Tame Your Dualistic Nature, Gemini

How to make the most of your dual nature…

Your symbol’s two pillars represent your double-sided nature. There’s twice as much of you to go around, to the delight (or dismay) of others. You’re two times the fun packaged into one, perpetual motion machine. And since variety is the name of your game, you crave two, or more, of everything. Like any dualism, you have positive and negative points. When you’re outwardly charming, inside you could be nervous or already weary of this person, thing, or project. Your challenge is to meld your two halves into a unified whole so you can reach your full potential.

Learn the Ropes, Gemini

The surprising tool Geminis should be using…

Shape up your shoulders, arms, and hands and burn calories with the simplest of tools—a rope! Whether you climb it, jump it, or make undulating waves with battle ropes, you can torch calories and tone every muscle in your body. Plus, jumping, an activity most people don’t do enough, strengthens bones.

For more of a challenge, find a heavier jump rope (not one with weighted handles, which can stress wrists). Other benefits of rope work, say experts, include better coordination and reaction time, which is good news whether you play softball or catch that Christmas ornament before it crashes to the floor! Hop to it!

Gemini’s Ideal Mate

What a Gemini needs in their perfect partner…

air sign Gemini wants to keep the talk going. Your ideal partner is a good listener who can contribute to the conversation as well. You want to be constantly engaged—you hate to be bored!

Your partner had better be able to keep up or you’ll be on to the next relationship in the blink of an eye. But if he or she can ride the roller coaster of your constant need for excitement, stimulation, and novelty, you’ve got a keeper! (Don’t forget to show your appreciation as only a Gemini can.)

Do and See It All, Gemini!

Call on your inner thespian to reach dream fulfillment…

You’re interested in everything, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Perhaps you’ve tried hobbies, but at some point, they end up unfinished in the garage or a spare room. Why not try one that draws on all your talents—agility, communication, expressiveness, memory, wit, humor, brains (one could go on and on) and try local theater? You’ll meet people, entertain crowds, feed your need for variety, bask in appreciation, and challenge your mind as you memorize new lines and improvise onstage business for each new play. Prepare for a standing ovation!

Gemini Love Language

A Gemini’s communication style can be summed up by saying: “The more the better!” This sign is all about words of affirmation. From casual flirting to sarcastic jokes to serious in-depth conversations that last for hours, Geminis are all talk, all the time. If they can’t have both deep intellectual conversations and witty banter with you, chances are, they won’t see you as a serious relationship partner.

Thanks to Mercury, Gemini is all about transmitting information. However, this can become a problem in relationships as information for an air sign is more intellectual than emotional in nature. Talking to a Gemini can seem more like trivia and less like a vulnerable, intimate conversation about feelings.

That said, Geminis get incredibly frustrated when they can’t understand something, and will prefer to intellectualize and craft a narrative rather than sit with uncomfortable feelings. If you have an emotional issue, it will be hard for them to deal with your feelings.

Gemini Sex

Sex with a Gemini can be unexpected, in all the best ways! This sign is incredibly spontaneous, so don’t be surprised if a public hook up is in the cards with a Gemini. Whenever (and wherever) the mood strikes, it’s on!

This sign is all about flirting—something you’ll notice right away. And there’s probably no sign in the zodiac that is more likely to engage in some serious sexting! Because they are so creative, they craft fantasies and narratives in their head even before any clothes come off.

For Geminis, sex doesn’t have to be such a serious affair, but a way to connect and engage. They are no strangers to a casual hook up. Always true to their twin nature, they are comfortable having multiple partners (sometimes at the same time). They have a healthy and robust sexual appetite, whether they’re playing the field or in a committed relationship.

Gemini Symbol

When you think about Geminis, you probably think about their sometimes bipolar attitudes, right? So, it’s not a surprise to most people that air sign Gemini, ruled by logical Mercury, is symbolized by the lively Twins.

In Greek mythology, the Twins are based on the story of Castor and Pollux, two brothers who shared the same mother but had different fathers. While not technically considered “twins,” the two brothers were inseparable and known for their fun adventures. When Castor (who was mortal) dies, Pollux (who was immortal) can’t face living without him, and when he begs his father Zeus for help reunite them, Zeus makes Castor immortal as well so they can live together forever as the constellation Gemini, the Twins.

The Twins is the perfect symbol is for Gemini, given that their personalities are described as social and outgoing one minute and restless the next. Always ready to have a good time and often seen as the life of the party, Geminis are spontaneous, intelligent and endlessly witty and engaging types—but can be unreliable and petty, too. Which side of Gemini will you get? You just never know!

Gemini Rising

Ruled by the planet Mercury, Gemini rising people’s minds are restless and always seeking information. That one friend that keeps winning at trivia every single time? Gemini rising. This rising sign is like a mini thesaurus, Wikipedia, and Almanac all wrapped into one. Curiosity can almost be a fault here, as they’re more interested in finding out an answer than wondering if anyone might take offense to their initial question. But being charming as ever, as quick as Gemini rising might offend, they’ve already lured you into another topic.

This is an incredibly social placement, and as such, describes a person who needs variety in their life. Having multiple friend groups to bounce between in a necessity for Gemini rising people.

They have multiple sides to them. Thus, it’s easy for them to understand the duality in an issue. There’s a reason that their zodiac sign symbol is the Twins. This isn’t to say they lack loyalty, but rather, they prefer to have the flexibility to change their mind as they see fit.

Gemini Moon

With a mind that doesn’t stop moving, it’s easy to spot a Gemini moon placement. This lunar placement craves mental stimulation; they’re the friend you ask to join your weekly trivia night. Consuming information is their thing and Wikipedia is most certainly their most visited website. Reading and staying informed on what’s going on in the world is a priority. Gemini moon placements possess an endless curiosity, which can lead them to ask questions nonstop.

Gemini moon placements are chatty, witty, and charming. Their way with words can win over even the more serious of zodiac signs. This is generally a more outgoing placement for the moon, and someone who actually finds family through their friendships.

Gemini moon placements are chatty, witty, and charming. Their way with words can win over even the more serious of zodiac signs. This is generally a more outgoing placement for the moon, and someone who actually finds family through their friendships.

A Gemini moon can indicate that the native’s relationship with their mother was more intellectual than emotional growing up. Because of that, there can be an emotional distance when the moon appears in this air sign. They seek connection through conversation, and that’s how they truly achieve their deepest bonds in life.

Gemini Planet

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Mythologically, Mercury was the messenger of the gods, spreading information across the world. Thus, the planet Mercury governs all the ways through which we communicate, from conversations to the written word to signs or directions. In the modern world, this also extends to technology, so if you miss an email or get a garbled text message, blame Mercury!

Because it rules information, it also rules analysis and how we process that information (it’s no wonder that the two signs it rules, Gemini and Virgo, are two of the most analytical signs in the zodiac). Mercury is a deeply logical planet and is very influential when it comes to conversations that make us feel satisfied, confused, or anxious.

But the biggest reason you might be familiar with Mercury is thanks to when this planet infamously goes retrograde! Being ruled by Mercury, Geminis are especially susceptible to this cosmic stress. During Mercury retrograde periods, they may find themselves tongue-tied, off balance, or unable to express themselves.