How to Know Where You Stand with a Gemini

Not sure where you stand? For Gemini, it’s all quite simple!

Written communications are full of clues if you’re trying to figure out if a Gemini is really into you. Words are serious business to the Twins, so take note of the sign-off on emails or texts. That “Love” or “TTFN” was chosen deliberately!

Verbal interaction is just as important. A once-chatty and convivial Gemini who is now not so much could mean the bloom is off the rose. If times are troubled, he or she may suddenly be “too busy” to spend time with you. Chalk it up to a fascinating experience and move on.

How to Have It All, Gemini

How to (happily) juggle love in with all your other activities…

Flighty, fickle Gemini flits from one activity to another like a hummingbird. If your Twins could be two places at once, you’d be happy! Who has time to nurture a relationship? With a little creativity you can fit a love interest into your busy world.

You’re an expert multitasker. You can walk and talk and listen at the same time! Capitalize on that skill and bring your partner along while you run errands. The time will fly if you have someone to chat with while you pick up the dry cleaning, shop for groceries, or wash the car.

Dual Fitness for Twins

Get two workouts in one with this, Gemini…

Your sign is the Twins, so you like things in twos! You can give your relationship a boost by trying a few new experiences together—and no, they don’t have to be in the bedroom! Try taking an indoor-cycling class with your honey. Sweating in a dark room to great music, how much sexier can you get? Arrive early so you can grab side-by-side bikes. And you don’t have to bare all to look hot. Play up your best feature! Your sign rules the shoulders and arms, so show off those shapely triceps in a tank. Keep the mood going post-workout and enjoy a healthy snack at a casual café.

Gemini Loves Unusual Food

The way to a Gemini’s heart is an odd twist on cliché…

Gemini wants a break from monotony, so trying to pass off Wednesday’s leftovers as Saturday’s special dinner won’t cut it! If you’re cooking to impress a Twin, get out the cookbooks or go online and stir up something tasty, unique, and quick (Gemini doesn’t want to wait for hours while that crockpot does its thing).

Chocolate and apricot? Peanut and chili pepper? No taste combination it too wild or trendy for this sign! Gemini wants to be dazzled and learning about new cuisines is the icing on the cake.

Your Style Rocks, Gemini

Geminis may just be the most fashionable sign…

You gravitate toward anything trendy, fun, and different from whatever everyone else is wearing this season. If muted shades of gray, brown, and cream are the norm, break out the cheerful candy colors. Is the crowd wearing tailored suits? Loosen things up with fabrics that drape and flow. Your arms and hands are your pride and joy, so don’t hide them. Accentuate them with juicy-hued bracelets and dramatic rings. You can rock a hat like nobody else, so add a cloche, fedora, or other distinctive topper to your one fashion staple—confidence!

What’s Zapping Your Energy, Gemini?

A Gemini can’t stand fatigue—how to avoid it…

You’re usually so zippy that it’s weird when you drag. There could be a good reason for your lethargy. Try to figure it out and you’ll be back on the move in no time!

  1. Are you sleeping enough? You may think five hours a night is fine, but experts say most adults need seven to nine!
  2. Are you eating a good breakfast? Eat cookies in the morning and you’ll crash before noon. You need some protein to stay stoked until lunch.
  3. Are you exercising? It doesn’t have to be a full-on gym session. Twenty minutes at low intensity three times a week will give you an energy boost.
  4. Are you drinking enough water? You could be dehydrated.

Sweet Gemini Dreams

How Geminis can get more, better quality shut-eye…

One of the most soothing scents is associated with your sign. Not only is it a proven relaxer but lavender is also showing up more and more in foods and beverages. Your great-grandmother no doubt tucked sachets of dried lavender in the linen closet. Its aroma is calming and conducive to restful sleep.

For a lavender-flavored treat, crush two tablespoons dried lavender buds and 1/8 lemon with a wooden spoon in a large bowl. Add 1 1/2 cups blueberries and crush. Add eight cups lemonade and chill until cold, about two hours. Strain mixture through a sieve into a pitcher. Garnish each ice-filled glass with a few blueberries and enjoy!

Looking for Love? Try This, Gemini

Geminis are natural flirts, but are you sexy or sleazy?

The ideal party guest, you’re flirtatious and clever and can talk to anyone. You might walk alone into a room full of strangers, but you’ll leave with some new best friends—and maybe a date!

Nobody can work a room the way you do, so put that talent to good use if you’re looking for a mate! You’re brimming over with amusing anecdotes, newsworthy trivia, and witty stories. Take pity on the newcomer in the corner who doesn’t know anyone, or the cute but shy one by the buffet and go for it!

Take a Romantic Adventure, Gemini

Take your love life to a whole new level with this…

Variety is the spice of Gemini’s life, and that holds true if you’re looking for love. No boring neighborhood watering hole for you. You seek new adventures, so look where like-minded people are liable to be.

A noisy casino, arcade, or theme park where there is plenty to do can be a surprisingly fun and fruitful option. You have great coordination, so you can probably play a sport passably well, perhaps tennis, softball, or volleyball? Popular hiking and biking paths appeal to the physically active, and you can still talk if you keep the pace moderate! If you can’t get out and about, try to engage with an interesting movie that will keep you talking. Maybe even a romantic one!

Love, Gemini Style

Geminis have a unique take on romance —yay or nay?

While other signs may want to woo and be wooed slowly, you have a shorter attention span when it comes to love. You might aspire to languorous lovemaking, but who has the time or patience?

Your most delectable aphrodisiac isn’t oysters or chocolates, but a spirited debate. You are endlessly curious and willing when it comes to love and sex, so much so that you might forget about the emotional engagement part. If you meet someone with long-term potential, try to slow down and savor the moment (if you can).