Techniques to help you in front of the mirror…
You’re probably most comfortable with a very natural look, and that’s actually a good thing! The right cosmetics simply enhance your face. Never mask it or go for a look that takes more than 10 minutes. After all, you have important things to do! But remember, looking good will make you feel more confident, so take a little time and try one of these techniques.
Smokey eyes. You need not go extreme but smudging the upper and lower lash lines with black, charcoal, or a deep bronze will look amazing. Add a couple coats of mascara and your eyes will look sexy.
A red lip. Sure, it’s bold. You can pull it off! Just find the right shade for your skin tone.
Go light on the blush or bronzer. Just use it to liven up and highlight areas that the sun hits.
Curl your lashes. It will instantly make you appear more awake, even if you’ve been working long hours or having a bout of insomnia.
Play around with eye shadow. Just a darker color in the crease and a light color on the lid, blended up into the crease to make it seamless, is all you need. Browns, grays, and smoky purples should work best.
You need to protect this area…
Your sign rules the joints, teeth, and bones. Your knees are especially prone to injury, swelling, bruises, cuts and aches. So, what can you do besides walk around with knee pads on?
Invest in good shoes. And you need pairs for every occasion—running, walking around, standing for long periods, dressing up. You need to be comfortable or your knees take the brunt and you can end up with major pain.
Whatever way you get exercise, make sure you stretch and go easy. Running and sports like baseball, football, and tennis are all really hard on the knees, so be careful and break out any gear that will protect them. Exercise like yoga and swimming is best for you, though!
These are the 3 reasons Caps toss and turn all night…
Not sleeping is a serious and common problem for Capricorns, so make sure you are avoiding these three culprits that rob you of a decent rest…
Electronics. Don’t use any right before bed. That includes your phone, having the TV on, a too-bright alarm clock glowing in the dark, even music. Power down!
Your diet. You need to eat your biggest meals during the first half of the day. You shouldn’t eat within an hour or more of when you want to fall asleep, and that last meal should be light and mainly vegetarian. Gotta have your nightly ice cream fix? Opt for lower fat options if you must—or try a coconut milk ice cream to nix the dairy which can bother your digestion.
Your bedmate. Eek, yes really! If they snore or crowd your space, you may not get a good night’s rest. But the biggest bed pest is your pet! Make sure your fluffy friend gives you room to stretch, or they get the floor.
Things Capricorns need to do to let their love lives thrive.
Capricorns are awesome at anything serious in their lives—their work, personal goals and hobbies, financial planning, and their loved ones. But sometimes they can be way too serious.
Over-thinking is something that can prevent Capricorns from holding down a healthy relationship. So is being so careful that everything is “perfect”, so much so that they miss that window of romantic opportunity. So, Goat, lower your expectations (without settling, of course) and try to go with the flow more. If you’re too uptight, love may elude you altogether. It’s no fun being with a worrywart!
Try these immunity boosters just for Caps!
When a Capricorn’s immunity goes haywire and you start to catch any virus going around, that’s a signal you need to slow down and stop pushing so hard. So, how can you get back to your healthy, productive self?
Sleep. And then sleep some more. Even if your mind is racing, laying down in the dark and forcing your body to rest and slow down will help.
Drink a lot of water. Not tea, not soda, not juice, and definitely not alcohol! Just plain water. Better yet, add a few slices of lemons, cucumber, and mint for a “detox” drink.
Get frisky. Yes, this is the surprising one. If you’re not totally sick but feel off, anxious, tired—just not “you”—it might mean you aren’t sexually fulfilled. So, time to get to “work”!
The specific food you need in your diet, Capricorn…
You’ve seen all the eat this, not that lists. But how about some recommendations just for you? Your Capricorn digestive system is unique. You need more calcium to help your joints, too. Make sure these foods end up on your plate several times a week. If you can eat most daily, bravo!
Diet staples for Capricorns: dark leafy greens, low-fat dairy (milk and yogurt), citrus fruits, figs, most green vegetables (especially if eaten raw), nuts, whole wheat, eggs, chicken breast, salmon, sweet potatoes, oats, and quinoa.
Your key to goal attainment…
Capricorns have an understated way of showing they care about people—but one of the most striking ways they do so is by making people realize their full potential and the positive possibilities in front of them. Having a Cap by one’s side is the key to succeeding at a goal. After all, few big accomplishments are possible by going it alone. So, Goats, whoever you’d like to see achieve their dreams, make sure you are not only a cheerleader but a direct helper along their journey!
What Caps should never do in a job interview…
Capricorns seem like shoe-ins when they score interviews. But there are some very off-putting things Goats can say or do in front of the potential employer. So, next time you consider a new job, don’t do these…
Unexpected job fields Goats would excel in!
Do traditional Cap-made careers seem boring to you? Well, luckily a determined Goat can do well in just about anything. Why not consider these lesser-known jobs that are suited for Capricorns:
Blogger. Teach, discuss and inspire others on any subject near and dear to you.
Yoga instructor. You could use a little de-stressing, and once you master your moves, you can teach like no other. Especially Iyenger style, which focuses on precise postures.
Bakery owner. You can follow the exact measurements and times it takes to make wonderful baked goods. And you will practice until every roll is perfect!
Stylist. Yes, really. You could work for high-rollers who need to boost their appearance.
Are you projecting the right kind of public image?
You like to be in control and might think others admire your take-charge attitude. While many probably do, you might also come across as a bit (or a major) control freak… and that probably isn’t a good thing.
Do you refuse to let others do certain tasks because they won’t do them “correctly”? Are you always the first one to speak up about what needs to be done first, second, third… and what is a waste of time? Do you only ask for help if you’re feeling like a sinking ship?
Loosening up a little and letting others’ feedback and job performance shine will not only ease some stress off your shoulders, but it will make others feel that you value and respect them more. Win-win!