the workplace.

Cancers Want to Change the World

The man behind Tesla is one clever Cancer!

Billionaire Elon Musk likes to tackle tasks that others assume are impossible. Cut global warming, lower oil use, and get everyone into electric cars? No prob. His companies Tesla and SolarCity build electric cars and supply solar power to the country. Oh, and his Space X sends resupply vehicles to the Space Station. “Everyone has to work as hard as possible,” says Musk, “anything less than that seems crazy to me.”

This rock star entrepreneur has always stirred up the status quo. In 2013, he unveiled his “Hyperloop” idea for commuting the length of California in 30 minutes. And in 2014, he made his Tesla patents available to anyone. His goal? Simply to “have a big effect on the world.” Now, everyone knows his name. Done.

Cancer Confidence

This unique star didn’t let her critics hold her back!

Actress and director Angelica Huston is her family’s third generation to win an Oscar. In her 20s, she posed for photographer Richard Avedon, modeled for Halston, and had her hair styled by Vidal Sassoon.

But her life hasn’t always been a walk in the park. Modeling agency executive Eileen Ford suggested she get a nose job. Avedon said her shoulders were too wide. And a theater critic said she had the “face of a gnu”!

But this tough-shelled Cancer turned negatives into plusses, working in over 70 movies and TV programs. “I knew I didn’t have the easiest face in the world,” she admits. “I was able to take advantage of a time when unusual became something to be coveted.”

Family Comes First for This Cancer

One of country’s hottest stars is a loveable family man…

Award-winning country singer Luke Bryan doesn’t let the adoration of thousands of screaming fans go to his head. “If I’m up there not taking myself too seriously and letting the girls watch me shake it a little bit,” he says, “that’s what makes the night fun.”

What really turns this Cancer celeb on is his wife, college sweetheart Caroline. How does he stay grounded? “The important thing is that we try to communicate as much as we can,” he says. “If we have a little hiccup with one another, we talk it out, figure it out, close the book on it, and move on down the road.” That’s good advice from this Crab!

Cancer Celebs Stand Out

This Cancer may be the best of her generation…

Meryl Streep isn’t known for one role, or even a select few. This American actress is often referred to as the best of her generation given her extensive success across a variety of film genres. She’s known for her versatility, earning her 3 Academy Awards with a record 21 nominations, among dozens of other accolades.

This Cancer has used her platform as a Hollywood star to bring about change, too. She has collaborated on the Time’s Up initiative, campaigned the Equal Rights Amendment to all members of Congress, and founded Writers Lab for women over forty seeking to develop their screenwriting. Catch her in three new films this year, or in her recent performances—Little Women or Big Little Lies!

Complex Cancer

Are your character contradictions a big turn-off?

You are full of contradictions, as evidenced by your symbol, Crab. All the tough-as-nails armor and impressive weaponry on the outside hide a gentle and tender emotional being. By the same token, your inner focus is counterbalanced by an enterprising spirit. You crave comfort and security yet harbor no small amount of ambition.

Sometimes you can be paralyzed by fear, doubt, and worry, which keep you from moving forward. Your challenge is to listen to your instincts and face your fears head-on. Take the initiative in whatever you want to accomplish!

Cancer’s Secret Wanderlust

What you don’t know about Cancers…

You’re such a homebody that some may not know that you harbor a secret wanderlust. Yes, you love to be in familiar surroundings with family and friends, but deep inside you long to travel the world, see new places, taste exotic—not too spicy—foods, and try new experiences. If only you could take that comforting, protective shell with you.

Perhaps you can. Focus your trips on an interest, such as searching for that one trinket that will complete your collection, or volunteering on an archaeological dig. You’ll combine focused travel with meeting like-minded souls and seeing new places!