Geminis Stars Work It!

Rest of his celebrity laurels? Not this Gemini!

Most people know Peter Dinklage from his star turn as the sardonic Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones, one of the few original characters who hasn’t been killed off! But he made his mark in Steven Buscemi’s Living in Oblivion in 1995, and The Station Agent, which won the Audience Award at Sundance in 2003. His success came after years of struggle and searching for roles that weren’t elves or leprechauns.

This Gemini gives credit for the success he’s enjoying now to good friends—but not luck. “Saying I was lucky negates the hard work I put in,” he said. “I’m fortunate enough to find or attract very talented people. For some reason I found them, and they found me.”

Famous Quotable Geminis

Inspiring words spoken by wise Geminis…

“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Broad-mindedness is related to tolerance; open-mindedness is the sibling of peace.” – Salman Rushdie

“I think the thing to do is enjoy the ride while you’re on it.” –  Johnny Depp

“People protect what they love.” – Jacques Cousteau

“I have seen what a laugh can do. It can transform almost unbearable tears into something bearable, even hopeful.” – Bob Hope

“Our very lives depend on the ethics of strangers, and most of us are always strangers to other people.” – Bill Moyers

How Do You Know It’s Real with a Gemini?

This is the clue that your relationship is the real deal…
Go on, admit it. You’re a flirt! Your dual nature means that you enjoy the cuddling, but you also like stimulation and the offbeat. How can you know if you’re ready to commit? If the other person is able to keep up with you tit for tat, then you may have a true meeting of the minds.

If you’re dating a Gemini, how can you tell if the feelings are real? That’s no easy task. There won’t be any soul-baring revelations, but if the talk turns from casual to personal, it could be more than a fling.

Gemini Hot Spots

This area of your Gemini body needs special care…

Your hands, ruled by Gemini, are two of your hardest-working body parts. Whether typing at a keyboard all day, carrying heavy loads, playing instruments or sports, or exploring (ahem) other things, they’re busy all day, year after year. Try this to show your hands some love, soothe sore muscles, and increase circulation.

  1. Stand over a table and place your hands flat on it. Spread your fingers.
  2. Press against the table for 15 seconds.
  3. Turn palms so fingers are facing your legs and press again.
  4. Hold your right hand in front of you, palm down. Spread your fingers.
  5. Use your left thumb to firmly press the webs between the fingers, one by one, toward the wrist.
  6. Repeat with opposite hand.

Are You Too In-Demand, Gemini?

Learn to relax as you enjoy your active Gemini life…

Gemini is the physical embodiment of mental energy. Your innate, insatiable curiosity spurs you to learn more and more (and more). You’re like a supercomputer processing excess data as you read, talk, play, work, and zip through life. It should come as no surprise that Jeopardy! champion Ken Jennings is a Gemini. But all that inquisitiveness comes at a price. You can quickly grow bored with a person, hobby, or job and move on to the next, leaving a trail of broken hearts, projects, or careers in your wake. Slow down and savor the moment!

Way to Show Your Love, Gemini

If you love someone, don’t forget to do this…

Other signs can keep their roses and chocolates. What makes Gemini feel most deeply loved (and in love) is communication. You want to be in contact with your significant other not one, not two, not three, but many times a day. It’s reassuring to know that he or she is thinking about you when you see that text or caller ID. If you’re out of touch for too long, you may as well not even be together! However, take a tip from a sensuous sign like Libra or Taurus and add some nonverbal messages with scent, touch, and taste!

Gemini Relationship Red Flags

This is not a good sign if your Gemini lover does this…

What is the one thing a Gemini could do that indicates all is not as it should be? That’s right—clam up! You’re usually so chatty that any extended period of silence should be a loud and clear warning to a partner that something is amiss. You are changeable and can be prone to moodiness, but don’t leave your mate guessing which Twin is in the room today.

Speak up! And if your Gemini partner suddenly goes all incognito and distant on you, don’t leave it alone. Talk and get to the bottom of the problem.

Laugh It Up, Gemini!

The easiest, effective therapy for Geminis…

Maybe you’ve tried meditation but found it too hard to quiet your nonstop monkey mind. Here’s some good news that seems tailor-made for Gemini—laughter apparently sparks the same brain wave patterns as those generated in experienced meditators! This brain wave activity means that almost all of the brain’s higher cortical regions are operating on a common frequency. It’s the same as being “in the zone,” you know, when you’re so into an activity that you don’t realize an hour has passed? And the effect is almost immediate, as soon as the laughter starts. Finally! A way to get the benefits of meditation without all that “om-ing” and sitting still, and you get to laugh! The planets have aligned!

Are You Managerial Material, Gemini?

Do Geminis sell their professional potential short?

Perhaps you’re considering making the leap from worker bee to queen bee. If you think you’re ready, you could be right.

Good managers must identify and solve problems. They need to hire the right people and delegate tasks. They must communicate well. They must mentor, motivate, and build teams. They thrive in changing circumstances.

And the most successful managers share one trait—they can get along with a wide variety of people. Remember, managers must also prioritize, focus, and budget. If you think you have what it takes, go for it!

Gemini’s Most Important Sex Organ

Gemini’s sexist body part may surprise you…

What is a Gemini’s biggest sex organ? The brain! Perhaps you have a weakness for playacting fantasy scenarios or a bit of saucy banter in the bedroom. Try to get your partner to play along. If not, never fear. Communication is your forte, so build anticipation by sending your lover some flirty texts or leaving playful, sultry voicemail messages about what’s in store for him or her on that night’s big date. You’re the master of improv and you love new experiences, so don’t be too specific. Play it by ear!