Get Flirty, Gemini!

Give ‘em the (hot) shoulder, Gemini…

Keep your arms and shoulders in shape by doing lateral raises with hand weights or machines. Or use an exercise band at home. Stand on the center of the band, feet hip-distance apart. Hold a handle in each hand. Raise arms, palms down, to shoulder height, and lower. Do three sets of twelve reps.

And now that you’ve worked so hard to tone those sexy shoulders and arms, show them off! Use self-tanner or a shimmery lotion to accentuate the contours with a bronze glow, then dress them up in flirty, off-the-shoulder or cut-out tops and dresses.  Add a sculptural cuff and you’re good to go!

Your Evolutionary Style, Gemini

Ever-changing fashion on a budget—perfect for Gemini!

Everyone knows you’re easily bored, and that also goes for your wardrobe. Secondhand shops must love you because you’re continually casting out the old to make room for the new. Money can slip like water through your fingers if you aren’t careful, so stock your closets with marked-down bargains when you can. You know you’ll only wear them a couple of times before you move on to the next craze that catches your eye. And don’t forget to pin photos of your ingenious ensembles online for everyone to admire (and copy)!

Fit in a Split, Gemini!

(Almost) effortless exercise for Geminis…

Your sign is susceptible to accidents and injuries to your shoulders, arms, and hands, so be sure to build up their strength. You’re always busy, so nobody is suggesting that you spend hours at the gym (although you might meet some interesting people there). Tone up your biceps with some curls or squeeze a rubber ball while you’re talking on the phone at home. Do a few modified pushups against the wall. Bend your neck from side to side to stretch out the kinks. You know what they say about an ounce of prevention!

Gifts for Gemini

Geminis should add this to their wish list…

If you have a birthday or other event that involves gifts coming up, perhaps you could pass some hints to family and pals beforehand. They already know that the latest phone or tablet has your name written all over it, but you probably have several of each by now! A gift certificate to a brick-and-mortar or online bookstore would be apt, as would a deluxe assortment of bath and grooming essentials. How about an outing to a place with lots to do, perhaps a fair of the Renaissance, Maker, or techie variety? Anything that feeds your curiosity will do!

Posture Perfect, Gemini

Do this to look and feel better right now, Gemini…

How’s your posture? Gemini rules the shoulders, and slouching can lead to chronic aches and pains in your neck and shoulder muscles. Follow these guidelines to find out where, and how, you stand.

  1. Stand with your back to a wall, heels about three inches from it.
  2. Place one hand behind your neck, with the back of the hand against the wall, and the other hand behind your lower back with the palm against the wall.
  3. If you can move your hands forward and back more than an inch, there may be some distortion.
  4. Or, lie flat on the floor without a pillow. If your upper back is rounded, lying on the floor will be uncomfortable.

A Gemini Must-Try

This health trend is a must for active Geminis…

Be kind to your skin and it will be kind to you! Silky smooth natural oils are the latest thing for babying your skin. Experts say they moisturize better because they absorb more quickly than lotions. They also nourish your skin with vitamins and antioxidants!

Gemini rules the shoulders, arms, and hands. If yours have spent a bit too long in the sunshine, they could be dry and dull. To repair damaged skin, use watermelon seed oil. This highly nourishing emollient is rich in essential fatty acids that help restore elasticity. Blackberry seed oil, full of vitamin C and E, is also great for repairing sun-damaged skin!

Play Up Those Gemini Eyes

Let your eyes communicate—no words necessary!

The master of expressiveness, you employ your prodigious gray cells when you communicate, and make ample use of gestures to illustrate your points. Yes, your eyes provide the means to absorb knowledge and enjoy this beautiful world, but they also help you express your thoughts. “Dancing eyes” was probably coined to describe a Gemini!

Called mirrors to the soul, your eyes reveal the interesting and interested polymath that you are. Eat leafy greens, eggs, and other foods rich in vitamin A and lutein, important for eye health! Protect your peepers with ample sleep and (of course) stylish sunglasses.

Dining Out Gemini Style

Eat your evening meal in true Gemini style…

You’ve heard the joke. What does a Gemini make for dinner? Reservations! You’re so busy keeping up with your social and business contacts that you may not have the time (or patience) to prepare an elaborate repast for yourself or others. That’s why there is Chinese takeout, salad bars, and buffets—any place with lots of choices. Or try Mongolian BBQ, where you fill one bowl with your choice of meat, another with your choice of vegetables, and then let the chef combine them to perfection with noodles. You can even claim that you almost made it yourself!

Live the Freelance Life, Gemini

Gemini is the perfect candidate for this job…

Gemini was born to be an entrepreneur. Any job that involves slogging to an office to do the same boring routine day after day isn’t for you! You want variety in every aspect of your life, including work, and the lack of predictability or schedule in the freelance life is right up your alley.

You’re used to walking a tightrope sans safety net. You’re good at creating business ventures, but it might be wise to team up with someone who has a flair for finance, since one of your many strengths isn’t managing money!

3 Keys to Success for Gemini

For career success, Geminis need these 3 things…

Whip-smart with wide-ranging interests, your biggest career challenge may be choosing just one. How can you look dependable and solid if you’re jumping from job to job every few months?

Pick three interests and appease your restless spirit by pursuing all of them—one as a job, one as a hobby, and one as a freelance gig. You’ll be versatile and focused at the same time. With luck, you may even be able to combine two or more of them in one job, like writing and teaching, or public speaking and computer technology. You really can have it all!